Chapter 163 Expansion of the Shadow Servant Army?

The back of Beehive Island.

To the right corner, a flat ground surrounded by four houses is square, about the size of a basketball court.

There is only a two-meter-wide path that divides the four houses into two opposites, leading to here.

Outside the alley, among the scattered houses, dense shadow servants pressed the captured pirates and gathered in the alleys.

On flat ground.

In the bright red sunlight in the morning, Moria manipulated the shadow to blend into the shadow of a pirate, violently perceiving the memory in the depths of its shadow.

It’s like rushing a bucket of water into a silt tower piled up by dry sand. If you use too much force, it will disperse as soon as you rush it.

The spirit and will of the pirate couldn’t help Moria’s rough explosion, and it broke apart, and the person died in less than a minute.

It seemed that it didn’t help to perceive the memory in the shadow of the pirate.

In fact, there is a rough gameplay.

After experimentation, Moria found that sometimes if he feels deeply in the shadow of a pirate, he will perceive more memories when his mental will collapses.

The memory in the shadow is like being wrapped in a hard shell.

Only by smashing him roughly can you perceive the memory hidden in it at the moment of collapse.

When the pirate dies due to a mental breakdown, Moria will swallow the shadow of the dead pirate and turn it into life energy.

Then input this life energy to the next pirate.

All the experimental pirates, Moria had already been enslaved in advance.

Just to allow them to cooperate well with the experiment.

Moria would ask the pirate every time he input life energy.

“Do you have any memories suddenly?”

“No, master!”

Without exception, Moria gets this answer every time.

Perceiving memory, Moria can already perceive it.

But the shadow that swallowed had always only obtained fighting skills based on physical instincts, without a trace of memory.


Every time this time, Moria would say this to herself.

However, this time Moria didn’t feel deeply in the shadow of the pirate.

But like a spring breeze and drizzle, moisturizing things silently, it slowly penetrates into the shadow of the pirate to perceive it.

Unlike the in-depth perception of rough explosion, this kind of slow penetration perception makes it difficult for the spirit and will to collapse.

Correspondingly, there will be very few memories that can be perceived.

But the victory lies in stability. Once the shell of memory protection is broken, Moria can perceive a person’s complete memory.

In this way, the task of perceiving a complete medical memory is even completed.

After five minutes, Moria switched from slow perception to rough explosive perception.

No accident, within a minute, the pirate who was deeply felt by the shadow collapsed and died.

Swallow the shadow, and then input it to the pirate in the next experiment.

Then repeat the first set of operations.

Moria kept repeating just that.

On the flat ground, only Moria and a pirate to be tested.

When Moria swallows the shadow of the pirate, the shadow attendant outside will send a pirate and continue to experiment with him.

So, reciprocating cycle.

At night, on the top of the attic of the east house, a long yellow downlight hung on it.

Moria under the light continued to experiment like this.

Alternating day and night, he hasn’t rested, even eaten, and he has been relying on life energy to regain his strength.

Except for the toilet to allow him to move, no one can let him go.


Five days passed.

In the middle of the way, Syndra and Blake and other pirate groups under the actor’s pirate group returned to Beehive Island, bringing back many pirates to experiment with Moria.

However, no matter how many people there are, if you don’t continue to supplement, you can’t help Moria’s sleepless experimentation.

So Ike came to Moria and said that there were not enough people caught, should he keep going.


Moria only replied a word, and continued to perceive the shadow of the pirate deeply.

Ike asked, “If there are no pirates to catch, can civilians be caught?”

In the current situation, most of the pirates in the waters around Honeycomb Island have either sought refuge with them, have been killed, or have fled the sea.

If you want to find more experimental subjects for Moria in a short period of time, the only way to do this is to attack the civilians.

The life span of the three leaves is only two months.

There is not much time left for Moria to develop the shadow ability that can swallow memory.

The experiment cannot be interrupted, every minute must be raced against.

After being silent for a while, Moria said solemnly: “If you need it, you can figure it out.”

“Understood!” Ike took the order.

After that, Syndra and others, who were notified by him, also left Beehive Island and headed to the sea to arrest people everywhere.

Live in this world, this era of pirates.

For the benefit, for the so-called companions, there are always people who lie down and die innocently.

Until now, Moria didn’t feel much about it.

Just like he used civilians to force Garp to give up guarding Bullet on Vico Island.

This time, in order to save Sanye and to strengthen himself, he couldn’t take care of the innocent.

Ten days later.

In January, I came to the flat ground to find Moria, her beautiful face was full of anxiety, “Boss, have your abilities been developed?”

At this time, Mitsuba’s life span was only one and a half months, and the sisters of the Steelhand Pirates were very anxious.

Now all hope is placed on Moria.

In a flash, half a month passed, and Moria has been addicted to experiments.

Their hearts can’t be stretched anymore.

January couldn’t help but came to ask Moria, wanting to get a result that the sisters were looking forward to.

“Wait, don’t bother me!”

Moria didn’t say it was unsuccessful, but just waved away January.

He still couldn’t let the shadow swallow the memory.

But the shadow’s ability to perceive memory is getting stronger and stronger, and more and more memories can be perceived.

He believes that after a while, he will be able to perceive all the memories in the depths of a person’s shadow.

Then you can concentrate on thinking about how to let the shadow swallow these complete memories.

After returning home with despair in January, he shook his head to the expecting sisters and said in a low voice, “It’s still not possible.”

The sisters all looked dim when they heard this, and even the boss couldn’t help it.


Everyone looked at the clover who was eating and drinking on the long table and Perona, tears fell for a while.

“Come on, Nana!”

“This is delicious, eat this.”

“Sister Sanye, this is also good, here you are.”

“And this, I’ll give… you a little.”


On the long table, Perona’s hesitation made Mitsuba laugh.

Since the experiment passed on the fruit that day, the life span was only two months later.

That night, Perona found her and said that she wanted to eat her full, so that her lifespan would be eaten back.

One dare to speak, one dare to do.

So, in the following time, Sanye was either eating or on the way to eat.

But today, after eating tonight with Perona, Sanye stopped eating.

She called all the sisters in January to the rooftop.

“The boss needs to pass on the fruit!”

In a word, San Ye let them know that the eldest sister is going to pass on everything about her to the next sister.

It also means that Sanye gave up hope of living.

The news brought back from Moria in January made Mitsuba understand that she would not be able to develop the ability to make a person a doctor instantly.

But the next person who inherits the fruit ability can wait until Moria’s ability.

So, pass on the ability to inherit the fruit and everything you have today. Sanye made a decision with his heart.

“Jan, here, you are the strongest, you can accept the inheritance!”

Sanye looked towards January, the stronger the person, the greater the pressure they could bear after accepting the inheritance, and the more lifespan they would have left after accepting the inheritance.

If an ordinary person receives all the inheritance of Sanye.

That would barely survive for a day, and the life span would have been exhausted.

Only the strong can bear the strong inheritance and retain more lifespan.

Jane looked at Sanye, shook his head firmly, and said: “I refuse to accept the inheritance, and I also don’t agree with the eldest sister, you inherit the fruits of the inheritance.”

Although I didn’t get the answer I wanted from Moria, I didn’t get a desperate answer, so there is still a chance.

January glanced at Moria’s direction, looked back at Mitsuba, with a decisive tone, firmly said: “The boss hasn’t given up, and you shouldn’t give up on the big sister.”

When the sisters in February heard the words, Qi Qi looked at Sanye and encouraged: “Yes, eldest sister, the boss hasn’t given up, and you can’t give up!”

Jan came to Mitsuba, squeezed her right hand, and the two looked at Moria’s location together. January firmly said: “I believe the boss, he will not disappoint.”

January tilted his head to stare at Sanye, and said: “Sister, you will definitely survive. Trust us, and believe in yourself.”

Sanye glanced at January, her eyes were a little moist, turned her head, and then raised her head again to look at the full moon rising at this time. After a long while, she seemed to have made up her mind and smiled: “Okay, it’s not the end. Don’t give up, we will wait for the boss together, believe in the boss together, and believe in ourselves.”

If you can’t die, no one wants to die, and so does Mitsuba.

Hearing Sanye’s words, Jane and others also smiled relievedly.

Next, trust the boss.

“what happened?”

“Are everyone in the Actor Pirates mad? Catch people everywhere!”

New World.

As Moria’s experiments became more and more intense, more and more people died, faster and faster, and more expensive.

Ike and the others finally attacked the civilians.

For a while, the world looked at it and talked a lot.

One of the thesis was recognized by the world.

“The actor is frantically expanding his army of shadow servants! Those who were transported back to Beehive Island were eventually turned into shadow servants by the actor.”

“Not even the civilians, the action taken by the actor must shock the world!”

Everyone believes that the actor’s crazy expansion of the Shadow Servant army must be for a war that shocked the world.

And the opponent is definitely world-class.

People are wandering between the Whitebeard Pirates, Beasts Pirates, the Aunt Pirates, and the three pirates currently ranked in the forefront of New World.

At present, only these three pirate groups are qualified to cause the actor to expand the Shadow Servant army so frantically.

These three pirate groups are currently New World, with the largest number of people, and the strongest are also the three pirate groups.

If you want to go to war with one of the three pirate regiments, you can’t defeat it without a certain amount of troops.

Most people think so.

There are also some people who think that the actor is facing up with Marine.

The reason is that the last time Marine raided Beehive Island and captured the actor’s prey Ochoku and Silver Axe, so the actor held a grudge and wanted to retaliate against Marine.

In fact, Marine also couldn’t figure it out.

I don’t know why the actor and pirate group suddenly caught so many people back to the hive island.

“Is it really to expand the Shadow Servant army!”

Thinking of this, Marine is in various places in New World, secretly preparing to prevent Moria from being caught off guard.

The same goes for Whitebeard and Kaido and others, each on alert of Moria’s movements.

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