Chapter 190 Fist Shake Wanokuni! (Two in one chapter)

When Moria rushed to Kaido, on the battlefield ahead, the Shadow Servant army and the pirates of Beasts Pirates took the lead.


The first shot was more than 500 long-range attacks on Shadow Servant, and they quickly swung their swords.

In an instant, more than a thousand chopping waves expanded rapidly on the snow, blowing up the wind and snow, like avalanche-like slashing waves, swept toward the rushing Beasts Pirates.

“What is that!!?”


A pirate from Beasts Pirates faced this scene dumbfounded, his forward momentum stopped immediately. If it wasn’t for the people behind to stop at the same time, then he would be trampled to death by those behind.

For the first time facing this large-scale slashing wave, the pirates of Beasts Pirates were obviously frightened.

Especially the cannon fodder pirates rushing in the front, facing this kind of attack, at this moment, they can’t dodge or stop them.


“Boom! Boom!”

With the snow flying, the ground destroyed everything like a typhoon. The pirates of Beasts Pirates were torn to pieces by the chopping wave in an instant. The broken limbs were flying all over the sky, and the blood bloomed like flowers on the white snow.


But…not everyone can’t resist it. There are many strong people in Beasts Pirates. Some people flew part of the chopping wave with swords and iron fists in their hands and survived temporarily.

Why is it temporarily?



The slashing of the shadow servants is infinite and continuous. It can be blocked for a second, not for a moment. What’s more, there are two giant shadow servants with cylindrical shock waves emitted by “Hakoku”. All emptied a large area of ​​people, leaving a smooth annihilation channel.

Other strong shadow servants such as Silver Axe and Ochoku, their chopping waves can not be blocked by these strong Beasts Pirates.

This fierce battle, which is like a slaughter, makes people fearful, especially the Beasts Pirates who were slaughtered.

“do not want………”

“Hurry up!!”

“my leg…”

“my hand……”

The miserable howling sound resounded through Jiuli almost instantly.

Facing this unsolvable slashing wave attack, most of the pirates of Beasts Pirates collapsed.

This is not close to one hundred meters, the loss is so heavy.

And…how to solve this situation!

“Go away!!”

The flexible big fat Quinn from the rear, like a hero who turned out, pushed everyone away and rushed towards the Shadow Servant army.

“Master Quinn!!”

The pirates behind Quinn were in tears, and at the critical moment, men like Quinn were reliable, blocking them in front of them and sheltering them from the wind and rain.

“Come on, follow Master Quinn, and kill those gangsters!!”

A somewhat majestic pirate greeted, and the other pirates followed, hiding behind Quinn and rushing forward.

bump! bump! bump!

Quinn sinks vigorously with every step, but his speed is not slow. During the run, he quickly transformed into a giant brachiosaurus, covered with Armament Haki, his head was hammered, and he was straight against countless slashing waves. Rushing to the Shadow Servant army, trying to disperse the formation of the Shadow Servant army, to win melee opportunities for the pirates behind, otherwise, against this endless wave of slashing attacks, tens of thousands of people will not be able to withstand it.

For the Shadow Servant, the physical strength is unlimited, and the chopping wave is also unlimited. There is no such thing as a rest change at all. The sword in his hand is brandished, and it keeps running at a high speed without stopping.

“Boss Quinn, be careful!!”

At this time, a huge black shadow suddenly enveloped the running Quinn. Quinn had not reacted to the reminder, and a huge force instantly poured on him.

“What is it!!!” Quinn was shocked and didn’t see what was attacking him.

Only the pirate further behind could see clearly.

It was a fist, a huge fist that fell from the sky. It was bigger than Quinn’s whole body transformed into a brachiosaurus. It slammed Quinn’s body like a hill, and the huge force directly smashed Quinn into a dozen meters deep and hundreds of meters. In the large pit with a diameter of 2 meters, a ring of huge ripples like a tsunami spread to the surroundings.

Most of the people who originally followed Quinn were directly torn apart by the terrifying force contained in this ripple.

The wind pressure that rolled up even blew the pirates hundreds of meters around, clearing a large area of ​​open space at once. The blood and snow water mixed together and dyed the white snow.

The entire ground of this punch split like a spider web, and a shock spread all over the place and spread farther away.



The whole Wanokuni was shaken by this huge force.

Clang! Clang…

In the flower city, in the tea room, on the coffee table, the tea cup was overturned on the table under the vibration, and the tea was poured out. Kurozumi was unstable with his hands behind his back and looked around in horror.

“what happened??”

“What happened?”

“Have there been an earthquake!!”

Kurozumi Semimaru sat in the original position, not being disturbed by the shock, calmly calming Kurozumi Orochi, and whispered: “Don’t worry, it’s just the aftermath of the battle!”

“…” Kurozumi Orochi looked at Kurozumi Semimaru speechlessly.

The aftermath of your battle can be shaken here from Jiuli.

That’s it! ! !

“There is no danger here, right?” Kurozumi Orochi was a little worried, and wanted to find a place to hide and be safe.

“Don’t worry, this is far away from Jiuli!” Kurozumi Semimaru crossed his index fingers and middle fingers, then folded his hands on his chest and said, “Please trust my barrier Technique!”

In an instant, a hemispherical barrier wrapped the three of Kurozumi Orochi.

Looking at the glass-like barrier, Kurozumi’s heart settled after thinking that even the crazy guy Oden could not destroy it.

Other places in Wanokuni were also shocked by the shock from Jiuli, and everyone was talking about it.

“Have there been an earthquake?”

“It does not seem!”

“Listen to the sound, it should come from Jiuli.”

“Nine Miles? Isn’t that the place where Kaido’s Beasts Pirates and the Actor Pirates fight!”

Before the siren sounded, most people on Wanokuni knew that Kaido and the actor went to war in Jiuli.

“Then this shock was caused by Jiuli?”

“It should be!!”

“too frightening!!”

“What did these guys do in Wanokuni’s land!!!”

“I have to quickly take my family away from Jiuli, it is not safe here!!!”

Under this shock, the residents of Wanokuni began to evacuate in the area near Jiuli.

The aftermath of this unusual battle shocked them. For the sake of their children, they didn’t want to risk staying in place, but wanted to stay far away.

Marine here.

In the snow-white little box room, Garp and others looked at the giant in the distance through the window, shocked and confused.

“Who is that?”

“So big! So tall!”

“At least 400 meters or more!!!”

Five hundred meters in height, March, standing there, with dark clouds on his head, feet on the ground, a pair of wings covering the sky and sun, like an ancient demon god, the sky and the earth fell in one blow. In fact, the one blow in March also basically made a landslide. crack.

It was just March that fell from the sky and punched Quinn into the mud pit.

At this moment, after March retracted his fist, Quinn in the depths of the big pit had recovered his human form, but he was bleeding from Qiqiao and turned over Byakugan and passed out into a coma.

Under the terrifying power of March, Quinn was hit by a KO.

But I have to say that the life of Zoan Demon fruit power is very tenacious, especially the ancient Demon fruit power, which is simply the Xiaoqiang of Immune to Death.

Although Quinn passed out in a coma, his life was not in danger.

Of course, he lost his combat ability in a short time.

The entire battlefield was quiet and terrifying at this moment. The 500-meter giant, coupled with the powerful force and the deterrence brought by killing Quinn with one punch, was terrifying.

On the Beasts Pirates side, with his mouth wide open, he looked up at Sanye’s huge figure that seemed to be out of sight. He couldn’t speak, his body trembled involuntarily, and cold sweat had already flowed all over his body.

On the side of the Shadow Servant Army, because San Yue happened to be standing in the middle, he stopped the chopping wave attack.

On the Beasts Pirates side, he was really shocked, and he was still motionless now.

At this moment, there was a thought in their minds, how would they fight such a huge creature.

And… Armament Haki will be special.

The blow just now caused such a huge movement. In addition to the powerful strength of March, she also used Armament Haki to harden her. As a result, she was strengthened, and the blow directly shook the entire Wanokuni.

Of course, it was just shaking, and it didn’t directly cause damage. To cause damage, Whitebeard’s Shock Fruit ability is needed.

Bump… bump!

At this time, Mitsuba and their ships landed, and other pirate ships landed one after another.

March recovered from the giant figure and turned into a full body state with a twelve-meter figure.

In the next battle, if the individual is too large, it is easy to accidentally injure the friendly forces.


“Haha! It’s finally our turn. If we don’t, there will be nothing wrong with us!!”

“Go on, let them taste the power of our actor pirate group!!”

The pirates who belonged to the actor pirate group disembarked one after another, rushing to the scattered Beasts Pirates pirates who had been hit.

In the scene just now, whether it was the infinite firepower chopping wave of the Shadow Servant army, or the scene where Liuye and Sanyue each hit the flying debris and Quinn, they were excited and proud.

Now it’s their turn to start, so naturally they don’t want to lose their reputation as the King of Pirates.

At the same time, the shadow servants gave up the chopping wave of long-range attack and rushed up together.

Sanye came to Jane, looked at Quinn in the big pit not far away, and said, “Quin will be guarded by you, don’t let anyone die or run away.”

Jane clenched her fists, patted her chest, and promised: “Don’t worry, sister, leave it to me!!”

On the battlefield, the people on both sides collided instantly, Sanye and others did not take action, but let the pirates and shadow attendants under the actor’s pirate group take action.

Sanye and the others are not interested in fighting against the weak. They will only look for those strong behind the Beasts Pirates captain or Quinn and Jhin.

However, because Syndra, Ike and others are also very strong, it is basically not the turn of Sanye and the others to make a shot.

So Mitsuba and Jan went to the battlefield on Jin’s side.

Before Jhin was beaten into the bottom of the pit and came out, he and Liuye left the battlefield and fought fiercely over a clearing on the left.

In terms of strength, Liuye is definitely strong, but it is not too strong, and Jin can still block it. After all, it is the ancient Zoan Demon fruit power, which is resistant to beating.

I just don’t know how long he can hold on after Sanyehe comes here.



A somewhat desperate Beasts Pirates pirate raised his spear and found that a seastone bullet had easily penetrated the body of five ordinary shadow servants and dissipated instantly, which made his eyes light up, and then it was fiery confidence. It’s back again.

“If we can win, we can win!!”

“The seastone weapon is the nemesis of these black balls!!!”

The pirate shouted loudly and resounded throughout the audience, reminding all the Beasts Pirates pirates.

“Unexpectedly, I was actually inspired by a little girl!!!”

A pirate captain of Beasts Pirates, while resisting the attack of Shadow Servant in armor, laughed at himself with hot eyes.

“It seems that I can really fight!!!”

“Sure enough, these shadow servants fell apart as soon as they touched the seastone!!”

“Haha! I feel we can win!!”

Hope in desperation was so exciting that the pirates of Beasts Pirates burst out in an instant.

Kaido is also a luxury. Actually, most people have seastone weapons. The guns are seastone bullets, and the swords are embedded with seastone on the tip of the knife, just like Smoker’s weapons.

Obviously, Kaido had already prepared to target Shadow Servant.

Using these seastone weapons to deal with ordinary Shadow Servant without armor, it is very dominant. Basically, the Shadow Servant will automatically dissipate as soon as it touches.

Such pro- and easy-to-kill Shadow Servant, so that there is no rapid collapse on the battlefield.

This also made the pirates of Beasts Pirates less fearful of the previous infinite slashing wave, and the swords they wielded more powerfully.

But Shadow Servant is more than just ordinary Shadow Servant.

For the Shadow Servant who wears armor and knows Armament Haki, the influence of the seastone weapon has been minimized, and the pirates of Beasts Pirates actually don’t take much advantage.

Like Silver Axe and Ochoku, the shadow attendants who can Emission Haki have always maintained the mode of covering Emission Haki all over the body, which does not give seastone the chance to touch the body at all.

Therefore, the actor and pirate group still has an absolute advantage on the battlefield.

It’s just that the battlefield expands and becomes chaotic.

And there are so many people in Beasts Pirates. They have killed a large number of people before, but now I feel that there are still many, full of mountains and plains.

As a result, the battle seems to be in a state of anxiety.

On Jhin’s side, Sanye Wuye still has January and July, and the four players joined the battle, and the dominant game instantly turned into a crushing game, or even a spike game.

“Yun! Zi…”

At the moment of the battle, July passed through the gap between Jin and Liuye’s attack, swiping double knives and slid from the side of Jin with an acceleration, bringing out a spray of blood.


Without waiting for Jhin to move, one month behind, a Momo speeded up Conqueror’s punch, like a high-speed locomotive hitting Jhin’s entire body instantly.

Jhin’s body was deformed for a while, his eyes couldn’t hold back, Byakugan fainted, and the person was blown into flight.

Only after flying more than ten meters away, he was slapped on his head by Wuye and an axe. The whole person was shot into the soil, smashing into a big hole.


Sanye, who had no chance to do anything during the whole process, came to the big pit, and smiled as he looked at the blood-stained Jin Jin who passed out into a coma.

Since then, the second and third people of Beasts Pirates have all fallen.

After leaving Liuye guarding Jhin, Sanye, Yiyue and others flew into the air, looking around, paying attention to the movement around them.

Although they didn’t come to attack Wanokuni with fanfare, they didn’t cover up too much, and Marine must have known it too.

Thinking of Hive Island and Silver Axe, after the battle of Ochoku, Marine suddenly appeared, Mitsuba and the others had to think about it, so as not to be attacked and too late to respond.

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