The kites decided to head to "Inside the Blue Dragon," where the Dragons lived, but everyone noticed. I wonder how you're going to get there. but this is not a big problem and kite couldn't have known in the first place.

"Well, it's a few days away in the carriage when you smash it"


"You never knew that before, did you?

Ask as if the moment surprised you. I can't believe the Dragons' Autonomous Communities are that close, and then I wondered why I didn't know that before. but on the contrary, if you let me tell you from kite, why don't you notice, she thought.

"No, why don't you notice. Mirei, I told you. The adventurers will come back to Maxwell to receive requests from the dragons and other high-ranking species."

"Oh... that's it?

"Why Maxwell?"

"... oh, you mean..."

Following an indication from Kate, the majority became stiff. Why would an adventurer come back to Maxwell who went out of his way? That is, of course, because there are a lot of requests, but the reason why that request gathers is because there are a lot of people.

That said, one question arises here. The question is whether a request from the Dragon Nation will come to Maxwell because there are many people. And if it is to come, there is inevitably only one answer. So Sora points that out.

"Is Maxwell the closest big city to the Autonomous Region"

"That sort of thing. If it's a few days in a carriage, it's almost a day away for a dragon car, and if you can fly from the Dragons, it's a flying distance. Besides, the worst scumbags live here. Then it's the quickest and surest way to make a request here, and it's easy to make appointments with those they trust. Then, if you want to prove your arm or take a request from the dragons, you are most certain to come back to Maxwell, so. The Dragons have big connections and influence. Somewhere in there, I've been asked to do it, and it's a pretty good deal."

For everyone who understands, I dare Kate to give a commentary. This one should be properly explained. It's not a bad story. Instead, I'm on the move, so I have plenty of time. I was also free.

"So if you normally use a dragon, you'll arrive at noon tomorrow. We can get over the mountains. We've captured dragons."

Kate looks ahead to the Golem in his place. If it's a carriage, it's a few days. If it is a dragon car that uses dragons, it would be natural to arrive even sooner.

So Kate was leaving Maxwell to capture the dragon a little bit, thinking about the number of days he was traveling, etc. The carriage was given to me by Shamrock, the god king, and it was a little tricky but at one time it was moved by magic. In an emergency, horses and dragons could become unusable, so it was really like moving with magic in case of an emergency.

Captured dragons can be managed almost unregulated if they only pull loads. Raising them in school later would make them sufficiently usable, and included one end of that practice.

"Mountain... that said, there was a mountain to the east..."

Blurry, and Al mutters as he checks the direction of progress. Although there are several other famous mountains in the Geema Mountains, there are several other mountains besides the famous ones that say so.

Not as big as Alaska on Dada. There were literally as many active and dead volcanoes as there were mountains. Among them, there was a place close to a kind of mountain range with several mountains between 2000 and 3000 metres in the east.

Even less famous for hiding in the Decaizyma Mountains, it would be quite a tough place to be in the 2000-3000 metre class. And with such Al sidelined, Kite's commentary went on even further.

"There's a little flat ground in the mountains. A radius of about 50 kilometers is the autonomous region of the Dragon Nation. Well, you can think of it as a kind of hiding place."

"Is that a good place to be?

Feels like it's a lot of inconvenience because of the state of the island on land, the moment I think about it asks. He wondered if the Dragon Clan's activity during the Great War was good in such an inconvenient place.

"Inconvenient, huh?


"Well, that's a difference in how you think things. It's actually one of the best collections of land and dragon veins in McDawell territory. For the dragons and other high-ranking species, it's the most comfortable place. If we look at it from them, we can live on our own skin far more than we can spend over here. Wounds can heal quickly. And the dragons. If you change somewhat, you can go back and forth for about Maxwell in one breath. There's no inconvenience. Basically, it's self-sufficient."

"Besides, the Dragons hate those from the outside, one way or another. Not as exclusive as elves other than ours, but we don't like strangers very much. Look down."

Kate continues and Tina puts in a supplement somewhere sleepy. It's good because it's inconvenient. Being inconvenient means less frequent traffic if you turn it around, making it difficult for people from outside to come. If you don't like anybody else, it would certainly be a great location.

"Oh, you're up."

"Um... I haven't slept well in a week... but I'm still sleepy..."

Koten, and Tina hang onto Kite looking asleep. Apparently, normal hasn't been able to make a decision.

"Whoa... ha..."


Kate laughs bitterly at Tina, who starts to sleep sooooo much, and gets caught by it and seeps bittersweet laughter together. Actually, here's why I brought Tina.

Do it for the time being. It's an artificial satellite. Do it. Aircraft development. Do it. Raingard's plan for overhaul. So I'd say I slept once and slept again.

Just in case you haven't slept because of an errand, but because of the concentration that is common in Mad Scientists, forget to sleep. So I took him out to give him a break.

"Huh... well, shall I leave it like this? That's why. Some say it's a good thing it's inconvenient. Not at all."


In the end, it will vary according to race. Thus, listening to them, they arrived at the autonomous community of the Dragon tribe the next day.

After entering the autonomous community of the Dragons, for a few hours. The kites were in the mountains. Sora glanced at her when she came out to check her surroundings a little bit.


"If you can't control the climate, use the spell."


With the bill thrown by Kite in his hand, Sola plants it inside a dedicated pocket at the neck of the armor. She felt uncomfortable with the low pressure. It should be noted that the basic principle of this spell is no different from what he used in the Orrs Dwarves.

I snuck it around my neck because this is what I do to help you breathe. And so he sat beside Kite, who sat down in the throne.

"... Phew. Something's probably easier. What area now?

"It's roughly 2,500 meters. It's time for Alpine disease to be an area of concern. It's getting a lot cooler, isn't it?


Sora shudders just a little to Kite's inquiry. You can think of this mountain as Mount Fuji for your senses. The ground was more or less about 37°C, but only to a degree slightly above 20°C on the mountain.

"How much longer?

"Climb 200 meters later, that's where... there, you see?

Kite, questioned by Sola, points to the corner of the mountain on the path. It was as if it had been cut off a little. Depending on what you look like - they don't have a regular path to "Inside the Blue Dragon" in the first place - but sometimes this one is under the hill and Sola didn't know the details.

"Something's wrong. Do you feel like a cave?

"From there, let it in. Well, there's a road that's paved for once, because I have to detour. This time, I decided to take the direct back road."

"There's no gatekeeper or anything?

"I'm not here. Because only those who draw dragon blood can see the way... so only cherry blossoms will see them later,"

Kite, Sola, and Cherry Blossoms are the ones who will take you to the Heavenly House. So they draw dragon blood as a blood muscle. Kate is inherently pretty close to a pure dragon because the dragon core is also implanted in that regard, but even if not, the cherry blossoms my father returns to his ancestors will surely look.

Sora didn't even know to what extent, but apparently, to what extent she could see, the factor was activated. And where we were talking about that, I heard demons hissing.

Besides, the two of them look in the direction of the hissing. Apparently, it was easy to be discovered by flying demons due to a slight increase in altitude. Moreover, this mountain is not a wooded mountain, but a mountain whose rocky skin has swelled away. The view is good, but that means it's easy to see from the other side at the same time. It was a straight line here.

"... Huh. The battle begins. Sola, go inside and prepare for battle."

"Oops. Just ask Yuri for restraint."

"Oh, keep it that way. It's a fight here. Probably got reinforcements coming."


Sora nods at Kate's words and goes back inside the carriage. In the meantime, Kite will activate a device that will expand the boundaries to protect the carriage provided for your seat. and in the meantime Yuri had popped up and was starting to tow with a bow from the top of the roof.

"Kite! 5 o'clock direction! They're coming up from the bottom!


To Yuri's words, Kate jumps off the carriage. It exists for a while now until it is stopped, but with Kate's leg strength, there is no problem. He also knows where to go in the first place. There's nothing wrong with being left behind. Thus, one Kate storms into a herd of wolf-like demons who hear the hissing of a demon and notice the enemy and rush up.

"That's a hassle."

Kate counts the number of herds and concludes that it's a hassle. This is the point where the ground and dragon veins meet. Think of it as a water field. As animals gather in the water field, demons gather at the point where the earth and dragon veins meet. Therefore, the strength of the demons was quite strong and numerous. but unfortunately we've apparently encountered quite a large herd.

"I have no choice. Some of it will be pulled out, or I'll let you pull it out... and I'll eat up some of it over here! Fight that side of the carriage!

Kate sends word to the carriage that stopped behind her. If you try, you can do whatever you want on your own, but that doesn't make any sense to Sola and the others. So I was going to let some of them pull out and let them learn how to fight at heights.

"Sora can't be taken off her feet by her own weight! This is a bad scaffold! Seniors throw spears, don't forget they're sloping! Attractions and maples can slow you down with ice attributes at any given time, so watch out for ambient temperatures and low pressure!


Sora replies after being advised whether to say Kate's instructions or not. Of course, it sounded like other faces. And naturally, Tina is with us on the spot. She's backing me up in the worst case scenario. There is no anxiety.

Okay, let's go.

Kate pokes behind herself countless swords knitted with her own magic. An impromptu wall. Even so, the length was not enough to stop the entire herd, and the extent to which it would be necessary to train the Solas was allowed to pass.

The herd also realizes that there is a carriage behind them, so about 30% of the sides deviate and move towards the carriage. Not following this, Kate decided to deal only with demons who set themselves as targets in front of her and demons who intended to jump over the walls of the sword. And, as if to go with it, Yuri descended on Kate's shoulder.

"Well, Yuri. You ready for a dance?

"Aisa. Anytime."

"Okay, let's go."


Kate turns around the sickle, the artifact of Shall, and cuts the view. The weapons are going to switch and fight, but the first hand seems to be going to fight with a sickle because of the wide range.


Kate flashes the sickle to the horizontal sickle, as she sweeps away the approaching herd. The slaughter became a flying slaughter unleashed by magic, breaking both demons who could not fly over. Thus, Yuri mounted a double gun against the demons who jumped to avoid it.

"Whee, whee, whee!

Yuri blows each and every one precisely against the demons that have surfaced in the jump. I want to emphasize the hassle this time, so it's not as powerful as it is. If you can push it back, that's good, and if you knock it down, that's still good. but that's it, so I'm not thinking about taking it down.

That's how the blown wolf-shaped demons were defeated with demon bullets in some places, but the surviving demons spin cleverly in the air, landing and killing momentum. but that's what Yuri is after and Kate is after.

"The one who sells fast can't get her legs off."

Kite laughs at the wolf-shaped demons who killed momentum just like this one was aiming for. There was nothing in its hands, but there were countless swords and spears in the air.

Cutting one at a time is cumbersome, and the wide range of herds makes it cumbersome to slash and throw away with slaughter. Then we'll just sweep it away with a range attack.

But I can avoid it as it is. Their sale is as quick as Kate says. If you rely on that agility, some individuals will escape carpet bombing.

Then you just have to kill him. If so, just let them act like they dare to kill the momentum. Simply launching an attack where you killed momentum is easy to sweep away. The agile demon moves quickly, but hence the defenses that cover its body are thin. Neither can excel. If you make me stop my leg and make me hit you straight, you're weak.

"Yes, final play"

and rain a weapon with one snap against the demons that Kate almost stopped such a move. That way, after the earthquake cleared, a bunch of skewered demons could be made. And by then, Yuri was already ready.

"Well, not to mention."

Then countless thunders pour down like rain. I'm sure we can crusade once and for all, just in case. I replaced Kite's weapon with a lightning rod and dropped the thunder.


"Yes, over"

Hi-touch each other with the backs of a herd that Kate and Yuri have completely erased. The weapons that were knitted by Kate's magic had changed his power to the rainbow color that his original pale seeped into, creating a slightly fantastic atmosphere. And in that next moment, the sword wall that Kate was making manifest also disappeared, and I could see the carriage.

"Ma, it's not over yet."

"Right. What do we do?"

"Observe, right? It's the seniors' job to point out what's wrong with you."


Agreeing with Kate's words, Yuri miniaturizes and sits on her shoulder again. Occasionally, moments, solas, and Mizuki were about to be taken by bad scaffolding, but I don't see anything particularly harsh. So you two decide to safely observe the same motion.

"The cherry blossoms... yeah. Looks like you chose to restrain the enemy's movements with a demonic thread. It's not a bad decision."

Looks like Meizi and Maple decided to slow down the enemy's movements for Sola and Yuri and Mizuki from the top of the carriage.

"Um... Mizuki looks a little tough to step in after all."

"'Cause I can't step on it."

These scaffolds are small stones and fine gravel. There is no such thing as being able to step in together and firmly. The slope is also severe. There, Sola and Mizuki seemed a little hard to do because it was the type of fight that stomped firmly on their feet.

Sho and Moment are also inclined, so if you use < > poorly or accelerate with < >, you can jump out of the ground a lot. The two of them, who were not yet skilled enough, seemed anxious there, and seemed to have been considerably shredded of their most advantageous, the quickness.

With that in mind, the cherry blossoms must have turned to cover. As usual, she has no softness. Hold on, I was able to move when I saw the place. Meizi and Maple could always be said to have come out thinking about Yuri's bow and buying restraint. This one worked well.

"This is the place."

Kate and Tina nod one thing together and decide that there would be no more point. Fighting in front of such a hidden route at all times will annoy the Dragons as well. Here, it was time to end it.

If you see anything to watch out for, that's fine. It's another dream job for Sola and the rest of them to do what the superheroes and the truly heroes in the story do.

"It's over."

The next moment. Countless fireballs pour down as rain. Tina's magic, of course. Then all wolf-shaped demons would be crusaded.

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