Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave

Episode 391: The Emperor's Genealogy

moments and after the game of Flor. Originally this was a place to train, so I didn't suffer any serious injuries from just passing out for a moment, but was transported to a place where I was together to watch the game and put on a chair close to the couch.

But it was also instantly regained consciousness by Aura's healing magic. So, somewhere carelessly, I opened my mouth.

"Well... lost..."

"Ha ha! I don't know why you're such a promising man!

Flor tells against a moment of loss and regret. She apparently liked the moment she wanted to. I was in a good mood when I slapped him on the shoulder.

"Really, if you're a woman! So, only six months!

Flor tells instantly laughing in an upbeat mood. While the moment was passing out, I asked him how long he had been trained. Even less powerful than the men of the Battle of the Maiden (Valkyria) led by himself, but now he is in a better mood knowing that it has not been six months.

"No, really - it's a shame. Aren't you going to get feminine?

"Yes, no, let's not"

I shy away from words popping out of Flor's mouth with a face whose moments have drawn me quite a bit. Well, this must be natural. It would be rarer to snort when you ask if you don't want to be a woman against a man. but then Flor talked about flying and surprised the moment in a different way.

"Well, why don't you come to my son-in-law?

"" Ha!?

The surprise voices of the majority of the faces are summed up, not just instantly, in Flor's words. Well, when I turned down feminization, they asked me to marry you, so what are you talking about, state. I couldn't get my pulse abbreviation.

But apparently, for her, the muscles are coming through. Tell Lil to feel more at ease.

"What? It's not like you and Lil are gonna tear each other apart, is it? Besides, I can cook and sew because of the policy of the Soldiers once in a while. She's quite a woman, I am."

That's how it goes, and instantly it stuffs Flor, and the moment stretches under his nose with a man's sexuality. All this is about a man's sex. I have no choice. Her father breaks her head on such a daughter, while determining when she should intervene.

"Huh? No..."


Lil gets a little depressed and starts making noise gradually. Thus, Sora, who remembers homosexuality at a moment when she had gradually become confused with the training ground, questioned. Well, this is probably half what the help boat is meant to be, half the questions from the bottom of my heart, right?

"How is it possible to be feminized in the first place?

"Oh, I can kite."

It was Yuri who answered. What a surprise to me about it was how everyone except her - to the two of them throughout the pucci training ground, Flor, who seemed to enjoy it, and his father, who scolded it - were with him.

"Yeah!? How could you do that!

"Your brother never said that!

"Well, Kite, I didn't say it. He said he never wanted to use it again."

Unable to hide his surprise, Charm and Kuzha ask Yuri the truth of the matter. but in contrast, Yuri was laughing dull and remembering that time.

"Well, there is."

Yuri, who started talking quite pleasantly, but at the next moment an arrow flew in far beyond the speed of sound to plunder the tip of her nose and go.

"... Yes?

We were concentrating on Yuri's story. Together, but all of a sudden we blink at the arrow that flew in. The arrows were pierced by Vin, a strong defensive barrier that could not even be broken by an emperor's attack designed by a leading magician who made a sound, which was also deeply pierced by the strong magic metal ground created with prestige by the Empire's engineers.

Together, we first look slowly at the deep-pushed arrow like a broken brisket toy, then slowly check the direction in which the arrow flew in.

There was, reasonably naturally, a kite with blue bars on her forehead and a smile on her face. But only his eyes told him he was inside next.

"Well, it's time to start."

As Yuri sat down, they all looked at each other like Nobu and took their seats slowly. That's how Tran signaled the start of the game with a bar reading.


Unlike earlier World War I, the two kicked the ground at the same time as the game started. In terms of speed, there was a minute for Kite, so it was somewhat near the Emperor Leonhardt who collided.


Simultaneously with the enemy, the Emperor Leonhardt wipes out a giant sword as big as his.

His gear is this scarlet gold (Hiirokane) sword, a full plate armor made of Demonic Crystal (Orihalcon), and a circlet that resembles a crown somewhere on his face. As for the atmosphere, it is Sola who is not equipped with a shield.


The opposing kite aligns the double-edged knife with a blade above and below the pattern with the Emperor Leonhardt's great sword. Thus, between the two, a shock wave is created by a bump between the blades.

By the way, Kite's gear is on Lulu's long coat as usual, a pitch-black top and bottom created and knitted by the Fairy Queen. I didn't put anything on my head.



Without difficulty, the two of them move on to the impending shock wave, and then move on to the reward of the relative series of shocks. Naturally, but Kite doesn't mean it, and he can fight with the Emperor Leonhardt using the Great Sword. That's a lot better than Mel, even in Rank B. It was just a big sword to keep up with the speed of kite.

Thus, where the number of blades exchanged between the two counted 100, the emperor Leonhardt smiled. And as he grinned, shortly after the blades exchanged, he twisted his body slightly and rolled out a thoughtful middle kick to Kite. It wasn't martial arts like learning in court, it was a way of fighting in action.



Successful kite managed to defend, but skies horizontally through the air for about 10 meters. Kite sticks a double-edged knife to the ground to kill speed and land without difficulty. That's how I smiled at this one too, separating the double-edged knife from the middle of the pattern.



Emperor Leonhardt with a little surprise, but I respond to it because Kite has come all at once. Kate waves the blade in the air as she jumps up a little in front of Emperor Leonhardt.

Against such a falling kite, the emperor Leonhardt intercepts with a great sword, and kite uses the power of the collision to land a little further away. That's how he landed, Kite, but the next moment he disappeared.


In the next moment, the Emperor Leonhardt waves his sword against Kite, who appears on the back. The moment the metal hits each other, Kite's figure disappears again.

The next thing I saw was next to the right of Emperor Leonhardt. He waves the blade of his left hand, but the emperor Leonhardt's sword prevents it without difficulty. Not surprised that the kite was prevented, it just leaves a metal sound and disappears again.

As such, the remnants of several kites are born around Emperor Leonhardt, which disappear through the slaughter and kicking of Emperor Leonhardt. Kite fought at super high speeds with < > and < >.

"... here!

When there is such a battle. Emperor Leonhardt releases a high kick with his left foot against one of the remnants, and kicks more in the air with his right foot. The blow was capable of capturing Kite. It was done, but the kite laughed and prevented her right foot with the sword of her left hand to pass under her foot, shaking off half the blade held in her open right hand.


When the emperor Leonhardt notices the blade of his right hand to be shaken, he avoids with his right foot raised and his left foot alone at once and later in the backstep. I set up a sword to prepare for Kite, who moves further into pursuit, but at the moment of landing I lost my balance because of the attack of Kite, which blew up about 5 meters.

Thus, Emperor Leonhardt manages to stab the Great Sword to the ground and kill the momentum, rebuilding the Great Sword but not trying to head for Kite. I was going to re-divide it.

"Knock... aha ha ha ha!

Two repositioned, but suddenly Kite laughs. Kate twirls her two-handed sword against the emperor Leonhardt, who raises a single eyebrow and is surprised.

"Can't we win this? This was still comparable to his strength at the time I first met him."

Kate grins and tells against Emperor Leonhardt. The face looked very happy and even looked impressed somewhere.

"Apparently, you can also understand that His Majesty is said to be the strongest in the Empire without being light-headed. And..."

Kate grins like she's been impressed somewhere. And a glimmer of tears flowed from Kate's eyes. It was a delight but a tear of the late.

"Apparently, what we protect is handed down properly..."

"It's an honor. I am the Empire itself. Then that would be normal...... stupid question...... what is he?

You don't even have to ask.

The emperor Leonhardt, who perceived the meaning of Kate's tears, expresses his gratitude to the brave man who once fought with his own ancestors. In such an emperor Leonhardt inquiry, Kite rearranges into one at the same time that he throws his weapon up and catches it. Now, because you should understand.

Leonhardt, the emperor who took a good look at the double-edged knife he was able to do so, realized that it was a weapon he was accustomed to seeing. Having discovered who the owner of the weapon was, he laughs at what he has read.

"It's an honor to be on top of it."

The two smile and exchange words. He couldn't hide his joy when he was told that the Emperor Leonhardt was also stronger than his ancestors, who were said to be heroes, with a fierce grin that showed his dog teeth. Even so, this is close to his mistake. At the height of our ancestors, we had not yet arrived.

"Well... from here on out, as the brave kite, I will let you fight"

"Um, come on!

When Emperor Leonhardt responds to Kite's proclamation with temper, he himself wraps his hands around it. It is the secret of the Bernstadt family, < >. That's how he wraps the flame, he sets up a great sword and prepares for the battle with Kite.

"Okay, Brave Kite... I'm going to push you!

Kate shouts out and turns the weapon she had into a single-edged, body-length sword. That's how they run out again, bumping into each other in the center, and the collision between the Great Swords creates another shock wave. This time, however, there will be no transition to slashing each other, and a comparison will be made between the forces of impending imminence.


Emperor Leonhardt can roar. At once a flame blows out of his body to go with it and starts pushing kite. Kite, who began to be pushed step by step, had an extra grin on his face. Thus, when Kate grinned, he roared furiously, as he also echoed the emperor Leonhardt.


A roaring kite is suddenly engulfed in flames. Needless to say, he used < >. As Ballantine once said, Kite can also use < >, and just like him, he can do without accumulation in battle.


Emperor Leonhardt marvels at the momentum of Kite's < >. Thus, in that moment of consternation, the force loosened by Kate increases, and now the emperor Leonhardt begins to be pushed back. Kite asks against such an emperor Leonhardt.

"What do you need to be amazed at! I am a brave man who uses and ripens all kinds of martial arts! There is no reason not to use the power of our friends who have spent a long time together to ripen!

"But not this far!

The two, turned into a blazing flame, exchange words as they pressed each other with force. Emperor Leonhardt had taken this possibility into account, but he just didn't think that Kite could use a decent < > so far.

Incidentally, there are several stages in < >, but from Emperor Leonhardt, Kite's < > appeared to be about the same as his own < >.

Ultimately it will be the flame itself < >, but the emperor Leonhardt has not yet reached that stage. He was at that stage a few steps before. And now Kite is at the same stage. That said, Kate was still at a stage of restraint, as it seemed.

"Yikes... Ooh!

Keep pushing and losing. Having realized that, the emperor Leonhardt pushes Kite back with all his might when he boosts his magic all over his body, blowing it all at once.

So, Don, the kite blown with the sound, now thunder through the flames. It is < > created by the moment.


With a full face of amazement on his face, the emperor Leonhardt finds himself in a thunderous kite, but Kite changes his weapon to a double-edged sword again without ever approaching him.

As such, Kite instantly separates the double-edged sword, further deforming the double-edged sword and bending 90 degrees from the patterned area. Thus, when he saw the shape he could, the emperor Leonhardt raised his voice of consternation.

"A gun!

Kite's double-edged sword broke up from the middle and opened up and down. The double-edged sword peeked inside, and Kite was pointing its gun toward the emperor Leonhardt. Seeing such an emperor Leonhardt's amazement, Kate grins and pulls the trigger.

If the way Kite fought earlier was still Will at the beginning of the journey, this was now the way Will fought at the end of the journey, when Tina and the prostitutes were able to do it and everyone got their full gear. Thus, Kate tells it to Emperor Leonhardt.

"From here on out, it's him from the war! You won't have any trouble thinking it's the same as earlier!

"Come on!"

Emperor Leonhardt shields the belly of the Great Sword to prevent the bullets unleashed by Kite. In so doing, Kate takes advantage of the momentary gap the Emperor Leonhardt took his own eyes off to move sideways to the right and circle around the Emperor Leonhardt as he pulls the trigger.

Exactly. Neither can Emperor Leonhardt be defended except in the front by the belly of the Great Sword alone. So I had no choice but to drop the bullet with the slaughter of the great sword, but just with the powerful sword, I couldn't prevent all the bullets from pouring out of the air as well as 360 degrees in all directions, so I shot the bullet down while avoiding it.

"Chi! So much trouble with guns used by skilled warriors!

Finally, besieged by a magic bullet, the emperor Leonhardt accumulates his magic on the Great Sword and cleaves all the bullets unleashed with a horizontal sword at once. The power was out of step, but Merle once used it when surrounded by sea demons.

But Kate, who foresaw it, dazzled the slaughter by taking out his weapon again the Great Sword and fleshing it all at once to the Emperor Leonhardt, who sets up the Great Sword in an attempt to roll out the slaughter of the Horizontal Giraffe to the Emperor Leonhardt in a rigid state after waving the Great Sword.

"Don't lick it!

When Emperor Leonhardt growls at the kite he's headed for, he moves the Great Sword with forceful magic to increase the recoil that hangs on him even more.

So, uh, the emperor Leonhardt deviates. It was once that Kate used the recoil of the Great Sword to move against Mel. To the emperor Leonhardt, who shifted sideways in recoil, Kate deals with himself by moving himself forcefully with magic.



To the kite who has moved, now the emperor Leonhardt moves his body forcefully with the release of magic and manages to avoid slaughter. Against its emperor Leonhardt, Kite takes out a machete as long as his left hand and sets up a chase. It was here that Kate finally fought the way she was supposed to.

"Your torso is empty, Your Majesty!

Kate sets up the machete she pulled out with her left hand and fleshes again to the emperor Leonhardt, who later flew. Shaken off the machete. The emperor, Leonhardt, decides that with his feet not on the ground, and in an unstable position, he cannot prevent it, and deals with it by holding the machete back in one hand and tilting it off the track.

Keen, and the spark goes up and the machete is off track. That's how Kite, who wanted this flow, can smile and magic the Great Tail and the Great Sword.

"< >!"


When Kite exerts her magic on the deviating machete, the machete's orbit changes easily as if it had been played by the machete. Until now, Kate's machete was orbiting like the Emperor Leonhardt's machete, but all of a sudden the machete jumped up.

Besides, that doesn't end there. Now it falls toward the Great Sword as if it could be sucked, and the sound of gung, clashes against the Great Sword of Emperor Leonhardt.

Emperor Leonhardt, who gained the feeling for a moment that the great sword would be pulled by the great machete, manages to grasp the great sword with both hands, holding down one hand that paralyzes with the other, while layering more magical releases to release the intermission. But that's where Kate's pursuit with the sword of his right hand is added.

"Also one of Omake's < >!"

Now in a cutting motion, the Great Sword of Kate walked from bottom to top, and the Great Sword held by Emperor Leonhardt was lifted for a moment on top of the Great Sword of the Single Blade held by Kate, and blown up as it was bounced with the Australian style.

That's how the Emperor Leonhardt's great sword falls as he rotates as he comes up heavily launched. When Zan, and the Great Sword pierced the ground, there was never a victory or defeat.

"Brilliant, brave man."

"Your Majesty, you were brilliant."

Kate received praise while pointing a blade at the throat of Emperor Leonhardt, smiling and returning a praise that was not false. Thus, this battle was settled with the victory of Kate.

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