Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave

Episode 713: Summoning and Return Devices

Having heard what had happened to this floating city of Reingard, and hence to the ancient civilization that supposedly built it, under the description of Legado's artificial intelligence "Legado," Kate and the others, in the words of Legado, had taken to the most important sensitive area where the most important of the ruins, the summoning and repatriation equipment, was located.

That said, it wasn't the fifth level we knew, it was a hidden and even lower area. Again, as the kites assumed, there still seemed to be a lot of areas they didn't know about.

"Ahead, the subpoena is resting."

"Ahead of this, elevator. Hey... you never really saw it?

"I don't know about Non. In the first place, I've always said I don't know where it is."

"Isn't it just because Palazzo Miyamoto didn't look into it in the first place or isn't going to go back... I don't think I can go back in the first place, but..."

Asahi princess sighs at Musashi's words as she boards the elevator. We both didn't actually know where the subpoena or repatriation device was.

Because Musashi didn't intend to go home, as she was told, and Asahi Princess, who was still going home initially, but she also gave up because she could see the possibility of dying if she went back over there.

He snuck through untouched God, who touched each other's mischief and had trouble inadvertently transferring them. As a result, nothing had been investigated to date.

Of course, it was a big deal that the researchers couldn't get inside. Well, either way, they don't have enough researchers. This is after the majority of them were killed or manipulated, as Legado mentioned, even though it was originally a laboratory. I guess there was nothing I could do to investigate.

"When both Noun and the princess noticed, they stood on the observation deck on the upper floor of the ruins. That's why I've never been here."

"I don't need to be exposed to the details of the subpoena and repatriation devices. After the summons, it's set to force me to forward it to the observatory where I say it is now... well, that's what badly affected me when I said 'immortal malice (shaggia kurl)'... '

Following Musashi's words, he tells us why Legado was being put out in a strange place. I guess this one was thinking right in case, but we could still see the pride.

If you couldn't seize it, you weren't thinking. No, I know you were thinking, but I guess you just said you were stronger than you thought. Talking like that, the elevator stops.

"This is the hidden area of the Nimbus Institute. This is the most important sensitive area. If you keep going straight, there's a real director's office ahead of you. '

"Really... is that the door?"

"I'll let you see it later"

I got off the elevator. I greeted you in a passageway with no change of philosophy. There are no turns, it's the main road. A little further, there was a branch road, with the road parting left and right and middle.

If we keep going straight as Regado says, we'll have all the information on this lab. I guess it leads to the director's office. The material is unknown, but the door was visible.

"So, what's the device?

'Turn right and you will be in the area where the summons and repatriation devices are installed'

"What about the left?

"It's the library. Manuals on summoning and repatriation devices, military classified materials, etc. should have been kept. '

"Should? Not now?

"Shortly before the director was manipulated, he was ordered to wipe out all materials relating to the transfer device as his last resistance. Probably most of them are extinguished. Unfortunately, I was already half-functioned by the divine influence of Immortal Malice (Shaggia Kurl) at that time, and almost all of the surveillance cameras were stopped. Furthermore, there are no cameras installed in the library to avoid material leakage. Details unknown. '

Apparently, by the time the then director of this laboratory was manipulated, a slight rug existed. Understanding the unsuccessful summons, I guess they tried, as their last resistance, to destroy the material. We don't appreciate it if it's a success, but as far as they're concerned, it was the right decision.

That said, if that's the case, I wanted to confirm it first. That's why Kate asked Tina.

"... so you want to check first?

"That would be good. If there are any manuals, etc. of the devices that the rest of us are looking for, they will also be useful to investigate... can you ask for them?

'Okay. Door opens and closes here'

Legado, who received Tina's request, unlocks the door to the library. but as soon as it opened, it was understood that the kites were useless to enter this room.

"You're not a Buddha... Nanbu"

Musashi smallly twinkles, each praying for blessings in their own form in the same way. It was the white boned body that opened the library to welcome the kites. It was also not just a body, but the body of a researcher whose part of the white coat had been torn to the point of pain. And the white coat was stained with bright red blood stains. It's a wound that's unlikely to help, and it hasn't helped in fact. Whatever this wound looked like, it was a cause of death.

Since the door had fallen in at the same time as it opened, it was probably seated in such a way as to bring it to the door. So in prayer of bliss, Kate took what seemed to be a registration card attached to the researcher's clothing. It was painted with blood on top of a little cut with the photo stuff, but his name and rank were legible as well.

"... Head of the Cover-up Ceremony Development Office... his name is... Levenant Augusta. You know what?

'Yeah. I'm the head of the room a few generations later, who was taking over after Master Charlotte to do research on cover-up techniques. He was deploying a concealed form to make sure the summoned was safe. Therefore, he was entrusted with the destruction of materials in the hope that he could escape from the Undying Malice.

"Well... inside... still, no"

Kate peeks inside and understands the tragedy. What was inside was some kind of burning cushion and a piece of metal that looked like the wreckage on the paperwork shelf. The material was unlikely to be expected at this appearance.

Because the wall could not be seen after any destruction, some sort of magic was used to completely destroy the material, and now the "ancient magic (enchanted spelling)". I didn't know the details.

"... you can't. Nothing left."

"Neither can this one... it's good to see that this has been completely discarded. Let's... hmm?

I've been investigating the dossier room for a while, Kite and Tina, but all the material was still destroyed. He should be commended for accomplishing the last thing he had to do with all those injuries, rather than throwing up evil.

And that's how the two of us gave up, but trying to get back there, Tina noticed something. Something brown was peeking out of my white pocket.

"This is like... a notebook..."

Tina notices that something was a notebook for her hand, something she was peeking through her white pocket. That was how his handwriting looked.

That's how Tina opened the last page for now. It was a plundered letter there, but the last of his words were noted.

"... the last order went through... I don't think this will change anything... but I showed him the last will of the Nimbus Institute... I don't know where he is, but he won't give me the information... Hmm... but somehow, the director is telling me to open it... only from the inside with an emergency decree... if the director knows how to open it... I guess that's not the director anymore... and finally, I hope you read this... stupid father like you dedicated your life to research alone, and he did this at the end... but forgive me for such a father... I love you..."

Apparently it was his will. At the end was a message to the beloved. With a great grasp of what happened that way, Tina returns to the front.

"Hmm... apparently not the kind of research notes. Write down what you think. It's like a miscellaneous note."

"... if it's a research note, I thought... is that convenient?"

"Probably keep it together, but it's in that ash"

Tina turns to the wreckage of the burnt-out material and speculates that it was included in it. Only this note seems to have been left by him as a will. It was reasonable to assume that all other research materials had been discarded.

Note that a research notebook is a notebook on research written by persons involved in research such as so-called development. Think of everything in that research as written down.

It may be written down from the experimental results to the analysis results to the person's inference. I thought researchers who would leave information in paper form would do the same.

"Okay. Thank you, Doctor. Let's go next."

"This body was discussed with Legado while you were conducting your investigation, and we decided to bury it later in Reingard's cemetery."

"I'll take care of it"

Tell Kite as Princess Asahi hangs a cloth on her body. Apparently, they decided to bury this researcher as a compatriot inside. If you ask me, I will prepare the coffin later and collect it again. There was a similar name to the old stock inside, so if possible, I would have it put in the same grave. As such, they leave the library and once again proceed to a laboratory with a summons and repatriation device.

"Open it."


As Kate asks, Legado opens the door again. It seems that all the doors in this lab cannot be entered without an ID as a researcher, and the door had to be left open and closed to Regado.

"This is..."

'Three capsules resting in the centre are summoning devices brought into the Nimbus Institute. It's all set in Japan now.'

"You were going to start all three from the start?

'No, the other two were the folds of a former battle, set by me as a last resort when I heard Mitra's wish. I didn't know there was a world where civilization existed other than that... so I set it up acquired to avoid the tragedy of' Undying Malice (Shaggia Kurl) '. to summon two equal degrees of power. Physical change was unexpected to me. "

Listen to Tina and Regado will explain the situation. So, having let a little apology seep in, she apologized to Musashi and the others.

"... I'm sorry about you guys, but then I had to..."

"Ka. You don't have to apologize. Non got his wife because of it. Thank you. I have no grudges."

"I, too, was originally destined to die there at age 17. Given that, you owe it to me to live like this now. Thank you. I don't resent you."

With Regado's apology, Musashi and Princess Asahi laugh and make it clear that they don't care. We're both happy with the status quo. I'm not going to tell you to go back to Earth now. I tied too many edges here.

"Thank you."

"That's good. Look, just show him the evacuation device and what you did."

'Okay... the repatriation device is currently stored inside the hangar. The hangar's in the back room. "

Legado's words are followed by a door that leads further behind the lab. Just like here, a large, cylindrical capsule was installed there.

'This is the repatriation device. This current setting is blank (blank). The unsuccessful summons destroyed all of the Earth's location settings and was in the process of being reset.'

"With that said... can it be used by us too?

Second, Kite asks Legado in his mind. It would be quicker if you let me use this than you could create your own return method with a repatriation device. but of course, that's not wholesale by the inquirer. So Regad denied it.

"No, this evacuation device is equipped with a safety device that prevents people other than those who have been transferred from being transferred, and a huge output is required to use it once."

"How long? If it's a safety device, we might be able to do something about it."

'Right... to the extent that it takes six months to use one, using all the dozens of demon conductors floating this legado... there used to be even more additional units supplied by the state as an external power supply, so it was ok... but now it looks like it's all lost'

At Tina's request, calculations are carried out using the arithmetic functions regained by Legado. Incidentally, the Magic Conductor furnace mounted on this legado is an object of ancient civilization and performs better than today's state-of-the-art Magic Conductor furnace.

For once, the magic conductor furnace is also excellent today, so it is not nearly impossible to compare, but nevertheless, the magic conductor furnace of Legado, a legacy of ancient civilization, was better. That's all we need. Besides, it's six months to use it once. Firstly, it could not be adopted as a plan.

250 years for 500 people... dismissed.

"Bye. I still can't help the output itself..."

To Legado's words, both Kate and Tina give up. Again, this should have been kept to the point of reference.

"Well, fortunately, we only have the Earth's location, or... we don't have this blueprint or anything, do we?

'Yeah. Here's just a sample and these three brought in. Blueprints are in another lab somewhere. "

"Okay... so, tell me. Where are the samples?

"Sample... oh, that's a sword. Then it's still installed in the center of the subpoena to observe the location."

In response to Kite's words, Legado prompts him to return to the subpoena room. Apparently, a sample is a sword. With the exception of Tina, who heard that, returning to the previous room with a little hope, she opens the device in the center of the subpoena and checks inside.

"This... looks like a knife, too..."

"That's the inside... is it... is it about 90 cm long..."

"Hmm... it looks much older than what Nong and the others use... and don't let go of your incredible divinity..."

"One of the things that the gods possess, you might consider"

Again, when it comes to the knife, the color of the third person, except Tina, changes. I was intrigued by the ancient Japanese sword that appeared. So Kate decided to take it out.

"Well, why don't you just take it out"

"Well... don't fall in the wrong way."

"I know... for once, I'll wear white gloves."

Kate thinks this might be worth it as a piece of art, so she keeps her white gloves in place just in case. but I didn't think that was how I took it and poured it in, and I blued my face.

"This is... no way..."

"What's up? What the hell is wrong with you?

Musashi asks Kite, who is blue-faced and out of time. A little alert would still look at Kite's situation. Thus, Kite proclaimed the origin of this sword.

"No... this is definitely a shitty product... but not in the sense that it is... this is... < >... the authentic authentic..."

"" Is...?

"< >? What the..."

Two people, Princess Asahi and Musashi, were unexpectedly weakened by Kate's words, and Tina twisted her head saying it was a name she heard somewhere. To Tina like that, Asahi Princess tells her to bluish her face.

"< >... is the divine sword that the Kamiku Emperor was used. Prior to that, Tamikatsuji Hammer Life (Tamikatsuzu only) was believed to have been used for peace. That divine power cuts off the temper, and retreats the desolate God," he said.

"Oh, bye. I told you, the shark guy disappeared unexplained a long time ago. Did they call you here?"

"If that's true, what a terrible..."

Princess Asahi seeps fear into words from Tina. She was a Maori princess for once. The priests at the Shinto Shrine were able to hear about the < > and the anecdotes.

Therefore, he couldn't overlook the fact that he summoned < > to another world for as long as he wanted. I'll see how that goes and make it clear again that Legado seems sorry.

'I didn't know it was a treasure sword of that name. On behalf of those of the time, I apologize again. This is good for you, Kite. Please take it back to Japan from here.'

"Give it back to the Lord of Heaven and the Hammer of War."

"I also command from Non. This should serve a proper shrine."

"Okay. I will pay you back."

In response to the words of Princess Asahi and Musashi, Kite holds onto the < >. Until now, it was in Japan, so it was the best product to take back to the boulder. It is involved in the founding of Japan. It was best to take it home. Thus, the kites gained the < > signpost.

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