From the reunion of Kate and Riesha, the days of schooling usually continue. And that didn't make a big difference in the adventure department.

Well, there's nothing special going on here at the moment. In any case, because the Adventure Department is busy with some of the most powerful people, we couldn't afford to do anything peculiar with the increase in personnel. That was the situation where no one here in the upper echelons took the rank promotion exam for the time being.

In the meantime, Tina was performing an analysis of a composite soldier outfit combining demon guns and weapons pulled from the lab. Even though her presence was partial, thanks to her publicity, she was able to obtain the cooperation of personnel from the Imperial side, and she was able to use all the laboratories in the Duke's mansion, which were her original laboratories. No matter how many unknown weapons, the analysis was progressing well.

"Hmm... I can't believe you sent this design plan to the Imperial Institute for Simple Photography Demonic Props. So let me prototype, let me test all kinds of situations, and ask you to send me the data."


At Tina's direction, one of the researchers seconded by the Imperial Capital will have the blueprints loaded into a dedicated machine and sent to the central laboratory in the Imperial Capital.

It's natural, but the information we got was just a lot of stuff about weapons, and that was never all. We had also recovered the demonic props left over from Justitia's photography, and besides, we had salvaged a variety of objects that could also be used as civilian products, such as golems for repair.

"Hmmm... next time we'll see about the big sword-shaped composite weapon that Rui Shu got..."

Tina decides to use her spare time to check on the state of the weapons captured by Mizuki, after designing what could be described as a digital cameras for civilian use, using magic left behind by her mother.

After that investigation, various more exchanges were made with the Imperial Castle, and although the information was submitted to the Imperial Castle, it was agreed that the Adventure Department would own some of the weapons seized at the time. Well, for once, you have the merit of rescuing Henri, the Empress, after a fierce battle. It was only natural to get all that reward.

Thus, for a short time, a large sword-shaped composite weapon is set in a dedicated demonic prop to perform analysis from various angles. Once her vision is better, there is no point in analyzing it unless it is information that can be shared by 10,000 people, and mass production is not possible. It was for that reason that they were setting it up in demonic props and performing analysis.

"I see. That's a good idea."


"Uhm... look at what looks like a flying machine mounted on the back of this, for example"

"Isn't it a flying plane?

To Tina's words, one of the researchers who was on the auxiliary inquires with interest. As far as it looked, it was similar to the plane Tina built, but apparently it was a different object when analyzed.

"I originally felt uncomfortable... um. Now you're clear. Look, look at the description of this part."

Tina manipulates the magic props to present together the magical description of the booster part that looks like a flying plane. It was a part of spraying magic and changing momentum.

For some time now, we had observed and considered it, but there were still only researchers who had been dispatched directly from the Imperial Castle. I immediately noticed the discomfort.

"... oh, this is... too simplistic"

"That's not what I meant. This is not a unique description of the Mars Empire... but it does not allow the output to be adjusted. Simply on and off. To this extent, there is no obstacle to mass production. Whatever you do, just keep it moving."

Tina nodded in a good mood at the researcher's words, manipulating the demonic props for analysis, passing magic through the compound weapon of the Great Sword type, and even pushing the switch attached to the patterned part. Then the magic went through the part where the magic was described and the booster on the back was activated.

"I would be able to adjust the output depending on the amount of magic injected... well, I'm not thinking about the details."

"Does that mean that if you can adjust, you could have made it into a flying plane?

No, I can't do that.

Following a researcher's inquiry, Tina denies it. At first glance, I didn't feel like I could. But apparently, there's something wrong with it.

"Well, simply put, the composition of witchcraft is coarse. It is indeed simplified and suitable for mass production. but at the same time a little coarse. Perhaps this was developed after Lord Justiel's departure."

As Tina looks at the surgical configuration of the coarse magic prop, she discusses. Just as her sister, Justizia, was a former researcher of the Mars Empire, so was her sister, Justiel, an imperial researcher. It was also a well-known researcher who was said to have made the end of the empire possible by the fact that the two men ran away.

In fact, so the technology of the final period of the Malus Empire can be divided into three types. The times when Justizia, Tina's mother, was still conferring on the Empire and the times when Justiel was still conferring on the Empire. And then the last one.

"So, bye. If you knit a description that adjusts the output to this, you can fly in the sky to your satisfaction. Lord Justiel could have done it... but perhaps in that case, mass production would have been possible."

Tina discusses further as she looks at the composition of the sorcery. Nevertheless, there was no disagreement from the researchers, as it was a knowledge based discussion that could be described as common sense for all.

As Tina said a while ago, Justizia was good at creating a technique that was as versatile and complex as Tina was at creating a technique that was both mass-productive and fast to start.

Well, it's only natural that Tina is of the same technical lineage as her aunt, because she's her apprentice. Because Justiel taught her, she was also good at versatile technology.

Forget that. The two of them were there, and the empire's skills were perfect. If those two are gone, I also nod that Tina has become a coarse sorcery.

In fact, it was only natural that the Empire should send such a massive search party to Justizia. Perhaps if it were just Ixphos, the search party would not normally have been sent.

"Well, even if it's a surgical structure, it's sweet. There are quite a few wasted parts to erupt. Even if we try to fly with this, the fire power will be dispersed and we won't get a satisfactory output. Nor is it sustainable. Emergency acceleration. That's not the limit."

"What about the output itself?

"Sounds like we're making it special there. At this magnitude, a breaking output is obtained in sufficient quantities. but specialize in it, so adjustments have to be made with flushing magic. Probably put mass productivity and performance on the scale and took mass productivity. Probably Android to use this... don't you know? Well, I guess you decided to let the high-performance golem adjust."

Tina discusses composite weapons while combining the results of several analyses of the special golem that had been obtained before the team's site invasion - this is not a full-face type, but usually a machine. This was a reflection from there.

"Hmm... That said, this is still a uniform not suitable for mass production. It's a little too complicated to make it mass produced. Probably because of a special golem uniform called a special golem."

"Can we adopt a formula for the Imperial Army?

Naturally, it is an empire that is currently in the Cold War. You can't fail to armament by mistake. If so, it was also for the officials of their army to consider whether it could be used as an imperial army uniform. In response to such an inquiry from Mel, Tina decides to discuss cost performance, etc., for a while.

"Hmmm... well, it's not bad for a composite weapon that can handle all kinds of situations... because Rounds' weapon was supposed to be used by those knights in the first place... if it's a one-off weapon..."

What Tina reminds me of is an organization that was building weapons with the same idea on Earth. That said, there too, he was making a weapon with a demon gun and a melee weapon in close treatment to a one-off. Tina used to make similar weapons as a one-off, but it's still a one-off. I didn't mean to make it mass produced.

Because, like Kate, it would be nice to have a technical squad that always combines his powers as a warrior as a Tina or a unit, but that's not usually the case. Many soldiers have to take care of their weapons individually.

Therefore, weapons used on the battlefield are above all respected for their simplicity and ease of handling. Even the soldiers at the end who don't know the weapons in detail are easy to care for, and the production costs are cheaper. In addition, where the enemy captured us, there was no major spill of technology.

Conversely, when combined, maintenance becomes cumbersome for that matter, production costs are higher, and technology is more complicated. The pain is huge when you lose it. Given that, it would still be incompatible as a weapon for personal portable use that would allow them to reach even the average soldier. So Tina decided to wipe her neck.

"No, you can't be profitable. Then it would be a good idea to develop the Demon Gun as a Demon Gun and let the Sword develop as a Sword. Do it, about a sword. Better not make more than that. If you're going to make it out of this uniform, you'd better make it only for units that can think of activities in various situations with special forces specifications."

"So mass production of demon guns is another dream of dreams, and... Okay. I'll report that to your father."

Take Tina's advice and set it out in a note that Mel will refer to when she writes it up in her report. Her role here is to determine whether or not the results of the research can be seen militarily and brought to life. By the way, it was Shea's area for anything else.

"Phew... That's not a bad idea to plant a booster in your sword... Mel. You want to try it?

"Hmmm... if I may say as a Great Swordsman, you deserve to think about it for just a moment. Well, I don't know if I need to try it... Maybe I can travel fast with a booster or something... If the Great Sword can be considered as an emergency exit because it really stops, then I think it deserves practical application. Thank you for accelerating and increasing your power."

Following Tina's inquiry, Mel thinks a little. Boosters on the Great Sword will only increase the destructive power of the devastating Great Sword. The ease of use would also worsen for that matter, but if it could be seen as a trump card, it deserved to be fully taken into account.

"I see. Indeed, if viewed as an emergency exit device, it would be worthy of consideration. You've left out the rest of that... it would be better to incorporate it into your next small magic armor development plan. Advice, thanks"

"It's an honor to be thanked by the Demon Emperor."

Makes Mel seem happy with Tina's words as if they lit up somewhere. That's how she sent her gaze to the Great Sword a little blindfold, and, uh, inquired.

"So, what do you do with this?

"Mm-hmm. You can't keep using it on boulders. Too much flavor. With all the improvements, it's too user-friendly for Adventure students to use... well, we'll have to leave this one off the renovation, break it down into a few pieces, and develop it."

In response to Mel's inquiry, Tina rapidly makes a development plan in her head. Fortunately, we did a few parts redecoration and just improved the base Grand Sword composite weapon as we found it. I didn't expect the renovation work to take that long. Thus, their time lapsed after this while some demonic props and weapons-related analyses were carried out.

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