Chapter 123 Devouring Thunder Cloud Shadow = Lord of Shadow Thunder!

New World.

At an altitude of 5,000 meters, Moria sat on the back of the Shadow Servant Eagle, which had not been used for a long time, and headed to Sabaody Archipelago.

this day.

The sun in the sky was particularly dazzling, and Moria sat on the back of the Shadow Servant Eagle, falling from an altitude of 5,000 meters to the edge of an island.




The island in front of Moria has a thick cloud layer above it, which is like a thunder and lightning nest, and the lightning flashes and screams like a dragon.

At the same time, a series of yellow thunders fell like rain, continuously falling on this island.

Moria is impressed by this island, not because he has been here, but when he watched anime in his previous life, he was deeply impressed by this island where lightning rained all the year round.

In other words, he was very curious about this island with special weather, so he was deeply impressed.

Unexpectedly, I met today!

Moria did not enter the island, but was in the sky, looking at the bright sea around the island below, and then at the obviously darker ground in the island, falling into contemplation.

The sun just rose above Moria’s head at this time.

The island below is not big, but not small.

The thick thundercloud is like a huge parasol, blocking the sunlight shining on the island, leaving a shadow covering the entire island.

“So… the reason why the island is dim is because thunderclouds block the sun, which means…this is the shadow of thunderclouds!”

“Haha! That’s fun!”

Moria smiled, the shadow of the thundercloud in the sky on the island was the reason why he didn’t rush to hunt Celestial Dragons at Sabaody Archipelago and chose to stop.

“It’s been a long time since I swallowed an inanimate shadow. Last time I swallowed the shadow of the mountain, I gained the attribute to increase the weight of the shadow.”

“This time swallowing the shadow of Thundercloud, don’t know what attributes will be gained?”

With curiosity and expectation, Moria jumped from the back of the giant eagle and landed on the edge of the island below.


“so hard!!!”

As soon as she landed on the ground, Moria felt her feet were hard as if they were stepping on alloy steel.

Looking across the island, there are no plants, but the rocky ground and hills with metallic luster.

“I don’t know if these rocks are still rocks!”

Moria squatted down and touched the ground. The metal feels heavy, but it’s not all metal. It’s between metal and rock.

Anyway, it’s very hard!



The endless lightning falling from the thundercloud is like a never-ending thunder on this island.

This situation, Moria guessed, should have been going on for many years.

After such a long time, this island can still exist. The rocks and other materials on the island have long been tempered by lightning and are already indestructible.

At least in terms of resistance to lightning, Moria felt that this island was already close to the edge of insulation.

So thunder and lightning can no longer cause much damage to it!

“Then swallow the shadow of the thundercloud first, wait for the thundercloud to disperse and illuminate the shadows of the hills on the island, and then swallow the shadows of the hills.”

“It should increase the intensity of some shadows!”

Moria was a little moved by the hardness of the island. While planning in his heart, while thinking about it, he controlled the shadow under him to merge into the shadow of the thundercloud and began to swallow it.



As Moria swallowed the shadow of the thundercloud, thunder and lightning continued to fall.

Especially the location of Vice Admiral on the island, where thunderstorms are dense, and you can’t see the opposite side.

Fortunately, Moria deliberately landed in this location, which just happened to not be hit by thunder on the edge of the island.

After that, just like the shadow that swallowed the mountain, as Moria swallowed, the thunderclouds began to become transparent, and the falling thunder began to decrease.

Finally, after an hour has passed.

The thundercloud disappeared, and the thunder was gone. The scorching sun visited this island that was shrouded by thunderclouds all day long for the first time.

The shadow of Thundercloud was also swallowed by Moria.

With a thought, Moria directly turned on the shadow golden body mode.

To experiment with the shadow changes after devouring the thundercloud’s shadow, the physical examination in the shadow golden body mode is the most intuitively felt.

“This feeling… so light!”

As soon as she entered the shadow golden body mode, Moria felt that she was different from the past.

The body is as light as the clouds, but the weight has not been reduced, it is still as heavy as before.

This is obviously because the shadow has swallowed the lightness of the clouds, allowing the shadow to maintain its previous weight while also becoming as light as a cloud.

A very contradictory feeling, lightness and weight, it seems to be a perfect fusion.

“call out!”


Moria couldn’t help flying into the air, shuttle back and forth, feeling the thrill of the new speed.

The lightness of the shadow has the advantage that Moria moves faster.


“The movement speed is at least 0.5 times faster than before!”

After testing it back and forth in the air, Moria landed on the ground before, concluded.

Compared with the previous speed, it is a step up!

You know, Moria was already very fast before.

Adding 0.5 times the speed on this basis is not an increase from 1 to 0.5, it is an increase from 1000 to 500.

The gap is not generally large.

And the faster the speed, the more difficult it is to improve.

This time, Moria was very satisfied, even so excited that she couldn’t help but laugh from ear to ear.

“If Sanya Island had this speed, Akainu would be dead!”

“The future Marshal Marine is gone!”


Moria laughed loudly.

The world of martial arts is hard to break, but fast is not broken.

The reaction is the same in terms of strength.

If you must choose between hard and hard, Moria will choose…all.

In short, Moria is very satisfied with the lightness of the shadow.


Swallowing the shadow of thunderclouds, what Moria wants most is not the lightness of the clouds, but the ability to produce thunder and lightning to control thunder and lightning!

Immediately, Moria began to perceive deeper changes in the shadow.

“In addition to lightness…and…haha!”

After perceiving it carefully, Moria’s mouth raised and smiled.

Then my heart moved.

The “zizizizi” black lightning appeared instantaneously, wrapped around the body, like countless lightning snakes, shuttled through Moria’s seven-meter-high Shadow Gold.

It’s like treating Moria’s body as a thundercloud.

It makes Moria look evil at this time, like a Razer Devil crawling out of hell, and it makes people scared to look at it.

The color doesn’t look like the real color of lightning.

“Maybe because of the lightning created by the shadow!” Moria thought.

Fortunately, these black lightnings are not Armament Haki lightning that manifests from will, but real thunder and lightning.

Moria didn’t care too much, but felt that the black lightning was full.

“This feeling is like a shadow turning into a thundercloud!”

At this moment, Moria felt like a thundercloud, capable of creating lightning.

And because he is a person with will, consciousness and wisdom.

He can control these thunder and lightning, and can control thunder and lightning like those with thunder fruit ability.

Thinking of control, Moria condensed, “Then control and see, by the way, try the thunder and lightning that bursts out with all your strength, how powerful is it!”

“call out!”

Moria flew into the middle of the island, surrounded by hills.

He controlled the shadow to create lightning with all his strength.


“Boom boom!”

The endless black lightning instantly covered Moria with a thick layer, turning him into a fifteen-meter-high black lightning giant.

Highly dense black lightning, like a layer of thunder and lightning armor, covering Moria’s whole person.

From the outside, Moria can’t be seen at all.

What made Moria a little speechless was that he couldn’t see the outside scene from the inside, and was completely blocked by black lightning.

Therefore, at this moment, Moria’s vision was completely dark.

“Exactly, if this is fighting with people, it really depends on Observation Haki!”

Moria couldn’t help being a little speechless. In this full-power lightning mode, it’s annoying to not say how attack power is, blocking the line of sight.

Fortunately… you can also control it!

With a thought, Moria manipulated the black lightning to compress and turned into five black electric pythons with a thickness of more than ten meters and wrapped around the body.

From a distance, Moria is standing in the air, surrounded by five black electric pythons, like a dark thunder god descending to the world.


Let’s not talk about the attack power.

This is compelling.

This handsome messy look.

Moria is very satisfied, this is what the actor should be like.


Sabaody Archipelago came out to kill Celestial Dragons and used this set.

“What’s the name of this trick?” Moria had to choose a good name.

Highly compelling moves, naturally deserve a high compelling name, otherwise it’s not a price drop.

“First of all, this is the lightning made by the shadow!”

“And thunder and lightning are as black as shadows!”

“Secondly, I can control this thunder and lightning perfectly!”

“To sum it up, it’s called… Lord of Shadow Thunder!” Moria’s eyes lit up.

Lord of Shadow Thunder!

Lord of Shadow Thunder!

The more he talked, the more satisfied Moria was. If he could, he still wanted to be called the Lord of the Shadow Stream, but it sounded a little unsuitable.

Forget it, it’s okay to be called the Lord of Shadow Thunder.

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