Chapter 147 Four Emperors Shadow Slaves!

“I want to deal with Kaido, too!”

Thinking of the Kaido form being trapped by the shadows, and then turning into a full body, completely breaking free, Moria shook her head secretly in her heart.

To deal with a strong man like Kaido, we still have to think about it from absolute power suppression.


“Red Earl plus World Destroyer, plus himself, Ochoku and Silver Axe and a bunch of powerhouses, together besieging Kaido, it should be able to beat that guy out!”

Moria suddenly thought of waiting for him to clean up Ochoku and Silver Axe, and then think of a way to Impel down, after the powerful ones such as Red Earl were also shadowed. With a group of strong shadow servants, and hit Wanokuni, it should be no problem to beat Kaido.

“Captain Ochoku!!!”

“Captain Silver Axe!!!”

Here, Moria trapped the escaped Ochoku and Silver Axe with a shadow prison. After seeing them break free for a long time, the cadres of his two pirate regiments were excited.

It was the kind of angry excitement that they wanted to rescue.

When will Shanks not be discovered, it is at this critical time.

What do you mean?

Force me to make a choice and let Shanks go! !

Thinking of this, Moria’s eyes flickered slightly, and then she looked at the shadow prison in the sky, thinking about it.


The part of the shadow prison sphere that belonged to Moria’s shadow instantly turned into a flowing shadow, quickly returned to his body, merged into his body, and activated the Lord of Shadow Thunder mode.

Then instantly swapped positions with the shadow newsbird remaining in the sky on the top of the upside-down mountain and left.

At the last moment, Moria gave up Ochoku and Silver Axe.

For nothing else, he wanted to see if the people who really had a close bond with the protagonist were all protected under the guise.

Moria couldn’t touch him.

“call out!”

Moria, who appeared in the sky above the upside-down mountain in an instant, saw below at a glance, the red-haired Shanks on the Pirate Ship sailing down the first half of the Grand Line and the other crew of the Red Hair Pirates along the only ocean current channel down the mountain.

“call out!”


Like a flash of lightning, Moria disappeared into the air in an instant.

Below the pirate ship.

The moment Shanks appeared in Moria, his face changed abruptly.


Shanks yelled, then drew his sword and looked up into the sky.

He was not ready to flee, he wanted to hold the enemy.

Beckman and others were sighing the magic of upside-down mountains. Hearing Shanks’ words, they instinctively wanted to jump off the boat.


“Puff puff puff……!”

When the black thunder light flickered, five black thunder and lightning rays, like five black straight lines that kept turning at a corner, swiftly passed through everyone’s knees, and then turned into thunder light and disappeared.




In an instant, everyone, including Shanks, all groaned and fell to their knees.


At this time, Moria flashed black thunder light appeared on the ship.

Then he thought, without a trace of hesitation, he manipulated dozens of shadow tentacles to shuttle quickly, quickly trapping everyone.

“call out!”

With all the red-haired pirates, Moria flew out of the ship and landed on the open space in front of the lighthouse under the upside-down mountain in the first half of the Grand Line.

A whole set of actions are fast and hot, everyone at Red Hair Pirates has these dumbfounded.



“Puff puff……!”

Not waiting for the shock and doubts of Shanks and others to speak out.

Moria thought, and the tied shadow tentacles separated several shadow tentacles, and quickly gave each of them a family stabbing.

Except for the deadly vitals, Moria stabbed seventeen or eight big holes in other parts of the body.

However, this is not over yet.


Moria turned the shadow tentacles into sharp blades again, opening a large opening in the aorta of everyone’s wrist.

In an instant, blood was all over the floor.

Except for Beckman and Shanks, everyone else was instantly powerless, in a trance, and was about to die immediately.

But because the vital position was not fatally injured, these people could hold on for a while while only bleeding.


Shanks fell to the ground, struggling and roaring, his eyes were red and red, and his eyes staring at Moria were like cannibalism.

Then, Ultimate furious, Shanks, who couldn’t get rid of the shackles of the shadow tentacles, stared at Moria.


In an instant, a powerful Conqueror’s Haki burst out of Shanks.

The enemy that Conqueror’s Haki swept across, the space seemed to have ripples, and it seemed vague.

On the surrounding rocky ground, there was a burst of “clicks”, cracking lines like black lines.

“Wow! Wow!” On the distant sea, Conqueror’s Haki swept across, the waves spread to the distance, and then sea beasts and fishes, and a huge whale turned its belly and surfaced.


Shanks stared red eyes and continued to stare at Moria fiercely. Conqueror’s Haki on his body was attacking Moria one after another, as if not stunned by Moria, Conqueror’s Haki on his body would not stop. Same.

“This is the top Conqueror’s Haki!”

Moria felt like a sea wave, sighing secretly at Conqueror’s Haki, who was constantly bombarding her spirit.

Among other things, at least Conqueror’s Haki, Shanks now is as strong as Whitebeard, the current peak.


You attacked me with Conqueror’s Haki, do you look down on me? Moria sneered secretly in her heart, and then her mind moved.


A shadow tentacle penetrates the aorta at Shanks’ other wrist.

“Ah…!” Shanks screamed, then his eyes whitened and he passed out, and Conqueror’s Haki naturally stopped.

At this time, except for Beckman, everyone else passed out in a coma.


Moria looked at the man who watched Shanks pass unconsciously and still didn’t say a word, secretly wondering.

Does this guy have nothing to do with Shanks?

never mind!

Why do you think so much!

“Puff!” Moria manipulated the shadow tentacles to the aorta on Beckman’s other wrist, which also pierced through.

It is convenient to bleed and put it in a state of dying. This guy is also a strong man.

“Uh…!” Beckman snorted, did not speak, and looked at Moria with a quick thinking light inside.

Moria retired from the Lord of Shadow Thunder mode, controlled the shadow to enter the shadows of Shanks and others, and began to transform into shadow slavery.

Seeing this scene, Beckman finally spoke.

“The actor, although I don’t know you…why would you stare at us!”

“But I can… sure, we absolutely… have not provoke you!”

“So, with my life…no…with the lives of all of us…, I pray your actor, I hope you can… let our captain go and leave him… a life!”

Beckman resisted the strong trance caused by the excessive blood loss, endured the pain, and after speaking intermittently, he struggled to kneel down for Moria.

He took the lives of all his companions except Shanks, just to beg Moria to spare their captain Shanks.

For Beckman, everyone has a unique position on the ship.

In addition, these crew members have a common position.

That is, at the critical moment, everything can be spared for the captain, including his life.

Beckman knelt on the ground, his eyes shot directly at the ground, staring wide, and he didn’t close his eyes.

Although his consciousness is getting more and more blurred, he is still holding on, he can’t fall down, he wants to hear the answer from the actor.

And it was the answer he wanted!

Otherwise, he wouldn’t just die like this, at least he would die in battle, in resistance.

“Enviable fetters, and strong will!”

“As expected of the man who can lift Kizaru in the future.”

Looking at Beckman trembling on his knees, Moria admired the realization that he should possess a deputy captain of the pirate regiment, and also affirmed his strong will.

So Moria chuckled softly: “Yes! You and I will not kill you, this time I will let you go.”

“Thanks!” After hearing Moria’s words, Beckman smiled, and then the “thumping” fell to the ground and passed out into a coma.

It is not easy to be able to persist until now.

After getting Moria’s affirmative answer, Beckman fell down with an expression of joy.

“As long as you can survive the transformation of shadow slavery, you will not die!” Moria murmured and added, and then focused on the transformation of shadow slavery.

Shadow slave transformation, Moria has used a lot and is also proficient up to now.

First lurking in the shadow of others, without disturbing their will, transform a part of it.

Then when his will is weakened and unable to resist because he is dying, he will directly carry out a comprehensive shadow enslavement transformation of his shadow, and in the end it will generally succeed.

At least for now, Moria hasn’t failed.

Three minutes later.

In addition to Beckman and Shanks, the rest of Red Hair Pirates were successfully transformed into shadow slaves by Moria and became a member of his shadow slave army.

five minutes later.

Beckman also completed the shadow slavery.

Moria injected life energy for him, allowing Beckman to quickly recover from his injury.

For other people who succeeded in shadow slavery, Moria also injected life energy for them in time, saved their lives, and recovered.

“Is Shanks okay? Lord Actor.” Beckman’s face was pale and looked at Shanks worriedly.

“It’s okay, you and the others will stand aside!” Moria glanced at Beckman and ordered.

Beckman nodded, walked aside, and stood with Yasopp and others, watching Moria transform Shanks into shadow slaves.

There were complicated eyes on everyone’s face.

In their hearts, the meaning and cognition of self has not disappeared.

But none of them had the consciousness of resisting Moria’s orders.

Now they don’t know that Moria is transforming Shanks into shadow slavery, and they thought it was saving Shanks.

“As expected of you, Shanks!”

Moria admired that after ten minutes, Shanks’s will is still tenacious, making Moria’s shadow slavery transformation impossible.


“What kind of physique is this guy, how can he recover so pervert!”

Moria was a little curious. After ten minutes, it wasn’t Shanks who bleed to death. It was that his wounds were actually healed a little, at least the blood flowing out gradually decreased, and even stopped.

But he is still in a state of dying.

After all, after suffering such a serious injury, a lot of blood has been shed. No matter how good the body is, it is not Kaido’s pervert that has the ability to awaken from the Zoan fruit. It can automatically return to normal.

“But you are in a state of dying, and your will is still so strong, which makes people distressed!”


Moria shook her head, a headache.

The current situation is that, while inflicting some injuries on Shanks, this guy may have died directly. There is no such thing as a process of dying slowly and gradually dissipating will, Moria can’t influence the success of the transformation!


Moria suddenly thought, “It doesn’t seem to be impossible, but if the time is too short, the chance of success is very small.”

“So, do you want to try?”

Looking at Shanks, who was pale, and perceiving his faint breath, but his still strong will, Moria’s eyes flashed with cold.


“If you don’t succeed, you will die!”

Moria’s heart moved, and a shadow spear was drawn from the shadow, and it pierced Shanks’s heart.


Blood bloomed on Shanks’ chest, the shadow gun pierced his heart, his life was quickly dissipating, and his spiritual will was quickly dissipating.

Moria quickly retracted the shadow, closed her eyes, and concentrated on transforming Shanks into a shadow slavery.

In the shadow, Shanks’ will is like a brilliant diamond, even if it is about to dissipate, it is still very hard.

It is difficult to complete Moria’s shadow slavery transformation.

“Is it so failed? The future Four Emperors red-haired Shanks just died like this.”

“But, what I want is a shadow slave of the Four Emperors!”

Moria was not reconciled, and stared closely at Shanks’ will about to dissipate in her perception.

Even if it is a little weak!

In this way, Moria can also forcibly transform it, at least half of the success rate.

Like now, it basically fails 100%.





On the side, Beckman and others, who were standing and watching Shanks, had tears in their eyes.

They just watched Moria pierce Shanks’s heart with a shadow, but they couldn’t kill Moria at all, at most they complained, but the body and mind were honest and would not violate Moria’s orders.

So, everyone, even if they watched Shanks dying, still obediently listened to Moria’s orders and stood there, not daring to take a step.


Hearing the crying cry of Beckman and others, Moria moved in her heart, lowered her head, and whispered in Shanks’ ear: “If you still want your buddies to live without dying, don’t resist my power!”


As soon as the voice fell, Moria discovered Shanks’ hard as diamond will, and it instantly softened.

“It’s done!”

Moria seized the last chance and successfully enslaved Shanks.

Then Moria hurriedly input ten people’s life energy into Shanks.

Supplemented by a large amount of life energy, Shanks’ physical injury instantly recovered.

It’s just that people are still in a coma. This can be regarded as a kind of spiritual self-protection.

Fortunately, Shanks’ life was saved, as long as his mental will slowly recovered.

“How did you escape my investigation when you were in Logue town?”

Moria stood up and looked at Beckman. This problem has been bothering him recently. This is the reason why he would rather give up Ochoku and Silver Axe, but also come to clean up Shanks.

“We hid in the mouth of the sea beast…” Beckman told Moria what had happened in Logue town.

“I see!”

After Moria listened, he let out a long sigh of relief.


It’s not the kind of unexplainable disappearance, or the kind of weird situation where I’m at your feet and you deliberately ignore me and think I’m not there.

If that kind of weird situation arises, then Moria feels like he is looking for a place, so he can’t help but get up.

After all, there is a real existence directing all this, then he, a traverser, is in danger.

Now that Shanks and the others are hiding in the corners of the sea beasts, Moria understands why his Observation Haki can’t perceive Shanks and the others.

Just like in the original Sky Island, after Luffy enters the body of the snake, Enel’s Observation Haki can’t perceive Luffy’s voice.

Now, Shanks has been successfully enslaved by him. Prove that this world is not an arranged world.

Moria was finally completely relieved, and was able to wave freely.


Moria suddenly turned her head and looked to the shore, where an old man with a harpoon crawled out of the sea.

“Shanks…who are you…”

“call out!”


A shadow gun quickly stretched out from under Moria and penetrated the talking old man on the shore.

Then Shadow rolled up the old man and took the old man to Moria’s side.

Moria directly transformed it into shadow slavery.

“At any rate, he used to be the ship doctor on the One Piece ship. He must have good medical skills.”

Moria thought to herself that after Op-Op Fruit was found, a top doctor would be needed to perform an ageless operation.

Now that the old man took the initiative to send it to the door, Moria was not welcome.

Not for a while.

After the shadow slave transformation was completed, the old man stood up.

“You will never see me in the future. What should I do in the future? Even if you encounter someone who speaks badly about me or something unfavorable to me occurs, you don’t have to worry about it.”

“Until I summon you!”

After giving instructions to Beckman and the others and the old ship doctor, before waiting for them to answer, Moria had a heartbeat and exchanged positions with a Shadow Servant Newsbird flying over Beehive Island.

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