Chapter 135 My Captain, I quit, what should I do?

“Boss, you quit? What do you mean?!!!”

“Going? Basically not coming back anymore?!!!”

“And with Perona!!!”

On the boat going to the upside-down mountains and seas, Sidoro, Gangmir and Hera surrounded Moria and Perona sitting on Moria’s shoulders with shocked faces, and there were too many questions and puzzles in their minds.

This is completely outside the scope of their brains.

The One Punch Pirates was formed by Moria, and now the captain said he was quitting, he was leaving, and he would basically not come back in the future.

What about them? ? ?

The three of them looked at Moria blankly, desperately wanting an answer.

“Suddenly I felt that adventuring with you was too challenging for me, and there was no passion at all.”

Moria: “I said this, you should be able to appreciate it!”

Gangmir and Sidoro were taken aback after hearing this.

No passion, no challenge, isn’t this what they were in before!

Thinking of what they were like before, sailing all the way to Logue town, all the Marines avoided them, and the pirates encountered were so weak that they couldn’t take any interest.

Is this kind of adventure really necessary?

Think about Moria’s powerful strength and a series of things experienced in New World.

Sidoruo and Gangmir suddenly understood.

They are too weak, and the adventures they have gone through are too pediatric for Moria, and they don’t feel adventurous at all.

The challenges they encountered, for Moria, can’t be called challenges.

How do they want to live such a life? The two asked themselves.

Then the two shook their heads together.

In no mood!

Both are quite sure.

So the two understood Moria’s choice to leave.

Only Hera looked confused, and there was no passion.

This is not because the strength was not so strong before, and he wanted to find a babysitter for Perona, so he formed the One Punch Pirates.

Now that I have enough strength, I have my own pirate regiment in New World, which can protect Perona, so I kicked them and looked down on their strength.


A man is a man!

Hera showed disdain, don’t go too far, don’t look at Moria.

Moria was a little excited with the charming side face exposed from the side of her head.

“Did the One Punch Pirates disband like this?” Sidoro suddenly asked.

The captain is gone, so the One Punch Pirate Group is gone too.

But he now has feelings for this pirate group. Gang Mill and Hera, too, frowned in dismay.

“If the One Punch Pirates can’t be disbanded, it’s up to you in the future. If you don’t want to disband, then you can play your own world with this name!” Moria smiled and encouraged.

All depends on the efforts of Sidoro and the Marines, and Marine accepts the existence of this pirate group.

In short, the One Punch Pirates, whether it is disbanded or not, Moria will not care about it in the future.

After Sidoro heard this, he solemnly promised: “Don’t worry, boss. We will surely let the name of the One Punch Pirates ring through the sea in the future. We will definitely not shame your reputation!”

He even accepted Moria’s departure, and he would never be ashamed.

This is a man’s promise!

“Me too!” Gangmir nodded at the same time, looking serious.

“I look forward to it!”

Moria smiled and nodded, then looked at Hera with scorching eyes.

“I want to take you to New World with Perona, what do you think?”

Hera was dumbfounded, turned her head, and stared at Moria’s admiring eyes, her face flushed suddenly.

The gaze that seemed to pierce her through, let Hera know how much the man in front of him longed for her.

It’s a pity… she won’t leave her brother!

“I’m not going!”

Hera met Moria’s gaze, shook her head firmly, and said: “I am a doctor, Sidoro and Gangmir both need me, Mo… Moria, you have been taken care of in New World, so I won’t go. ”

Moria frowned, but before he could say anything, Sidoro suddenly said: “Sister Hera, I have grown up and don’t need your care anymore. I want to have my own adventure, so you and Boss, go to New World!”

“Moreover, through the understanding of this period, you also know that in New World, the long-handed patriarchs, the long-legged patriarchs, the necks and other human races have gathered, plus it is the most dangerous and most variable sea area in the world.”

“Isn’t this just the medical research area you dream of!”

Although Sidoro said with great emotion, Hera was unmoved.

What New World?

Wouldn’t they not go in the future?

The same goes for the future!

Anyway, she didn’t trust her brother to take risks, and she was not around.

“I’m not going!!!” Hera ignored Sidoro and stared at Moria.

After all, Moria is the man who decides everything.

As long as Moria spoke, Sidoro couldn’t help it.

Sidoro also knew this, so he hurriedly said: “Sister, have you forgotten that you are still wanted by Celestial Dragons now. You don’t think about it for me, but also for yourself. The boss will not be there in the future? , We met CP0 sent by Celestial Dragons, if you have an accident, what do you tell me to do!”

“So, you should go to New World with the boss.”

Sidoruo bitterly persuades his sister, on the one hand because the threat of Celestial Dragons does exist, and on the other hand, he has seen his boss’s strong possessiveness towards his elder sister.

And seeing my old sister blushing, it was obviously not disgusting.

If this is the case, why not let the two be together, and to be honest, now that my elder sister is with the boss, it is much safer than with me.


At this time, Perona, who was sitting on Moria’s shoulder, also persuaded: “Sister Hera, you also go to New World with me and Lord Momo. The big deal is that I will share the life energy of Lord Momo with you.”

“It’s just a little bit, you can’t grab more!” Perona shook her fingers, showing a vigilant look at Hera.

“…” Moria has a black line, and my life energy is special.

But… it’s not impossible to give Hera some food.

As for how to eat…?

Looking at Hera’s thick red lips, Moria licked her lips.

“…” Hera stared at Sidoro blankly, her face uncertain. He wanted to talk several times and then stopped, finally sighed deeply and helplessly.

“Well, I will go with Moria!”

Hera compromised, not because Perona would share a bit of Moria’s life energy, but what her brother Sidoro said to remind her.

That is.

After so many years, the Celestial Dragons once never gave up taking her back as a slave.

She understands that she will continue to stay with Sidoro and go to the Grand Line.

Without Moria’s seat, she would only bring more danger to Sidoro. Without her by his side, Sidoro might be safer.

“That’s… it’s all right!”

Moria was stunned all the time, and when Hera refused, he was thinking about not directly enslaving Hera and the others.

Don’t doubt it.

Moria can really do it.

Sometimes he is such a cruel and wicked person.

Anyway, at this time, I don’t want to play Moria anymore, so I’m not in the mood to continue to cultivate relationships with Hera.

Especially Hera can now spread her legs to meet all enemies.

So… Fortunately, Hera agreed to go with him.

Then… look again.

His actor Moria didn’t believe it anymore. With his current strength and charm, he couldn’t subdue this mermaid fairy.

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