Chapter 171 New Use of Shadow Space (Two in One Chapter)

“call out!”


Moria landed on February in the air, still in front of the small bungalow near the shore.

With a bewildered expression on her face, February got down from Moria’s arms.

She was taking a shower just now, and was taken away by Moria suddenly, causing her body to be still wet at this time.

“Give you something!”

When Moria thought, regardless of whether February agreed or not, he manipulated the shadow to input the life energy belonging to Devil Fruit.


In February, when I was about to ask what it was, after receiving the life energy belonging to Devil Fruit, a strange expression suddenly appeared on his face.

She felt a strange energy coming out of her body.

Then, as if suddenly realized, she knew what Moria gave her!

That’s why February was shocked. He looked at Moria and asked in horror: “Boss, this is the Devil Fruit ability, right?”

“Yeah!” Moria nodded subconsciously, and then his eyes lit up, grabbing the fragrant shoulders of February, and said excitedly: “You really got the Devil Fruit ability!!!”

After staying in February, he gave Moria a puzzled look. Isn’t it the Devil Fruit ability you gave me, the boss?

you do not know?

Despite his doubts, February nodded honestly Kaidō: “Yes, it seems to be Zoan’s snake fruit. It needs to be transformed to see what shape it is.”

Moria loosened February’s shoulders, folded her hands, and smiled: “Great, Devil Fruit’s shadow can swallow…”

February blinked and interrupted: “What’s so great?”

February was curious and continued to ask: “By the way, boss, how did you get my Devil Fruit ability?”

Moria suddenly paused with joy, looked at Er Yue’s curious face, blinked, and then his face was blank.

What February said was correct.

What’s so great!

There is nothing good at all.

Swallow the Devil Fruit ability shadow, get the life energy that can have Devil Fruit ability after eating, and then give this life energy to people to eat, let people gain Devil Fruit ability.

It’s a big circle, isn’t it the same as eating Devil Fruit directly.

After all, you have the shadow of Devil Fruit swallowed by you, and you let people eat Devil Fruit directly. It’s not the same, but it’s more direct.

Perhaps the only advantage is that it directly consumes the life energy of Devil Fruit, so you don’t need to experience the taste that is worse than shit like eating Devil Fruit directly.

This is really a sad fact!

Moria’s enthusiasm for the shadow to swallow Devil Fruit’s shadow suddenly disappeared.

Waved, Moria let February leave, “You go back first!”

After February left.

Moria took out a Devil Fruit from the shadow space again.

Looking at this Devil Fruit, Moria thought to herself: Judging from the life energy that can evolve life from devouring the shadow of Devil Fruit, Devil Fruit is also a living thing.

Therefore, after being swallowed, the shadow did not gain pure physical attribute bonuses like swallowing swords and other non-living matter.

Moria’s shadow swallows creatures and can only get life energy, and the quality of the shadow itself remains unchanged.

“Swallowing the shadow of Devil Fruit has life energy, so should the devouring plant also have life energy!”

Moria put Devil Fruit back into the shadow space, and then came under a coconut tree not far to the left of the house.

Then he manipulated the shadow to devour the shadow of the coconut tree.


A coconut tree was swallowed up with the shadow. Disappeared.


Perceiving that there is an extra life energy in the shadow space that is about the same size as the size of ordinary people’s shadows, Moria squinted and smiled.

“The shadow of a plant can get life energy if it swallows it, but I don’t know what evolution will this life energy get?”

“Does it have the ability to photosynthesize like a plant.”

For a moment, Moria thought about it, but he didn’t devour the experiment by himself.

For such uncertain things, let someone else experiment.

Wouldn’t it be embarrassing if you accidentally become a vegetable.

“When Ike and the others come back, let one of them try!”

Thinking about it, Moria returned to the small bungalow that had been independent before.

At this time, the sun was shining, and the shadow of the small bungalow appeared deep and dark.

Moria stood beside the shadow, thinking about it, manipulating her shadow into the shadow of the small bungalow.


His shadow space is connected to the shadow space of the small bungalow.

Just like on his shadow space barrier, a door suddenly appeared, connecting two spaces that originally belonged to different dimensions.

Moria arranged for his shadow space, and a shadow servant walked into the shadow space of the small bungalow through the Unicom gate.

Then, Moria retracted her shadow into the shadow of the small bungalow.


The door connecting his shadow space and the shadow space of the small bungalow… is still there! !

“Hahaha! Haha!”

Moria laughed happily. “It worked!”

Similar to what he thought at the beginning, through his special positioning and perception of the shadow servant, when he puts the shadow servant into the shadow space of the small bungalow, even if he did not manipulate his shadow into it, the shadow space of the small bungalow is still with his shadow. The space is connected together.

In this way, as long as he puts the shadow servant in the shadow space of several houses, or even the shadow space of countless mountains, the volume of the connected shadow space plus his original, his shadow space is equivalent to infinite It’s getting bigger.

Moria thought, but this is just the tip of the iceberg, it’s a small benefit.

Let the shadow wait in the shadow space of other objects, locate the shadow space that connects with other objects, and expand the volume of his shadow space in a disguised form.

This is just a surprise. What really makes Moria care about is the function of the shadow space of the small bungalow and his shadow space.

“Come out!” Moria ordered the shadow attendant in the shadow space of the small bungalow.

In an instant, the shadow attendant slowly emerged from the shadow of the little bungalow, and finally his feet came to the ground.

At this moment, Moria sensed that he had lost the position of the Shadow Attendant, and the door connecting the shadow space of the small bungalow with his shadow space disappeared.

The two shadow spaces have become two independent and unconnected dimensional spaces.

But this is not a problem. The most important thing is for the shadow servant to successfully emerge from the shadow of the small bungalow.

“Sure enough, the positioning of the Shadow Servant allows the shadow space of the small bungalow to connect with its own shadow space, which is equivalent to opening a small door to his shadow space.”

In the shadow space of Moria before, the shadow servant wanted to come out, and the exit was either his shadow or the shadow of other objects controlled by him with his awakening ability.

Now through the Shadow Servant positioning in the shadow space of other objects, the shadow space of other objects has always been connected to his shadow space.

This means that instead of always using the awakening ability to control the shadows of other objects, his shadow space will always be connected with the shadow spaces of other objects.

As long as the shadow space of these objects has the position of the shadow attendant.

In this way, it is equivalent to Moria’s shadow space. In addition to the door exit of her own shadow, there are other shadow spaces located by the shadow servants that can be used as small door exits for the shadow servants.

Last night Moria said that the way to invade Impel down was to let the Shadow Servant enter the shadow space of Impel down rotating soldiers.

After these soldiers entered Impel down, he let Shadow Servant come out of the shadows of these soldiers, and he could exchange positions with Shadow Servant and invade Impel down unconsciously.

With a thought, Moria once again manipulated the shadow into the shadow of the small bungalow, connecting his shadow space.

Then let a shadow attendant stay there, so that the shadow space of the small bungalow will always be connected with his shadow space.


Moria placed about a hundred shadow servants relatively evenly in the shadow space of the house on the entire Beehive Island and the shadow space of the skeleton rock wall in the middle.

It is mainly used to monitor the entire island.

Moria discovered that Shadow Servant can not only locate the shadow space of other objects, but also connect it with its own shadow space. You can hear the sounds around you and see the pictures around you through the shadows.

Just as the shadow space of the object is transformed into a curved TV screen, the shadow attendant can see and hear everything and sounds around the shadow outside in the shadow space.

This kind of function, like the eye insertion in the game, the insertion is the real eye, the kind with voice.

After doing this, Moria called for Jan and Perona.

The three came to the shore.

Stepping on the silky sand, Perona, who flew in front of the two of them, tilted her head, turned around and asked, “Master Momo, why are we here?”

“Stand up!” Moria told the two of them to stay still, and then manipulated the shadow to blend into the two of them.


The shadow space of the two is connected with Moria’s shadow space.

Moria did the same, and asked the two shadow servants to sit in their shadow servant spaces.

Then ordered the other two shadow servants to walk into the shadow space of the two to locate.

Let the other two shadow attendants come out and come to the ground.

The shadows of the two were like water, and the two shadow servants emerged from it, and finally their feet fell on the beach.

“very good!”

Moria smiled, and here, the preparations for the invasion of Impel down are finished.


Jane looked at her shadow, and then at the shadow servant on the shadow, and said in amazement: “What’s the matter?”

Perona circled around the shadow waiter emerging from her shadow, and exclaimed, “It’s fun!”

Perona came to Moria, staring at Venus and asked, “Master Momo, you are performing!”

Moria knocked on Perona’s forehead and said with a smile: “Be a ghost, go and stand!”

This sentence is also for Jan.

After the two women stood up again, Moria ordered the Shadow Servant to return to the shadow space of the two women.

The two shadow servants walked to the shadows of the two women, as if the shadows turned into water, they were like two iron rods, and they sank as soon as they whizzed.


Sensing that the Shadow Servant had returned to the shadow space, Moria smiled.

Summoning Perona, Moria let the two deputy captains of Ochoku and Silver Axe, Shadow Servant, enter her shadow space.

In this way, Perona’s safety is completely guaranteed.

January walked up to Moria again and curiously asked, “What’s the situation?”

How could the boss’ shadow attendant emerge and sink from his shadow.

She didn’t see the boss’s shadow blending into her shadow to manipulate!

Moria didn’t explain much, but smiled at Jan: “This is a newly developed ability.”

After all, Moria sent Jan and Perona away.

Before leaving, however, Moria asked Ike to inform Ike that all of them would come back and gather.

His remaining Sea Kings life energy will be given to shadow slaves such as Ike and Blake.

The second thing is to ask them if they want to eat Devil Fruit.

Moria originally had sixteen Devil Fruits in her hand.

Six of them were collected from North Blue countries, and ten were sent by Celestial Dragons.

Celestial Dragons sent one of the Zoan Devil Fruits, which he had just given to February to eat.

Now there are fifteen Devil Fruits left in total.

When Ike and the others come back, let them choose for themselves and see which Devil Fruit they want to eat.

After the two women left.

Moria continues to develop capabilities and strengthen strengths.

In this lawless world, only an increase in strength can bring a sense of security.

Don’t look at Moria seems to be obsessed with beauty, but in fact, whenever he has time, he is developing fruit abilities.

Calculating that he escaped from Wanokuni, it will be less than a year now.

His strength has almost reached the ceiling of this world.

This kind of speed increase, except for Luffy, who met his teacher during the battle, no one is faster than him.

Go back to the ground where the yellow-brown rock is cut into cubes.

Moria took out a long knife from the shadow space. It was a real long knife, not made by the shadow.

Inserting the knife on the rocky ground, he manipulated the shadow to blend into the knife’s shadow, connecting the shadow space.

Moria’s consciousness sank into the shadow space of the knife.

Like Moria’s shadow space, the shadow space of the knife is dark, like a dark universe without stars, deep and mysterious.

Moria didn’t think there was anything in this before, but now he knows that people are like the shadow space barriers of the starry sky, corresponding to a person’s spiritual world or spiritual space.

As long as there is spiritual activity, it will be reflected on the barrier of shadow space.

The reason why there is no light on the shadow space barrier of the knife is because the knife does not have a trace of spiritual activity.

Therefore, shadowing and shadowing of creatures have no effect on non-creatures.

If Moria wants to develop a non-biological life like Charlotte Linlin’s Thundercloud Zeus, he has to develop a new ability.

Fortunately, the first half of the Grand Line swallowed the shadow of the Seven Star Sword, filling Moria’s shadow with his will.

And the will, in fact, can also be counted as the soul.

At least the will is also an expression of wisdom.

Moria’s idea is that he separates a part of his own shadow, as Charlotte Linlin separates a part of his soul, thoroughly integrates into the non-living matter, and makes it have the characteristics of life.

Development begins.

Moria withdrew his other nineteenth-twentieth shadows, leaving only one-twentieth shadows to continue to blend into the shadow of the knife.

The ratio of one-twentieth is just right.

No more, no less, to create life, he thinks enough.

Then… there is no more.

The shadow space of the knife is still there, because Moria’s one-twentieth shadow continues to merge with the shadow of the knife.

So the shadow space is still connected.

But the shadow space barrier of the knife is still a thousand dark, without a trace of light.

This means that the knife does not give birth to conscious wisdom.

“Where is the problem?”

Moria walked around the knife, feeling the breath of the knife.


Moria stopped, feeling carefully.

Not for a while.

Moria touched her chin, and if she didn’t feel wrong, this knife seemed a little different.

This shows that after merging into Moria’s shadow, there are actually changes.

Consciousness sinks into the shadow space of the knife, this time Moria carefully perceives the shadow space barrier of the knife.

With this careful perception, Moria discovered that the knife seemed to have a soul and his will.

But like a vegetative person, even though he is alive, he can’t do anything or move.

“You have to let the sword have consciousness and wisdom, and then there may be new changes!”

Thinking about it, Moria thought, let a shadow servant enter the shadow space of the knife.


It seems that I can’t get in.

Moria was a little embarrassed. The shadow space of the knife seemed to be quite large in his consciousness, but it was actually very small, and Shadow Servant could not enter at all.

This is uncomfortable.

He also wondered, after the Shadow Servant entered the shadow space of the knife, would he suddenly gain wisdom.

As a result, I couldn’t even get in.

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