The kites who delivered the Furies returned to the nearby mountains so as to take them back first, entering the position they had set up with the remaining troops.

"Well... so?


"The thief hasn't noticed yet."

"What about from the cave?

"Still not answered. The movement has not become active"

Following an inquiry by Titos, information is reported from soldiers on watch.

"The enemy has a troublesome 'cocatrice'... well, what do we do"

One of the senior military officials comes up with an idea of what to do. The rank of "Cocatrice" is S, but rank B as its actual combat ability. Aircraft makes it easy to start and finish.

That said, if you get out of the cave that you did, the story goes into the premise. It is not a hand that can be used in the current state of being trapped in a cave. I cut one mountain down on bandit extermination, then I don't see the face of the army. That's how Kite, who was in as an ob-server, laughed at the senior official asking what he would do.

"They're not coming out. If we get out, we'll kill him or we'll be captured, but we'll tie him up... no, a beheading sentence. Still, let's cut him loose, if that's the guts I looked up to... but there's no way a brave, brave guy can fall for a bandit... then you can use it."


I don't know who Kate is, but everyone seems to have listened to the adventurer Titos has invited to this occasion.

"Have him locked up," he said?

"Oh. Well, to that. I don't care if you come out when you blow it."

"Although it would be easier to crusade 'Cocatrice'?

"Ha... trash would run away though. It's harder to clean garbage than chickens, when they move around."


That's for sure. All senior military officials agree with each other face-to-face. The most troubling thing is that the bandits will be able to escape the scene. If we could have escaped, we could have been hit by self-abandonment and the damage would have spread.

The bandits are close to the scouts as adventurers and military roles. So it's where they get to hide the signs or create a way out. So survival was gathered and bandits were formed again, which constantly plagued senior military officials.

Indeed, the troubles were more troublesome for the bandits around wisdom who worked lawlessly even before fleeing than, if you ask me, merely returning to the wild where they had escaped. So Kite offered.

"Lord Titos. Some of them are good, so I want to borrow command of the military."

"What are you going to do?

"Hmm? Kill."

Senior military officials freeze their spines. The words I said with a smile, they're all kills. Too, horrible.

"I have hands on efficient and efficient bandit hunting. Look, they're gonna get us. The women are gonna get us out of here."

"... what do you do?

"Can you tell us what to do?

"Oh, that's good. It's easy."

Listen to Titos and Kate will pass on the operation. That was a really very simple operation.

"... Mmm."

"Huh? Isn't that easy?

"Dear Titos. What will you do?

"... Either way, that's all I have as an empire. Like a bandit, my mother gave me a hand to survive, then I won't stand up for it. I will adopt this measure."

Given that Kate's maneuver was more about the total annihilation of the enemy than about the total annihilation of the enemy, it was a reasonable maneuver. Except for one word of ruthless outrage.

but you can't live with that because it's the real world of bandits. One hundred commandments. You have to show it to me.

"Good. Then let me be ready"

"Okay. Move your soldiers."

In response to Kate's words, Titos begins to move his soldiers. That's how the mountain hunt by the Valtard Empire began, led by Kite.

Now, the first thing Kate did was tell the bandits about the raid.

"Ooh, ooh. Try to escape, take what you've got."

Kate laughs as she observes the bandits rushing to prepare for withdrawal. They don't have horses. You don't have to use a horse to find Cocatrice. And dragonless is outside. Then what is it to be used for transport?

It existed only in 'Cocatrice'. And to Kite, who sees them like that and smiles, instantly - he was in the operation too - asked.

"Was it good?

"Am I?"

"No... can't you get away with it?

"Bandits are a lump of greed. Then the first thing to think about is to bring out the treasure we took before the enemy arrived. If the raid isn't there yet, carry out the treasure before you run away. It's the treasure I got. You don't want to let go, do you? This is with the average person. No one is more manipulative than greed-driven people."

Mock at the bandits Kate is desperate to figure out a way to escape. If you do, you're in trouble, and that's why you're a bandit.

"It's the chicken. If you don't use it at times like this, you'll lose it... because of your mobility and combat skills."

The situation in the cave was not instantly known, but it seemed to be in a great hurry to get ready. Anyway, there was noise and noise in the cave from earlier, and there were many bandits of things out of the cave. I understand that someone must be in good command.

"What's the situation?

'All those who come out are on watch. At the same time as the signal, it is possible to capture'


Kite laughs at the report she returns. There was another reason I told the bandits about the raid. It was also to get all the bandits back to Asia once.

I just don't think the bandits have the telecommunications magic tools they can carry together. That said, if you let it go as it is, the military will catch you or crusade you, and you will just drain your troops naughty.

Even the bandits will understand that. When that happens, the order moves, or we have to get the kids back immediately. Then it's easy to do. We just need to keep an eye on the preaching and find out where the children are. The bandits will guide us. Don't get lost.

"This is 5th Squadron. Bandit's detachment has taken over the perimeter of the ruins. '

"Good... Lord Kite. What's your status?

"Almost there, you wait. I want to rush you a little bit more."

To Titos' words, Kite answers with a tongue lick. Not yet, it's early. When the rush reaches its limit, it's time to attack. That's how Kite sharpens her ears.

"... now!

Kite makes the decree. At the same time, the sound of an iron cannon rang. At the same time, the raid begins where the bandits chose to occupy the next Azit.

"Him! The airship above starts the attack!

"Really, I want to use it after I know the power of the cannon... but I can't."

The roar goes off. Besides, the bandits showed movement. Naturally, it's a retreat.

"Hurry up! Contact my father!

"Chi! This is the right time! Almost there!

One of the sights tells the surrounding area that the raid has begun. but we don't raid yet. Instead of sneaking in and starting a fight. Then I can get away with it. There must be another escape route in the cave. This is just the place where 'Cocatrice' can come in and out.

"Well... unfold the phantom! Hide in the shade of the trees and make sure you don't know exactly how many people there are!

"Copy that!"

At the behest of Kite, the army magicians create illusions of the soldiers. It's a very simple procedure, but the rushed bandits didn't seem to be able to tell.

"Coming! Run, all of you!"

"Oh... I'm in. Ugh. You're the dumbest. They all escaped to the spot. Someone should stay and check it out."

Kate laughs when she sees that all the sightings have withdrawn. I thought I'd clean up one or two of them outside, but I never thought they'd all withdraw brilliantly of everything.


Kate slowly stands in front of the entrance to Azito as she looks at the backs of the bandits who fled in. I can't feel anyone's gaze. And when he made sure he was safe, he sent signals to the soldiers in the army.




"Yes, sir."

"Great... then do it"

"Ha! Acoustic activation... plays burst sound"

At the behest of Kite, the army magicians begin to sound the explosion simultaneously. Just the sound. I'm not attacking.


You're already here!

"Abandon that entrance over there! You can't leave with that number!

I understand that bandits cannot use the entrance or exit they normally use for the roaring noise coming from the outside. And to the voice that rang from inside, Kate figured out that the entrance and exit were still not the only place.

"Keep doing it. Understanding Internal Structures"


Kate relies on the bursting sounds of the army magicians to grasp the internal structure of the cave. Same principle as a bat sonar. The echo is used to understand the internal structure.

"... there and there and there"

Kate takes out the wand and causes the massive rocks to descend into certain points in a row. It's all an emergency exit made by the bandits. Now the only entrance and exit is here where the kites stand.

So, for a while. The kites use only sound to confuse the bandits. Only sound. Nobody thinks we should go check on the enemy. The enemy is the elite of the army. There's no way to win.

If you don't want to be killed, the idea is to stay away from the entrance. That's why nobody checks. And then Kate started producing countless fireballs, sideways with it.


"Not this way!

"This way too!

What the hell is going on?

The bandits panicked when they realized that all the emergency exits they had created had been completely sealed off by unexplained factors. Besides, kite gave me a nasty grin.

The bandits are now far from the entrance and exit. I'm trying to open an emergency exit, but there's no way I can do something about Kite to them. That's how he butts the desperate and hurried bandits, and Kate begins to work out the countless fireballs he kept generating into one.

"Come on... this is where hell begins"

It was the blackened and disastrous flames that Kate created by working out the fireballs. The blackening blackflame reminded me of Hellfire. And you were right.

"No pity is needed for those who have fallen into the path of animals... < >!"

Without any mercy, Kate threw the black flame into the cave, instilling more magic all at once. Thus, the blackflame, fueled by the magic of Kate, increases fire at once and begins to cover the cave.

"What, this flame!?

"Black... Flame...?

"Coming Soon!?

Inside the cave, the confusion of the bandits echoes.

"If you hang your enemies on a fire gauge, you lose your way out."

Kate smiles a little and watches the end of the cave. I think we're together all the time. If you don't fall, this won't happen. Yet he falls, which is why he sees hell. And that's how they burned it all down. It stopped Kite from sending magic into it.

"... you're done."

"Copy that... sweep operations on the detachment's side are in progress"

"Got it. Heading for backup..."

I'm heading to cover. That's what I tried to say, Kite, but I noticed that things rang in front of me.


"Ugh... ah... with a nozzle..."

Apparently, he survived by chance. I didn't burn it down with kite in mind. With so much luck, there is no zero chance of survival. I guess you're about to say, blessed with so much luck.

Kite then inquired with a chilled out eye about the survival of a bandit who sought rescue while pulling his half-carburized body apart and wearing it down. Apparently, he didn't even recognize the earliest bandits.

"Help, or... you guys, you helped those guys."

The sound of, uh, bandit survival falls and falls. It sounded like a gunshot, and it was Kite who shot him. At the time Kate was still hearing bandits, she was constantly asking. I was wondering if you helped the people you wished to help.

I couldn't have helped. What they fear more than anything else is retribution. Both sweep operations by the military and crusades by groups of adventurers are all reprisals for the evils they have done.

Then we have no choice but to plunder thoroughly, including even life, before it is retaliated against. That's the way they choose to live. And waiting at its end was a natural ruin.

"Karma... your evil deeds have brought me here. Even if you die, don't forget. Wait at the end of the violence, this is me... zero remaining enemies. We're going to cover the detachment now."

Copy that.

After hearing what Kite has to say, an army operator starts guiding you. As such, the kites went to support the detachment after completing the squad's crusade without any hassle.

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