Chapter 153 Celestial Dragons Spreading a Message!

“Have it?”

Moria let go of the faces of hundreds of people wrapped in shadows and asked the guards.

“No, master!” The captain of the guards and several guards walked forward and looked around, shook their heads to Moria.


Moria furrowed her brows. It was only ten minutes, and everyone was gone.

Is it hiding in the house?

Looking at the capital city with faint eyes, Moria was making a choice in her heart.

“Do you want to control everything and let the guards check them one by one?”

“No, forget it!”

As soon as he thought, Moria shook his head. He suddenly remembered what the king said before.

This is not the first time the fake Devil Fruit has appeared.

This is obviously a habitual offender, so he must be prepared and will not stay in the city.

ten minutes.

If you had the purpose of leaving the capital from the beginning, there would be almost enough time to leave.

“Really…, can’t I get Op-Op Fruit easily? I have to make these moths.”

After spitting, Moria asked the captain of the guard: “Do you know what it looks like?”

While asking, Moria began to transform the shadow enslavement of those trapped by the shadow.

For the time being, before finding Op-Op Fruit, Moria didn’t want to make a big deal. Lest there be more moths.

“About three meters tall, he has long black curly hair, a little sloppy, and his face is basically blocked by the hanging hair. I didn’t see it clearly. I just remember that when I opened my mouth to speak, a golden front tooth was exposed.”

“The others are very ordinary, they don’t have any weapons, and they dress like tramps.”

The captain of the guard told Moria in detail about the appearance and figure of the man who traded Op-Op Fruit.

It’s a pity that the other party is clearly prepared. If you don’t have to open your mouth to speak, you don’t even know that there is a golden front tooth in your mouth.

When the captain of the guard finished speaking, Moria’s shadow slavery was also completed.

For these ordinary or even weak people, his shadow enslavement was very fast, bloodletting weakened his will, and then took the opportunity to shadow enslavement transformation, a set of procedures was completed, and it was resolved in less than ten seconds.

“Go back, everything tonight, as if it hadn’t happened.”

“Yes, master!”

Upon hearing Moria’s order, the hundreds of people who had become shadow slaves left one after another.

“Do you have a painter here?” Moria turned to the king behind him.

If there is a painter, according to the description of the guards and others, draw the head, even if there is only an image of the sea.

You can increase the chance of finding the person who sells fake Op-Op Fruit through Wanted.

“No!” The king shook his head apologetically, how can such a small country have such high-level talents.


Moria sighed and looked around, asking the guard and the king to walk into the guard room with him.

Then Moria released a shadow servant who was about the same height as the guard, and asked the guard to change the armor and clothes on the shadow servant.

In this way, wear a helmet that only exposes the eyes and striped gaps. From the outside, you can’t see the original appearance of Shadow Servant.

“You will continue to be here in the future. If someone comes to trade with a fake Devil Fruit, just let me know.”

“Also, if you see a man with golden front teeth, no matter who it is, let me know.”

After giving advice to both the guard and the Shadow Servant, Moria left a Shadow Servant phone worm for the Shadow Servant.

Then Moria carried the king and flew back to the palace with Moonwalk.

Back in the palace hall, Moria let go of the king and asked him: “When did you find someone selling fake Devil Fruit? Is there any information about those people now?”

“Master, we only discovered it recently.”

The king bowed his head in front of Moria and explained: “We all put the Devil Fruit collected before in the treasure house directly. It was not until the day before yesterday that we bought another Devil Fruit and sent it back to the treasure house to release it. Fruit, the color on it has faded. Once we washed it with water, we found out that it was fake.”

“So who exactly sells Devil Fruit, you may need to ask the guards.”

“It’s late!” Moria shook her head after hearing it, and asked now, but she couldn’t find any results.

Judging from the receipt of three fake Devil Fruits in a row recently, this is a premeditated crime.

It is not the first time I want to exchange fake Devil Fruit for bounty.

I just don’t know whether it was an individual or a gang.

Really a headache?

After thinking for a while, Moria couldn’t help scratching his head, he was not suitable for this kind of investigating and solving crimes.

“Okay, you go down!”

Moria waved and sent the king away. Then he walked to the room where the queen was raised, where the beautiful queen and concubine had already greeted him on his side.

After some intense exercise, Moria regained his shape and lay on the big bed, with some soft flesh lying on her stomach.

At this time, his head began to empty himself, and his thoughts became a lot more active.

“First of all sort out!”

“The person who sells fake Devil Fruit must have a real Op-Op Fruit on him. Even if he doesn’t, he must have seen it.”

“After all, the special heart-shaped shape of Op-Op Fruit, it is difficult for people who have never seen it to use that shape to impersonate Devil Fruit.”

“Then, I have already swindled a lot of money with the fake Devil Fruit. Before being thoroughly seen through, under the greed of human nature, that person should come back again.”

“Think about it in another way. If you are him and have sold a fake Op-Op Fruit in this country this time, you shouldn’t do it again.”

“I will only change to another fake Devil Fruit.”

“So, if that person sells fake Op-Op Fruit, he will definitely choose the next country that is also collecting Devil Fruit!”

“Of course, the premise is that this country is not the last country where he sells fake Op-Op Fruit!”

Regarding this, Moria is sure that it is by no means the last one, but the first.

Because once other countries receive Op-Op Fruit, they will definitely notify him as soon as possible.

And now that he hasn’t notified him, it means that the fake Op-Op Fruit is sold for the first time.


“There is hope!”

Moria laughed, got up quickly and got dressed. Then instantly swapped positions with the shadow news bird over a country.

After arriving in that country, Moria first went to the treasure house with the king to verify whether the Devil Fruit collected was fake.

The result was okay, and Moria breathed a sigh of relief.

This country has only collected one Devil Fruit, which is true, it is a Zoan’s Devil Fruit.

“It seems that the person who sells fake Op-Op Fruit either didn’t have time to harm the country, or he just started.”

Moria thought to himself, no matter what kind, it is good for him.

As long as that guy wants to continue cheating money with fake Devil Fruit, he should come to this country sooner or later.

Thinking about it, Moria came to this country to collect Devil Fruit.

It is also in a relatively closed house.

In the house, Moria also left behind a Shadow Servant and Shadow Servant Phone Worm who was invisible in a full set of armor.

As long as the person who sells fake Op-Op Fruit comes to sell it again, he will know it for the first time and rush over.

Moria believed that as long as he rushed over at the first time, no one could escape the palm of his hand.

Even if the real Op-Op Fruit is not on that person, a shadow slavery can completely solve all troubles.

In the ensuing time, Moria shuttled back and forth in the more than 20 countries under his control, checking the authenticity of the Devil Fruit that he received.

As a result, Moria was delighted and disappointed.

Fortunately, the six Devil Fruits collected in more than 20 countries are all real.

This means that the man who sells fake Op-Op Fruit has not come to other countries to harm him, which gives Moria a chance.

In every country, in the room where he collected Devil Fruit, he left a shadow server and shadow server phone worm waiting around the clock. As long as that guy appeared, he would not be able to escape the palm of his hand.

But the disappointing side is that more than 20 countries have only collected six Devil Fruits.

You know, it has been at least a month since Moria controlled these countries to collect Devil Fruit.

This is the result…

Obviously, either Devil Fruit is really scarce in North Blue, or many people do not sell it.

Either way, if Op-Op Fruit does not appear this time, he will have to wait.

Fortunately, Op-Op Fruit finally appeared.

After a busy night.

Moria returned to the kingdom where he placed the female Celestial Dragons, under the hard service of the beautiful Celestial Dragons, while enjoying and waiting for the person selling fake Op-Op Fruit to join the net.

This is the last way Moria can think of.

If the last one selling fake Op-Op Fruit disappears.

Then he can only offer a reward for Op-Op Fruit directly, and then he still doesn’t know what Gyūki snake god will attract.


Three days later.

For these three days, the person selling fake Devil Fruit did not appear in the country where he started selling fake Op-Op Fruit.

It may be that I realized that it is a bit risky to catch the wool in a place, so I changed the place.

Although Moria was a little anxious, she couldn’t help but wait.

On this afternoon, Moria, who was lying on a big bed enjoying various mechanical sports massages, suddenly received a phone call from New World Honeycomb Island Sanye.


As soon as the phone worm got through, Mitsuba hurriedly said: “Celestial Dragons sent a message, saying that he wanted to make a deal with you, and I hope you have released what you kidnapped… Celestial Dragons of the palace, old…”



Listening to Moria’s familiar gasp, Sanye on the phone bug’s face was speechless, “Boss, if you are doing business, do you need me to call again later?”

“No,” Moria laughed. “I just let them keep their voices down.”

Speaking, Moria put the phone bug on the pillow and let the three beauties on her continue without saying anything in a low voice.

After all… it’s the lowest voice.

Listening to the sound of a panting in her ears, Mitsuba fell silent, not caring about it, even asking when his boss kidnapped Celestial Dragons, and continued: “Boss, Celestial Dragons over there. , How are you going to reply?”

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