Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave

Episode 879: Captain's Office

Kite, who began investigating the sinking ship, was returning to the stairs at the stern as she restored power. but I still see the impact of the battle here, somehow. The wreckage protruded and we didn't seem to be able to move up from this side.

"You can't. I don't think I can go up there. Go out again, it's going to be. I guess the worst part about this would be the third tier."

'Really... okay. The third tier is not scheduled to be investigated in the first place, so please infiltrate further from the second tier above. It's a hassle once, but please go outside'

Copy that.

As Kite unfolds the foam again, she inserts the snorkel into her mouth and into the water. The bottom tier was rough too, but I guess it's better than the third tier. As such, Kite goes outside again, getting rid of the wreckage and luggage.

"You've been much brighter."

'Yeah... can you see any anomalies?


The lights on the ship itself had considerably better prospects around. Although limited to about 50 meters around, the lights seemed unnecessary. And that's why now we can clearly see the shape of the sinking ship.

'No, you don't. Nothing unusual but signs of battle. "

Kate checks the perimeter to make sure there's no such thing as a spicy trap. All I could see was countless scars that would really have been made in battle. There was nothing else.

'Okay. Well, that's about it for now, head to the captain's office. "


Kate slams her leg again and returns to the ship. At that time, I decided to take a peek at the third layer.

"Uh... I see. Is this the nearest hierarchy to the deck '

'In the schematic, it is so'

'The impact or the way the fighting has taken place here. There's weapons everywhere. "

Kate offers a little silent prayer for the traces of battle seen everywhere. It was a good sign for a sinking ship. And on the back of it, there was a considerable amount of iron bars pierced, and this was what was standing in the way of Kite's passage.

"The shipment, or the supplies to keep it crosslinked with the shipment... you used it to assault the demon that came in from behind, somewhere..."

Kate determines from the visible traces what happened. Unfortunately, there are no demonic remains. So I just imagine what happened.

"... then head to the captain's office"


When Kate made it clear that she was headed to the Captain's office for Maire, she turned away from the signs of the battle and began swimming further up. This is apparently the sailor's living space, and this place had no effect when the ship broke due to its location and shape. All I could see were wounds wounded in battle.

"The window is broken, so it sinks, and... we have to crack somewhere to get in."

Kite looks up a little and observes what's going on inside. Apparently, the window is broken, and a lot of water came in from it. I guess I was lucky the window in the captain's office wasn't cracked.

"Are you okay with slitting a piece of the hull?

'Please wait... permission granted. Go ahead.'

"Okay... phew."

When Kate breathed small, she created a knife and cleaved the hull large enough for her to put herself in a breath. As such, part of the hull that was torn apart along with the sound of corn falls to the bottom of the sea.

"I'm in... it looks completely submerged"

"Okay... can you confirm the cabin?

'Wait a minute... I checked. There's a window and I can check inside... not here... not here... you're going to be alive... not here... you're going to be okay here too'

While swimming, Kate checks out the tiny sailor's room that is sidelined. Apparently, because of the fighting, the floor was torn open from there with sea water in it, whereas the door was open from there with water entering it, wherever it was not, the door seemed to have drained the water from it and there was no sea water in it. Speaking of which, you'll be fine.

"... it still looks like you're getting a little reworked"


"The door is not sealed," it says. Perhaps the cabin was damaged and the interior was tampered with during the battle somewhere. "

"I see..."

Apparently, there was something different about the door than the plan. Looks like we saw some changes from there. Well, that could happen as long as I was traveling, and I guess I was going to report it to the operating company later, but there was no information in it because it sank before that. It was common in this world where global information networks were not secured.

The Captain's office seems a little different.

'I was wondering... so please continue your investigation'

Copy that.

That's what Kate says, he keeps going back again. and a fairly thick bulkhead blocked its way.

"This is..."

"What's wrong?

'Glad to have restored the power supply. Pretty thick. That's a lot of work to rip in the water.'

As a general theory only, Kate tells us that the bulkhead is quite thick. Besides, Maire gave her a guess.

"I thought it was improved there, too."

'I see... but the power's on, so... uh, there's a switch that unlocks here and a switch that lets you go up and down somewhere... oh, can't this one?'

Kite looks for a switch to unlock the bulkhead from underwater. A few minutes like that. I found the wall on the side of the bulkhead open and noticed that there was a hidden switch in it.

"Good... hey, before you open..."

That's what Kate said, she took four round magic props out of West Porch. It was designed to create a membrane of air by installing four on walls, ceilings, and floors to prevent the entry of seawater into the future. If the water had not entered at the end of the bulkhead, with any luck, this should have prevented the influx of seawater. I don't think seawater would get in once I thought about it from the slope, but it was just in case.

"Deploying the Membrane with Air"

Copy that.

"Installed... activated... confirmed. Open the bulkhead more than this'

When Kate creates a membrane of air, she confirms it and opens the lock on the bulkhead.

"Good... Raise the bulkhead"

'Are you all right? Any reinforcements?'

"No, it's okay."

That's what Kate says, lifting the bulkhead a little with both hands. Then slowly, but the bulkhead lifted up, creating a gap to the extent that each person could get in. So, Kite stops opening the bulkhead once.

'... you're all right. No demon shadow inside. "

"Copy that... Now, please investigate"

Copy that.

When Kite checks the safety inside, he opens the bulkhead again by about half. It doesn't have to be completely open. I was able to get in and out enough. Furthermore, it did not seem to descend on its own from the slope, so I left it to bite the iron vibe that was floating around there for once.

"Phew... I knew it would be easier this way"

When Kate enters a space filled entirely with air, she removes the snorkel-shaped demonic prop from her mouth. It's not difficult to walk, but if you think of it as climbing, there are no problems.

"Is that the Captain's office?"

Kate looks up a little and finds the captain's office door. It's oblique, but there's no trace of it being destroyed in battle. There would be nothing inside but it would also be rough by inclination.

"I found the captain's office door... but you're leaning. It's going to be a little tricky."

'Is it possible?

Kate laughs at Maire's words. To this extent, it didn't matter.


That's what Kate says, he floats using flying techniques. Fortunately, no one has seen it. There was no problem with this. As such, Kite hung her hand on the door of the captain's office, which was rather oblique, and turned the door knob.

"That's a little heavy... you got your stuff on here... but don't move. Looks fine here. Fortunately, there's no distortion in this hull."

"Beware of falling luggage."

"I know."

Kate laughs and puts more effort into it. Then, ragged, something broke down with the sound, and the door opened.

"Good... the desk was fixed to the floor and it was helpful... good,"

Kate enters the captain's chamber to lift her body with her hands on the wall. Fortunately, everything about heavy household property tools besides desks was secured to floors and walls, and nothing seemed to have changed except the contents were scattered.

"Where do you think there's a voyage log?

"For once, according to legal policy, it is in a storage box in the bookshelf of the Captain's office."

"By policy, you know..."

Everyone who watches is in a ship without a ship. It's possible that we'll have them all by the middle of the day, but it's subtle to see if we have the latest voyage logs. That's why Kite looks at the bookshelf even though it's just a little frivolous. Then, the lowest corner was in a space with a lid.

"This is it. Confirmed"

"What's in it?

"I'm going to check... what's your PIN number?

"Yeah, well..."

Maire looks for the PIN number of the place where she keeps her voyage log, as requested by Kite. Apparently, it's locked.

'Oh, there was. The PIN is 231.'


The voyage log is not a valuable item. So it seems the PIN was a simple three-digit number. So Kite pushes it in and unlocks it. Fortunately, there was no avalanche inside because the bookshelf was at 90 degrees with the door.

That's how I grabbed the log of the voyage that Kate was inside. Apparently it was quite a long journey, and the voyage logs seemed to exist in multiple ways. The thickness of each book is about 1 cm large. It would be about a college note.

"There was... two books at a time... is this what seems ancient? That brings this trip to a safe conclusion... good. Then next time... I knew it. Quite a long journey from today. It is expected to be about 30 months. Ultimately, we go into the summer intercontinental conference... good, this is it."

Kate checks the voyage log to see what would be the oldest. Apparently, he was a pretty good captain. Looks like he used a whole page a day to keep track of his days.

Sometimes he also wrote down pictures and shapes, and he wrote down things in detail about what happened at that time. I may not have thought about it when it sank, but it was still a very thankful story.

"Heh... you also attach pictures from time to time... you look like you were a pretty elaborate captain... a hobby..."

'That's good, did you find the latest?

"Oops... as a page a day... I wonder if this is a record on the way. Ragna Federation policy says it's this captain with 50 spellings per book... 200 days worth of this one? Do you sail on boulders for 200 days? You will. Because it's Enefia. The first book was almost over, so..."

Kate checks the end of the second book to make sure it's written down to the last page. There were three books, but a voyage around Enefia. It is good to assume that I will use almost most of the year even though it is not a sailboat. Even if I bought more along the way, it wouldn't end in one book.

"Because it is a great 100 days to cross the Enesian continent... will the critical third book be finished, or will it be in the fourth? Later you say it depends on the route..."

"The third book is to the end?

"... that's how it goes... it's been about 500 days so far"

Kate confirms that the third notebook is also written down to the end. Written down on the last day was not long ago, and the twin continents were a record on the southern continents. Considering our journey from here to the continent of Ursia, you may consider that there is another book.

"Which means, unfortunately, the latest records are still hidden somewhere in this room, and... or they were held together by that son of a bitch."

'Can you look for it?

"That's what I do."

To Maire's words, Kate looks around the room in a sigh mix. So far, Captain. Thinking of it that way, it would be muscular to think that it was still in this vault. If it's not there, there's something going on.

"Well... considering that this safe contains valuables, and further due to the nature of this near-book captain, I don't think you're putting it in here..."

Given the character of the captain as seen from the voyage log, Kate dares not think he will serve another vault. If so, it would be muscular to assume that I hid it somewhere else.

"In this case, classically... is it in the desk? There's a hidden cupboard somewhere..."

It doesn't make sense if you can't find the voyage log just in case. So Kate thinks the stash is near her desk, and she floats again in the art of flying. That's how I put my foot on the desk, and for now I pulled through the drawers provided for the desk.

"Good... is this drawer... just personal? Are you coming to collect it later?

'Yes, after the investigation, we are to ask the upper Empire of Entesia to pull it up. So leave it at that.'


When Kate said that, she tried to put the drawer back in, and noticed that the top plate of the place where the drawer was in was slightly sliced.

"Yeah? This is..."

When Kate put her hand on the top plate of the desk, it moved easily. Apparently, it's a simple stash. That's how I stuck my hand into the space that was partitioned by the off ceiling, and something slightly thicker box hit my hand.

That was a very sturdy sealed container that was perfectly fine in case the ship sank. If we get to the stage of discarding the ship and destroy the desk, we will surely find it then.

"Is this... a sealed container? When it comes to... bingo. Look at the voyage log"

'Is that true?

"Oh, it's a voyage log in the format used in the Ragna Federation. I'm hiding it here. I guess this is the latest formula thing... give me a minute. Now, check the contents... yeah, it's not written down until the end. This is the fourth voyage log. I was lucky."


Maire laughs and agrees with Kate's words. Apparently, we were lucky enough to find him early.

'Now, get out of here. We have to investigate what happened first, then we have to go into that next investigation.'

"Got it. I found some material in four books, so I'm gonna take them all and get out of here."


When Kate nods at Maire's words, she takes all the voyage logs and leaves the Captain's office behind. Then again, wearing a snorkel-shaped magic prop and wrapped in bubbles, he decided to return to the ship he had come aboard a little further than the face he had been investigating outside.

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