Chapter 194 The serpent surrenders and devours the shadow of seastone (two in one chapter)

The capital of flowers.

Moria took Kaido, in January and July, a total of four people, all of imperial power, came to the general’s mansion in the capital.

In the wide hall, Moria looked at the three people standing in front of him, Kurozumi Orochi, and two…white-haired old men.

Moria has forgotten her name, only knows that it is two Demon fruit power.

Moria was very interested in one of the barrier fruits.

Another…I remember that in the comics, didn’t it say that there was an old woman who seemed to be the Clone-Clone Fruit capable person, because she used her ability to pretend to be Momanosuke and interfered with the battle between Kaido and Oden, was she finally hacked to death by Kaido?

Why are you still alive now!

Is it the butterfly effect?

Forget it, entangled why, anyway, I will be killed by him later.

Clone-Clone Fruit is nothing but Moria looks down on it.

“Actor, my partner will be replaced by you in the future!”

Kurozumi Orochi said boldly and casually. If it weren’t for the trembling legs that betrayed him, people would think he was not afraid of Moria.

But… how can you not be afraid!

Marine raided, and then was defeated in an instant. In the end, even Kaido was defeated and took refuge in the King Pirates.

When he heard the battle report, Kurozumi fell directly to the ground in shock, his legs and hands were soft, and he didn’t even think of it several times.

A man who can subdue Kaido, Kurozumi doesn’t think such a man will cooperate with him on an equal footing.

But… he really didn’t want to be a kid, he didn’t want to bow his head to others anymore, so he could only use the courage to speak out clearly.

“You don’t always think… your relationship with Kaido is equal!!”

Moria was a little funny, turned her head and glanced at Kaido beside her, then looked at Kurozumi Orochi and the two old people trying to lean their relationship towards equal collaborators, just like watching a clown.

In this world, if you don’t have the strength, you still want equal status, and you can’t do it in a harmonious society, not to mention this one piece world where the strong are respected.

Kaido just thinks that keeping Kurozumi Orochi will help him rule Wanokuni a bit.

Maybe, one day when he is in a bad mood, or if he doesn’t need Kurozumi, he will be killed.

It’s naive to want equality!

“After all, I am the general of Wanokuni, a general who is clear and obedient!”

Listening to Kurozumi Orochi is still trying to emphasize her role, Moria shook her head secretly.


Ignoring Kurozumi Orochi, Moria looked at the old man with the ability to shield fruit.

“I heard that the barrier of the barrier fruit can defend everything!”

After that, Moria leaned forward and shot out instantly. Raising her fist, she hit the sluggish Kurozumi Orochi with a punch.

“Barrier Technique!”

In an instant, a hemispherical barrier wrapped the three of Kurozumi Orochi.



Moria’s fist fell on it, causing no harm, and even all of her strength bounced back to his fist.

Fortunately, it was just a strong rebound, not even Armament Haki rebounded back.

With this strength, Moria’s body can gently catch it.

After all, he is a man who defends more than attacks a lot.


“Similar to rule defense, even if Armament Haki is strong, it’s useless, it won’t break the barrier.”

Moria retracted his fist with a thoughtful face. To be honest, it was the first time he saw the Devil Fruit ability that would make Armament Haki useless.

The usual Armament Haki is simply the nemesis of Devil Fruit’s ability.

No matter what abilities, Armament Haki can break or defend.

I just don’t know if this barrier can block seastone?



The wall of the screen behind Osna broke open, and his ninja guard appeared on the scene, as if the negotiation broke down and the fight was about to begin.



A group of ninjas came behind the barrier and saw that the Kurozumi snake in the barrier was intact. They were all relieved, and then they watched Moria and the three people behind him vigilantly.

Moria chuckled, none of the four of them paid attention to these ninja guards.

“How, actor!”

Kurozumi Orochi saw that even the actor couldn’t help the barrier. Coupled with the ninja guard behind him, he was relieved a lot. He spoke a lot more loudly, with a little pride, as if he was saying, look, my side. The strength is not much worse than yours, and you will not lose if you cooperate with me.


Moria shook her head. He didn’t want a cooperator. He just wanted a shadow slave puppet to help him maintain Wanokuni’s rule.


Moria thought, three shadow needles flashing black thunder and lightning shot out from the shadow under her body, and flew towards the ninja guards.

Zi Zi Zi Zi!

Like an electric light wandering, the three shadow needles passed through the heads of all the ninja guards in the room in less than a second at a speed that made people unable to react.

After Shadow Needle returned to the shadow under Moria, the ninja guards fell to the ground one by one.

With Moria’s current Armament Haki, and the speed and power of Shadow Needle, these so-called ninjas who used Pipa as machine gunners couldn’t stop them and were killed in an instant.


“You actually killed my guard!!”

Inside the barrier, Kurozumi Orochi was taken aback for a moment, and then the expression on his face changed from pride to a burst of anger, but this was just the surface, but it was actually cold in his heart.

Moria’s attitude let him know that the so-called cooperation is no longer possible, and it might cost his life.

The two old people also began to panic. This actor was not Kaido, nor Oden, but a truly lawless lunatic. It is impossible to talk about benefits and favors to such people.

The three were anxious, thinking about countermeasures.

With a thought, Moria manipulated the shadows to make these ninjas shadow servants.

After enslaving Kurozumi, he will continue to put these ninja guards into the shadow space of the snake to protect the snake.

Wanokuni still needs the Kurozumi Orochi, Moria just likes to sit back and enjoy her achievements, not wanting to rule and manage a country or something.

Moreover, a country like Wanokuni is very concerned about the rectification of names. If you rashly kill the snake, Wanokuni will cause a lot of chaos, and even the whole people will be enemies.

Although Moria doesn’t care, and there will be many people killed today, but there is no need to kill it.

“The actor, if you want a complete Wanokuni, you should cooperate with us!”

In the barrier, the old man with Clone-Clone Fruit ability speaks, but he still wants to get an equal opportunity for cooperation.

“You really don’t give up!”

“But don’t worry, I won’t kill this one who rushes the street!”

Moria smiled, looked at Kurozumi Orochi, said to rest assured, don’t kill, but the hand movement is not slow, directly turned on the shadow golden body mode, raised his fists, and started to work against the barrier.



He punched at high speed, and countless collision sounds rang out in the hall, and then passed out, and the whole Huazhi heard the movement here.

“Something happened to the General Mansion!”

“The general and the actor are fighting!”

“How to do?”

“Go and save the general!”

Some people are afraid to leave, some people want to save Kurozumi Orochi because of morality in their hearts. After all, Oroko is the general of Wanokuni, and his identity is still supported by many people.


The entire General Mansion is now surrounded by the pirates of the new actor and pirate group. Faced with the samurai who wanted to attack, their weapons did not hesitate and slashed at these samurai.

When a battle started, it was Moria’s side that had the absolute advantage.

So a killing lasted until noon, killing for a few hours, the streets outside the general’s mansion had been dyed red before giving up.

The entire flower capital is empty.

No way, it was too cruel.

Moria didn’t know why. He was naturally hostile to Wanokuni. He kept making noises at the barrier, also deliberately, just to lure those who wanted to save Kurozumi Orochi.

No matter who it is, as long as the person who comes to save Kurozumi Orochi, Moria’s order is to kill directly.

In the hall.

Moria stopped attacking and withdrew the shadow golden body mode.

After the barrier disappeared, Kurozumi Orochi knelt in front of Moria trembling. He didn’t even dare to say anything. He only pressed his forehead against the floor as a sign of surrender.

What equality disappeared as soon as the barrier disappeared.

The person with the barrier fruit ability, the old man, had already bleeded on the floor and died at this moment.

The barrier ability is indeed an absolute defense, Moria can’t break it.

But the barrier fruit ability is not absolute. Faced with Moria’s opening of the shadow golden body mode, the physical exertion is not ordinary for several hours of continuous blows.

In the end, the old man was directly exhausted and died.

From this we can also see how loyal he is to the Kurozumi Orochi or Kurozumi family.

Protecting Kurozumi Orochi to his death.

Hmm…it seems to be protecting herself, after all, Moria will definitely kill the old man.


A shadow tentacle stretched out, piercing through the head of the old woman with the ability of Clone-Clone Fruit. The old woman wanted to run, so she was sent by Moria to go on the road with the old woman.

After all, they are companions, and they must be tidy when they leave.

Kurozumi Orochi still didn’t speak aside, but his body was lowered and the tremor became more serious. Obviously, he was terrified in his heart.

“Don’t worry, if I say I won’t kill you, I won’t kill you!”

Moria smiled, then asked Helen to come up, gave Kurozumi a petrified curse, and then transformed her into a shadow.

After Kurozumi became a shadow slave, Moria gave orders to several shadow servant ninja guards to follow the snake and obey Kurozumi’s orders.

Wanokuni is still almost the same as before, ostensibly ruled by the Kurozumi Orochi.

There is only one thing, Wanokuni’s beauty, Kurozumi Orochi can only help him to bring him back to the general’s house and keep it well, not to touch, this is Moria’s spoils.

Finally, a few words to Kurozumi Orochi and asked him to arrange the craftsmen to Jiuli, Moria took everyone back to Jiuli.

Moria will rebuild a larger palace where Oden was originally located, as a residence in Wanokuni.

There is also a reason, and that is to wait for the landing of Momosuke, who will die after more than ten years, to give him a decent way to die.

After arriving in Jiuli, a victory banquet opened.



“We are invincible!!”

A group of people expressed the joy of victory.

I feel that my previous vision for the future has been realized at this moment.

Drinking Wanokuni’s wine, Wanokuni’s women are also served by her, and the pirates are very enthusiastic.

This is the pirate, the woman and the fine wine, the fragrance will always be snatched.

Moria is no exception.

The excitement lasted until about eleven o’clock in the evening, and Moria returned to the general mansion in the capital of flowers and enjoyed the ten kimono beauties selected by Kurozumi Orochi.

I have to say that Kurozumi Orochi is not good, but he has a good eye for choosing beautiful women.

These ten beauties in kimono have their own unique features, and their figures are naturally the type of Onee-san Yuyi that Moria likes.

This night, Moria released the hostility that was almost killed during the day, displayed eighteen martial arts, and played the song of victory, resounding throughout the night.

The next morning.

After swallowing a portion of life energy, Moria was refreshed and took Kaido to a secret room on the ghost island.

Moria carried the oil lamp and stood in front of two pieces of historical text.

One is the historical text of the red road sign.

One piece is the text of the ordinary record history.

Moria handed the oil lamp to Kaido behind him and asked him to raise it a little higher.

Under the light, the shadows of two pieces of historical text are dark and deep.

“Do these two pieces of historical text have rubbings?” Moria asked.

“Yes, all in a seastone box!” Kaido Kaidō.

Moria knew it, and then moved his mind, manipulating the shadow to swallow two pieces of historical text at the same time.

“Is it true that the historical text, which is said to be indestructible, is indestructible?”

Moria feels that this is indestructible and needs to be negotiated. He doesn’t believe it anyway, otherwise how the historical text was created.

It can create nature or destroy it.

The fact is too.

As the shadow was swallowed, the two pieces of historical text began to become transparent and faded, and finally disappeared completely.

The so-called indestructible has become a joke.

After devouring the shadow of the historical text, Moria’s shadow seems to have acquired a powerful attribute.

Coming to the flat ground outside the room, Moria turned on the shadow golden body mode, and it was useless Armament Haki, and Kaido, who had condensed Armament Haki and opened the dragonman form, punched with all his strength.

In the end… no injuries!

Moria didn’t need Armament Haki to defend, but only in the shadow golden body mode, without injury, received the strongest punch of Kaido Armament Haki.

This is a shadow change brought about by swallowing the text of history.

The intensity of the shadow hasn’t become much stronger, but it seems to have obtained a… stable attribute from the shadow of the historical text.

This stable attribute is a bit like a barrier fruit, which makes the internal composition of the shadow very stable, and the force cannot penetrate in, and it is naturally difficult to damage it.

Moria thought to himself that a large part of the reason why the historical text is said to be indestructible should be this stable attribute.

Because the internal structure is too stable, the external environment, such as extreme cold, extreme heat, corrosion, etc., can hardly destroy the structure of the historical text. Therefore, the historical text has not dissipated in the long river of time for eight hundred years. Indestructible name.

And Moria’s shadow now has this kind of stable attribute, and it is very strong in withstanding pure power blows.

Although the shadow’s hardness has not increased much, the defense is indeed much higher than before.

“You do it again with Emission Haki!”

Moria raised her right fist and punched Kaido again.

This time Moria still didn’t use Haki, and Kaido used Emission Haki.

The result!

Moria retracted her fist and smiled happily at the fist that didn’t change.

“It’s so stable and terrible!!” Moria sighed.

Emission Haki is actually still effective, but it does not hurt much. For example, Kaido’s Emission Haki is strong, Moria can withstand hundreds of thousands of attacks at the same point.

If it swallows life energy in the middle, let alone thousands, tens of thousands of attacks, Moria can withstand it.

If you use Armament Haki, then… Moria feels that even if Roger is resurrected, his Emission Haki and Conqueror’s Haki will not break his defense.

very good!

Moria was satisfied, one step closer to the road of invincibility.

“Boss, seastone is here!” Mitsuba stood outside the door of the house and waved to Moria.

“Come on!” Moria’s eyes lit up and walked to the ghost island house.

The last piece of the invincible puzzle is the seastone.

Long ago, Moria wondered if she could swallow the shadow of Seastone, but she never had a chance.

Originally there was a chance when Impel was down, but at that time I only wanted to kill and create a shadow servant, and I forgot.

But it’s not too late!

In the hall, Sanye and other women were all there. There was a seastone in the middle, which was as big as a brick and shaped like a brick.

Under the light, the shadow of the seastone brick is the same as the shadow of a person.

“Boss, let’s start!”

“If it can be done, who will be your opponent in the future!!”

“Boss, you are going to be invincible!!”

Sanye and the others looked excited. They knew what Moria would get if they swallowed the shadow of the object. They were looking forward to what attributes Moria’s shadow would get after swallowing the shadow of seastone.

“It really can be done, then you are indeed invincible!”

Helen sat on a bench with a long knife in her right hand and sighed softly.

If Moria swallows the shadow of seastone, his shadow really has the attributes of seastone.

After that, all Demon fruit power will lose its meaning in front of Moria and become lambs to be slaughtered.

Moria was also looking forward to it. Without letting Sanye and others wait for a long time, she soon manipulated the shadow into the seastone’s shadow and began to swallow it.

The swallowing process is very fast, nothing like swallowing an ordinary brick.

As the shadow was consumed, seastone disappeared.

“How about it?”

A group of women stared at Moria together, their expressions more tense than Moria.

“Try it.” Moria smiled and looked at Sanye and others. There are a lot of Demon fruit power here, and you can find out if you find someone to try.

“I’ll do it.” Yotsuba came to Moria, her fruiting ability was easier to test.

“Yes.” Moria controlled the shadow to wrap around Yotsuba.

“How is it? Can you use fruit power?” Moria asked, expecting in her eyes.

Sanye and others stared at Yotsuba, “Use your ability to see.”

When Siye moved his mind, there was no change in his body, and he said happily, “I can’t use my ability!”

Her Devil Fruit ability seemed to disappear, as if she had never eaten Devil Fruit.


“It really can be done!!”

Everyone was shocked with excitement. After all, Seastone’s ability to restrain Devil Fruit is an axiom, and now this axiom is actually mastered by Moria’s ability.

Although they were looking forward to it before, but it was really successful, they still sighed, it was incredible.

“It seems that you can only use your abilities, unlike when you really come into contact with seastone, you will feel weak and can only exercise with minimal physical strength.”

Speaking of Yotsuba, Armament Haki was also condensed, indicating that her current physical strength is still at its peak and has not been affected.

“This is great too!!”

Sanye and the others were not disappointed. Moria’s strength was already very strong. As long as some of the heaven-defying Devil Fruit abilities could be invalidated, who could be Moria’s opponent by relying solely on the physical Haki.

Moria retracted her shadow and suddenly said to April: “Go and get another seastone.”

Moria wants to experiment, he is still not affected by seastone.

After a while, April brought another seastone brick and placed it on the ground.

Moria walked to the seastone and squatted down, reached out to touch the seastone, and found that the seastone still had an effect on him.

“Sure enough!” Withdrawing his hand, Moria stood up.

He will still lose his ability when he comes into contact with seastone.

His shadow only acquired the characteristics of seastone, and he himself would still be affected by seastone.

His shadow can make Demon fruit power temporarily disabled and unable to use it. It is a bit like Blackbeard’s Dark Fruit. Grasping the fruit power will make the power disabled and unable to use it.

I just don’t know the day when my shadow collides with the Dark Fruit ability, whose ability will disappear? Moria thought.

Then Moria turned on the shadow golden body mode and squatted down again.

The purpose of devouring seastone’s shadow is not to attack, but to defend.

The endless Devil Fruit ability of the World government is really daunting. No one knows what pervert Devil Fruit ability will appear in the future. If you accidentally let Moria directly GG.

Although there should be no such heaven-defying Devil Fruit ability, it is clear that Moria does not want to give her life to the possibility of “should not”.

He just wanted to turn “should not” into “absolutely not.”

Moria reached out to touch the seastone, everyone staring nervously, this was the key step of invincibility.

It was successful. The scene in which Garp used seastone weapons to attack Moria yesterday and rendered him incapacitated will never happen again.

“Hahaha! Haha!”

Moria directly took the seastone brick in his hand and stood up and laughed.


“Very good!!”

Sanye and the others cheered and looked at the seastone in Moria’s hand in the shadow golden body mode. They understood that the seastone had no effect on Moria, and the fruit power was still there.

Moria in the shadow golden body mode, because the flesh and blood have been fused with the shadow, it is even said that the flesh has been replaced by the shadow, but the shadow has the special characteristics of flesh and blood.

Therefore, Moria in the shadow golden body mode can touch the seastone without any influence.

In this way, all heaven-defying fruit power attacks are ineffective against him.

Because attacking him, like attacking seastone, will lose its heaven-defying function.

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