Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave

Episode 837: gossip - a woman's past -

Let's say that in one video game, the brave men will be relative to their friends and the Demon King. The Demon King is mighty. While this HP stopped at thousands of levels, his HP was definitely well over 10,000.

The middle bosses boast so high HP and MP that they can only think of it as a front seat, they come in a series of high-powered attacks. This is the last one you'll remember. Sometimes they attack you further up the magic. The damage will also be different digits from the previous bosses. Demon King. No, it's the right strength for Lasbos.

But I want you to reconsider a little here. And yet, the stats of the demon king's ATK, DFF, SPD, etc. on the inside are often equal to those of the braves, or even outweigh the braves if they are bad. Yeah, and still would be summed up to a high standard. Only HP/MP is out of digit.

Of course, this is a game. If it is set to different digits to other statuses according to HP/MP, it will not be a winner on the player side. Video games are a combination of these numbers and the opponent's numbers, which punch into the formula to calculate the damage. If the opponent is in the wrong digits, there is no way he can win.

Even if you're lucky, you can't beat the Demon King in a bunch of brave stats. The opponent is too hard to deal with damage, the opponent's CRT/LUK judgment is high, and there is no Critical for Ignoring Defenses. No pre-emptive attack. Another dream of dreams. Plus, the opponent's attack power is too high, and this one must be destroyed with one blow.

Where such power is bound, if you strike with all your might, it is your word. Later, the recoil, which exhausted all its power, diminishes its power and drives it into jilli poverty. It's impossible to sharpen his HP. There's no way you can win.

But wouldn't it be questionable from the standpoint of setup here? I wonder why only values about damage are equated with the braves. I could only be called the Licking P of the Demon King.

Anyway, HP and MP are wrong digits. It should be normal for ATK and DFF values to also be out of digits with the braves. It's odd, on the contrary, that only HP and MP are abnormally expensive. Is both low or both expensive? That would be the natural form it should take.

"It's not natural. Because if you do it naturally, you can't beat the braves. It's the only way to make it unnatural, you can't possibly win."

That's right. The game is only, the Demon King loses and ends. The possibility of the Demon King winning is not available from the beginning. Therefore, values such as ATK are dropped to a winnable range.

"The brave end up beating the demon king at all times. A brave man who worked so hard to get the world back. Repeated history. Decided story. Stories laid down in Happy Endings. The promised victory... then why is this happening?"

Oh, naturally. Anyway, we have a story to start with. Demon King loses. No matter how powerful, the demon king of 'evil' loses to the brave man of 'good'.

Whether the metaphorical Demon King has dozens of times more power, it is the Demon King's loss. Anyway, that's what we're gonna do. That's the story. The demon king won. The world has been stained with despair, and no one wants the story of being naked. If there is anyone who wants it, it would be a ruinous or suicidal candidate, a liker of the rest.

"Why, the Demon King loses. If you say play, that's it. The brave man is a monster again, but that's the end of it... if not."

Well, if not. There is only one possibility.

"Along the lines of the mystique that the Demon King loses from the beginning, the Demon King is moving. This is the only way. Whatever mighty demon king you are, you lose if you intend to lose. Whatever weak brave man you are, it's an easy job to stick a blade in your heart with those who do it... so let's start talking."

Well, just for a second, let's talk. Me? I'm Himea. Well, now Jeanne Dulk, should I say. I haven't woken up yet.

That said, I, too, am Himea. Although all previous and present lives and past lives are different, they are never others in red. The same person connected more deeply than his brothers and sisters. I don't think I know what it means to be someone else and the same person, but that's the thing.

Now... on top of that, let's talk about why I've come to hate humanity. 'Cause Kite never talks about anything. Nobody tells anybody what I don't tell them. Sakura and Mizuki have all forgotten. Heh, actually, that's pretty much what Kate's Harlem knows, right? Me.

That said, in order to talk about it, we have to pinch a few stories that have nothing to do with this place. Can't help this, or be patient. 'Cause if we don't, we won't understand' sin 'of' humanity '.

"Demon King XXX... I'll take you here!

One young man stood up against a mighty demon with a sword. I'm next to it. He stood as one of his companions, as the Virgin wrapped in white clothes.

Yeah, it's not like we're a couple, so there's a bunch of other people with us. Right. At this time, there will be a sorceress in good health and a knight who was also my squire. There are a few others. Don't get me wrong there.

Oh, whatever about the Demon King's name. Anyway, this is such an amazing number of repetitions. Blah, there's no point in the name of the Demon King being called here. It's also a coincidence that I chose this place. Important are the symbols' Demon King 'and' Brave Man '. There's no point in that.

"... come but good. A dwarf. It is the law of doom."

The demon king relative to us is indeed mighty. From now on, well, maybe you have the worn out kite-level fighting power of 'now'. There's no way you can win? Yeah, right. The young man who is relative to him, if you're going to parable him, is Sophia from "Now"... no, Tina Class. We'll do it 100 times where we joined and lose 99 times, right? First of all, there's no winning. I was challenging someone like that.


But many times the young man is about to bow to his knees, but still stands up and lays his sword on the Demon King. Oh, what a brave man to tell a story. Raise your heart that will never break, and turn the blade that will never yield to absolute evil. Even if the flesh perishes, this righteous mind will never perish. Such courage, love and temper, brave man.

Oh, what a brave way for everyone to be. Yeah, correctly, he's a brave man. In this world he later left his name as a brave man and became a beloved story for all eternity.

"Dear brave man!

To the brave man who was blown away and worn out, I rush over. Oh, how worthwhile. Precisely a princess told in a story, a clean and right Virgin.

A true Virgin who is rumored to even marry a brave man after the battle is over. Oh, 'me' is right enough to piss me off even now. Yeah, this is me. Relative to < > < >.

The gracious Virgin of the Heart who fights the Demon King, who bears all the evils of mankind. Virtue and corruption, chaos and disloyalty. The flag of human salvation that sets them all right. That's 'me'. It is' I 'who is called upon by mankind to drive them away when the evil ones are scattered among mankind in that world.

Well, in brief, I think it's the cleaner. If human civilization rots, you can have a surgeon sent by the world to remove that rotten part. So, the cut part is sent to the circle of reincarnation to start over civilization as a clean soul.

"The Brave" is such a thing? Everyone is admiring it, but if it happens systematically, it's all just wiping 'humanity' 's ass. Anyway, even the corruption was created by 'mankind'.

Oh, you didn't tell me. "Demon King" also belongs to "mankind". So, 'Humanity' wins. This is eight hundred for "Humanity" by "Humanity" in "Humanity". Even if the future cannot be defined, if certain rules are followed, it can create a prescribed future.

In order for 'Humanity' to choose the victory of 'Good', certain persons are placed in certain positions under certain laws. Only then can corruption be swept away from civilization. What a sensible way to clean.


Okay. Let me tell you something on that. How can we win against evil that humanity will never win? It's easy. You just have to make them decide to lose. If evil tries to die, that's where it ends.


I can yell. Squeeze all your magic as the Virgin and show me the unbroken heart that the brave man showed me. In your hands is the famous sword of the brave. On behalf of the fallen brave man, the sword I put in my hands to protect him. Oh, with that said, you normally ended it at this time.


The Demon King opens his eyes. Oh, famous act. You can even get a starring actor award. 'Cause nobody notices. Of course not. It won't start if I'm more surprised now, even though it's been repeated tens of thousands of times.

And put your hand on my hand set up by the fallen brave man. Aha. It's like a couple. Oh... and how dirty. His (...) unspoilt hands with the blood he cherished will be stained with the blood of the brave (...) (...).

"" Ha-ha-ha!

So that we can tell the story. It should be, but let's just say. Together, we push ourselves into the Demon King, who shows his last resistance. The result? It's not natural. The story ends with a happy ending. Normally, you will tear apart an attack unleashed by the Demon King and pierce his heart.


A moment before it all ended. I get a blade in my heart, and all that powerful demon king spits blood. Oh, what a pitiful doomsday. He's a demon king, so I wish I could build walls with more powerful magic. If we can do it with force, how many places we can't win together, but we can't do it.

A miracle has happened, people say. I rejoice and exalt that the power of two lovers has surpassed the power of the Demon King. But from what I can tell, how many miracles has this been? It seems silly to count too. By this time, I had already lightly crossed 10,000.

Not yet, I know once. But there's no way a miracle can happen again and again. If it's happened again and again, it's inevitable. A story that everyone is tired of hearing about 'Humanity' beating 'The Demon King'. Hatefully decided events. A race where our wins are just determined from the beginning.

Eight hundred. Eight hundred. The setup man is this' world '. Whoever rode this eight hundred is the' Demon King 'the man. "Demon King" who sacrificed himself to make us win "Humanity".

haha! I wonder which one is the brave one and which one is the demon king! The brave man will be praised with the brave man by killing the demon king who sacrificed himself! The Demon King takes on all the vices of mankind and is annihilated while being resented for eternity by being alone in grudges! This is it, then!

The brave are to blame. The demon king is the savior. Oh, how hopeless. No one will ever know, and the kind-hearted Demon King takes on all the evil from the world and walks away. Take upon yourself all the evils of mankind. Behind the resentful voice of resentment. Praise from afar the cheers of those who rejoice in their own death.

Just before that. Just moments before he was wiped out by our power. The moment when 'I' didn't realize it. The gaze of "I" and "Demon King" exchanged.

Oh, what beautiful eyes. Beautiful eyes like a clear sky. Eyes I like 'me'. And how ugly my face looks in his clear eyes. The face of hatred directed at him. Oh, how stupid.

I had a hateful eye on the person who helped me. A moment that seems forever. Only this moment, my only euphoria. How ridiculous. I live only for this moment.

But you can't help it. I've been separated from people I like for a really long time. This is the only moment I can see you. Only this moment when 'I' kills' him 'is me and his only time.

This is a confession of love. Confession of love from 'He' that I still love him. That, confirmation work. Yeah, now you know, don't you? 'Humanity' wins and deserves it.

Because the Demon King loves the Virgin, there's no way he can win. I can even hurt you. He suffers and causes "I" to be injured because "I" is glorified as a hero. He had all his memories back at this time.

Not scratching his face is his endurance. He himself had made it clear after it was all over. Totally. You don't have to worry about that. Injuries disappear if you die anyway. Besides, I could love any wound you put on me.

No, before that. If I hurt my face, I might never be told again. As beautiful as it sounds, my face is all I can say. I'm not proud of it, but the beauty of 100 turning around if there really are 100 people. The beauty of turning around whether there are 1,000 or 10,000 people.

How troublesome do you think it is to be stuffed with talk and shake it off? I'm your wife, so mind your own business.


"It's over..."

We finally get - made to hand - start to feel the peace. Now the battle is over. From now on, we have to work hard to restore prosperity. Yes, to my heart, only now, to mourn the lost.

"Now... you're done..."

"Oh, it's over..."

To my whining, the brave man smiled. Yeah, right. It's over. The Demon King disappeared. That said, it's obvious, but there's no way I'm going to kiss you.

Because I'm crying. I guess I should say that I don't hug you, indecision. Kite wouldn't hesitate. Or he does enough to lick the tears out of me.

That's it, I get back in the mood. On the face of it, of course, it makes you look angry. Boulder kite. He knows everything about me. I'm not a childhood trainer and a couple to Dada... yeah, let's not fall in love.

"... ah..."

I weep. Lost. Always at this time, the depths of my heart and soul scream. But I don't understand it. Hate. 'I' hate this' Virgin (I) '. Notice. I want to scream like that. But everyone thinks it's a tear of joy and joy that even' I 'is at peace.

Oh, hateful. Even my 'husband' who is not allowed to weep has left the world, but 'I' am happy with it. And I get terribly anxious. I was wondering if I would be killed next.

Afraid of dying? No way. The only thing I'm afraid of is being resented by 'him'. That's all, I can't stand it. Probably then, I break. Oh, you're already broken, and there's no scratch. That's not what I'm talking about.

Well, after this, well, I'll fly because I don't care. We're talking about the usual reconstruction. But after that peace. I am imprisoned with anxiety. No, I can imprison myself with anxiety.

What kind of anxiety? It's easy. The anxiety that he might hate me. An unconfirmed anxiety that you will not be served with love anymore. Unbearable anxiety for me. That's all I can kill.

"What do you say...?

"... thanks"

With a weak face, I express my gratitude to the brave men whom I have come to visit. I have nothing else to do or act on. 'Cause I'm not falling for it, either, to the point where you're malicious of someone you're worried about coming to see.


"... nothing... just getting debilitated. There's not even some sorcery being set up. I suspected the Demon King's curse... anything, nothing."

To the inquiry of the brave, the attending doctor of 'I' shakes his head. It's obvious, right? Because 'I' itself weakens me. Kate gave me a confession of love. By dying himself, he showed that he still loves me. Then, as a wife, the answer is set.

If he sacrificed himself to me to confess his love, I too will destroy this self as a sign of love. As a couple, naturally, right? Together when you get healthy and sick. That's marriage.

Then we'll be together when we die. Kite will know that it takes a while because it doesn't bother anyone. I believe so. I can't do it without believing it.

I can't stand being held apart from him. Before that, such a sweet husband was suffering for me, but I can't be happy alone by abandoning it.

Had it not been for my endurance, he would have been happy with Sophia and Lewis and the others by now. That's what I cried for. I like you. Please take me as my wife.

I know I can't. I saw the future. Next to him in that future, there was no "I". Still, I didn't want to give up.

No, I'll tell you exactly. There is no way it can be accepted. I always liked it. But I couldn't be honest. But still, I thought the relationship would last forever.

Stupid, romantic fantasy of a maiden. Have a wedding and be a good couple, and be married to him for the first time in his first night to have his child and become a father and mother. That's my little dream at the beginning. And still my dream.

It suddenly collapsed in front of me one day. You know what? The first time I've seen someone naked I've always liked is when I'm in love with another woman, what despair. A gentle face as a 'husband' I've never even seen in childhood, the pain of being shown sleeping over my chest with a woman who's not me I don't know as a 'wife'.

At that time, I think maybe I went crazy in a real way. So I said. Give me my privilege, please. He accepted that. Oh, this is all my fault. The beginning of the tragedy. It's like living hell if he sucks himself, and I took it.

"... Huh."

As tired as I was, I exhaled the last breath of my life. I was satisfied. Yeah. Me now and me in the past. All 'I' was equally satisfied.

Now I made peace with Humanity. We don't have to be bothered by this. And then "I" becomes the past and merges into "we". And understand everything. And say.

"'Oh... I love you too'"

We sing. Delivery to the soul of 'He', who is worn out in front of him. 'I' cried out wanting to touch it. Finally, he's right in front of us.

Huh? Why did I get into this situation? And I don't see why I've come to hate humanity? Oh, well. I haven't told you that yet. So let's just talk a little bit more about the past and another.

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