Chapter 125 The horror of Shadow Needle, less fu Shakky.

“Yes, in terms of my body shape, this length and thickness are still a match.”

Looking at the shadow pin in front of him, Moria nodded.

Subsequently, the shadow needle was covered with Armament Haki and Emission Haki, and the black thunder and lightning entangled with the “sizzling” sound.

This shadow needle is perfect in shape and style!

“The next step is to experiment with the feasibility of shadow intelligent manipulation!”

“Well…someone has come to the island!”

Moria turned and looked behind him. No one was seen. He was in the middle of the island, surrounded by hills, blocking his vision.

But Observation Haki sensed it. From the aura, Moria guessed that a group of pirates had come ashore.

Because he perceives the aura of killing only if people kill too much.

There are about forty people, and it seems they should have just entered New World.

“All killed!” Moria ordered Shadow Needle, which is to say to her own shadow.

He did not manipulate the shadow action, let the shadow act on its own.

“call out!”

As soon as Moria’s order was given, the shadow needle in front of him disappeared instantly.


The alloy-hard mountain body was as fragile as a piece of tofu under the shadow needle at this moment, and it was easily pierced.

“call out!”

“call out!”

The shadow needle passing through the mountain came to the edge of the island in an instant.

Like a black line, it almost instantly passed through the heads of forty-five pirates who had just got off the boat and were talking and laughing.

Only a trace of a black line that pierced through was left, and it gradually became transparent and dissipated.

“call out!”


After killing forty-five pirates, the shadow needle penetrated the mountain again and returned to Moria.

“So fast!!!”

Moria was shocked, everything just now, from when he ordered to the shadow needle disappeared, and reappeared before his eyes, but only a second had passed.

But in Observation Haki’s perception, the pirates who had just landed on the island had all died.

Even now they just fell to the ground one by one.

“This speed!”

“Plus the weight of the shadow!”

“The penetrating power caused is terrible!”

Moria retracted the shadow and ran to the edge of the island that killed the pirates. On the way, she saw the shadow needle pierced through the smooth small hole in the mountain, and she secretly sighed.


In Sanya Island, if the shadow needle was developed.

Akainu is dead!


Why didn’t you think that shadows could be used like this before? Moria was secretly angry.

Come to the side of the island.

Forty-five pirates fell to the ground, all men.

The last expression on everyone’s face is retained.

Or smile.

Or open your mouth to speak, as if you are talking about becoming the One Piece, the look on your face is confident and mad.

All of them are still doing their own things before they die.

“It’s so fast!”

Looking at this scene, Moria sighed again.

The speed of the shadow needle is too fast, and everyone is killed by the shadow needle piercing through the head from the forehead. Basically, there is no consciousness in an instant.

By the time they died, none of these pirates knew they were dead.

That’s why everyone’s face retains the expression in front of them.

“It’s sad!”

“But this is the cruelty of this world. The weak don’t even have a way to choose their own death.”

Moria shook her head and sighed, and at the same time secretly warned herself.

Never stop on the road of pursuing strength.

Therefore, don’t let the mosquitoes be small!

With a thought, Moria manipulated the shadow to swallow the shadows of these dead pirates.


Moria experimented again, dividing the shadow needles into three, four, five and six, and let the shadow control it himself.

In the end, I found that everything works, and I can complete some delicate operations like threading needles and wires according to my own ideas.

It is better than his own control.

It’s just like real artificial intelligence.

Moria is satisfied.

Turning around and taking a look at the island, the thundercloud over the middle of the island has become bigger again.

“The shadow of the hill will not be swallowed. Anyway, the intensity of the shadow will not be improved much. Just stay here and create a steady stream of thunderclouds!”

Finally, Moria flew away, without the shadow of devouring the hill. He was afraid that it would be swallowed, the hill would disappear, and the island would lose enough magnetic field to prevent thunderclouds from gathering and generating automatically.

In this way, the gain is not worth the loss.

He still wants to come back and make Thundercloud creatures!

Sabaody Archipelago.

Backed by Mariejois, the seat of the World government on the Red Line, it is next to Naval Headquarters Marineford.

Geographically speaking, Sabaody Archipelago should be one of the few safest islands in the world.

But no, there is such a thing as an illegal zone here.

The island is full of criminals such as underworld, pirates, slave traders who part-time bounty hunters and so on.

I have to say that it is really ironic that there is such a lawless area just under the noses of World government and Naval Headquarters.

It feels like the darkness in the connotation of World government.

“What a beautiful island!”

Five kilometers above Sabaody Archipelago, it was about nine o’clock in the morning. Moria, who had just arrived here, looked at the island below and sighed.

“I don’t know if Celestial Dragons are on the island!”

“But… for the sake of safety, change the vest and go down again, lest the World government knows that I’m coming to Sabaody Archipelago, and lock the Celestial Dragons at home. If I dare not come, then I will waste time.”

Moria’s heart moved, and her body changed. Jack, the bounty hunter “Pirate Devourer” who was once in the East Blue, appeared.

“call out!”

After leaving a Shadow Servant on the back of the Shadow Servant, Moria jumped down and fell towards the Sabaody Archipelago.


“A big man is here!”

Just when Moria fell into the sky thousands of meters from Sabaody Archipelago, in the Sabaody Archipelago, the must-have place to check in, Shakky’s Rip-Up Bar, standing behind the bar, Shakky, who was holding a cigarette, suddenly his expression condensed. Observation Haki sensed the powerful aura exuding from Moria.

Shakky’s Observation Haki is a bit special and can deeply perceive the specific combat power of the strong.

So as soon as Moria appeared in her Observation Haki perception range, she perceives the powerful combat power of Moria.

That’s the power she has only felt in powerful people such as Whitebeard and Garp.

“This is where…” Shakky frowned and looked in the direction of the door.


Moria fell from the air at high speed. When he was approaching the ground, she used the Moonwalk to relieve the impact, and then gently landed on the ground.

“This is… Shakky’s shop!!!”

As soon as she looked up, and saw the righteous name of the store, Moria knew where she had fallen.

“What a coincidence!!”

Moria was a little surprised, he swears, he really just jumped casually, choosing a place where there are few people, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

Unexpectedly, I came to the door of “Shakky’s Ripping Bar” by coincidence.

But it’s here, so go in and have a look and drink something by the way.

After taking out enough Pele from the shadow, Moria walked to the store with confidence.

“I heard that Shakky is an intelligence master. You can ask her later, when does Celestial Dragons usually come down to Sabaody Archipelago.”


Moria opened the door and went in. A tall, black-haired beauty stood behind the bar, her whole body slightly tensed, and she looked at him with a vigilant look. It was the young woman Shakky.

“Powerful Observation Haki!”

Shakky’s alertness made Moria aware of her strength, and she was aware of it.

“Don’t worry, I have money!”

Moria raised her hand and shook the thick bundle of Bailey in her hand, saying that she was here to eat, not to make trouble.

“Ah! Brother please!”

Shakky chuckled, and after seeing that Moria was not here to make trouble, he smiled and asked, “What do you want to drink?”

Moria came to the bar, sat on a Gordon, and looked at Shakky.

“Any glass of juice!”

“Juice?” Shakky glanced at Moria in surprise, wondering if this person came in without looking at the name of the store. She is a bar here. Come to her without ordering wine, ordering juice, what kind of operation.

“No?” Moria asked.

“Wait a minute.” Shakky turned around.

If it is an ordinary pirate, dare to come to her shop to order juice, and she will slap it away.

It’s a pity that Moria is not an ordinary man!

After a while.

Shakky squeezed a glass of orange juice and pushed it in front of Moria.

“Juice, use it slowly!”


Moria nodded slightly, stretched out his right hand, moved the cup slightly in front of him, then lowered his head to the straw inserted into the juice, took a hard sip, and soaked in one-third of the juice.



Loosening the straw, Moria looked up and let out a deep breath.

Sure enough, juice is the most comfortable.

“By the way, why didn’t you see Rayleigh?” Moria looked around and asked casually to Shakky, who was looking down and clearing the bar.

Shakky paused, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and then disappeared quickly.

“Your Excellency knows that person in my family?”

Shakky raised his head and looked at Moria curiously, thinking that such a strong man should be disdainful of lying.

But she couldn’t remember that Rayleigh knew someone of this level, or she didn’t know it.

“I don’t know the person in my family, there is someone who knows your Excellency… who has never heard of it!” Shakky tested Moria’s identity.

“Pluton Rayleigh!” Moria smiled and said, “It’s normal not to know me.”


Moria shrugged and said, “I just ask casually, don’t care.”

“…” Shakky.

Feel free to ask?

That’s it?

Don’t care?

Shakky shook her head, she wouldn’t believe Moria’s nonsense. Rayleigh had just lived in seclusion here for a few years, and this person knew about it.

Obviously this powerful man, the Master’s intelligence is more terrifying than her.

“So… who is your excellency? What’s the purpose of coming today?” Shakky had a direct showdown and determined Moria was an enemy or a friend.

“Yeah! I almost forgot to do business without you telling me.”

Moria slapped his forehead. Shakky didn’t remind him that he had forgotten, so he quickly asked, “Do you know when Celestial Dragons usually come to Sabaody Archipelago?”

“You don’t know?” Shakky wondered.

“Should I know?” Moria also looked confused.

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