Chapter 216 Physical Limitation Wall (5K)

“I also want to know!”

Moria laughed, then let the startled salamander stay away from him.

The legs were slightly bent, the body was facing the lake, and he exerted force.


The ground exploded like an air bomb, and Moria’s figure resembled a sharp arrow, instantly rushing into the sky.

One jump is twenty-five meters, which is Moria’s current jump height.

This height is placed on a modern, four-meter-high floor, which is also six-story high.

In this era, the height of basically all city walls will not exceed 20 meters.

In front of Moria, these city walls are just things that can be crossed with a kick.

Without the inner strength and spiritual blessing of heaven and earth, it relies on the power of the flesh.

In this era of sometimes poor manpower, it is difficult for anyone to rise to this height by relying on the inner breath and the aura of heaven and earth.

Moria was able to do it, really stunned the stunned salamander.

With her slightly lifted face, Sakura’s mouth opened wide. At this moment, no sound was better than a sound, and her heart shook.

Can this be done by humans!

Even if she blessed her body with the aura of heaven and earth, she couldn’t jump so high.

But…husband-kun falls from such a high sky, there will be nothing wrong with it!

The startled salamander looked at Moria, who had jumped above the lake, and blinked.

The truth is…nothing will happen.

Moria’s feet point straight down, free fall under the acceleration of gravity.

He weighs at least four times as much as before. He hasn’t landed on the surface of the lake. It seems that a huge splash of water has appeared in the head of the scared salamander ahead of time.

call out!

As Moria fell, the startled salamander turned subconsciously, blocking the splashing water from Xiao Yan’er in his arms.

But… after waiting for a while, I didn’t hear the splash of water.

The stunned salamander gave a soft sound, turned around and took a look, Sakura peach mouth opened again, did not close.

I saw Moria standing on the lake like two leaves.

Not only did he not fall into the lake, but he also stepped on the water as if he had lost weight.

“Husband-kun…you…how did you do it?”

Shocked Salamander couldn’t hide her curiosity, her eyes were very good, confirming that Moria didn’t wrap her body with a shadow, but was actually standing on the water.

This… how did it do it?

“When you have strong control over your body, you can do it too.” Moria explained with a smile.

The startled salamander shook her head, no one can do this kind of body control, she hadn’t even thought about it.

On the lake, Moria carefully perceives the situation in her body at this time.

After finding the special three-dimensional fluctuation space corresponding to the physical body, he entered the cell level in addition to the control of the physical body.

He can also control the flow of force in the flesh perfectly by manipulating the three-dimensional human body composed of countless wave sources.

To be precise, he can perfectly control the forces flowing in the body.

One of the external effects is…

He had just fallen into the lake from twenty-five meters in the air, and he was impacting with a huge force, and a big splash would be thrown on the lake.

But at the moment of touching the lake surface, Moria controls the deep-seated force of the body, so that the downward force does not gather at one point, but spreads out at that instant, spreading very wide, almost covering the entire lake surface. .

This is equivalent to distributing the force of Moria’s fall over the entire lake surface, and even the entire lake water.

In this way, it is equivalent to the entire Wild Lake being subjected to Moria’s falling force.

Naturally, it didn’t have much impact on the lake, just a circle of small ripples with a large area but not high.

The reason why Moria can stand on the lake like two leaves now is the same principle.

The gravity brought by his own weight is also spread over the entire lake, which is equivalent to the entire lake supporting him.

This process is not that he becomes lighter, like a leaf, but that he spreads the force evenly.

Make him stand on a wooden board as big as the lake.

Can he step on such a large plank into the lake?

Obviously not!

This ability to disperse the body’s force on the outside world is achieved by the wave source perfectly controlling the flow of force in the body.

But when it comes to dispersing force, Moria prefers to call it “dissipation”, to disperse the force acting on a certain point, and the result is similar to dissipation.

That’s why Moria is like two leaves, most of the force is eliminated, and the body floats on the water like a leaf without much force.

Stilling energy is just an application, there are other things, Moria wants to experiment one by one.

I saw Moria turned to face the grove not far from the grass, and squatted down. Under the control of scattered power, the lake surface sank like a spring cushion, and then violently ejected Moria forward and flew high. Go in the air.

call out!

Moria cut through the sky like a sharp arrow, and quickly rose to a height of 100 meters.


High in the sky, Moria couldn’t help but laugh happily.

This feeling of flying in the air with his physical body was so cool, it made him feel the feeling of doing whatever he wanted in the One Piece World after a long absence.

“Husband-kun…Is really a man of God!!”

The startled salamander underneath sighed so much that she was no longer shocked, and she might get used to it if she had more.

After the familiar feeling of weightlessness, the body falls.


Like a feather falling leaf, Moria fell heavily from a height of 100 meters, but did not cause much movement, but stood gently on a leaf, as if standing on a flat ground.

The fact is that huge power is transmitted into the earth through the leaves and big trees through the dissipation of energy, so the leaves are fine, and the big trees are countless.

And Moria stood on the leaves, and by dissipating his strength, he was like standing on the whole tree, and naturally he would not cause damage to the leaves.

“With this level of energy dissipation, is there any light work in this world better than me!”

“It should be gone!”

Moria asked and answered, laughed, and then jumped off the tree, coming to the bottom, turning her head and hitting the tree trunk with a heavy punch.


The moment the fist was closed, the tree just made a soft sound, there was no big movement, and the leaves did not tremble.

But soon, the green and white sap permeated from the trunk, like blood oozing out of human skin, looking a little scary.


Moria just exhaled gently at the tree.

The big tree melted instantly, and piled up on the ground to form a pool of tree mud mixed with sawdust, and a bitter taste came out.

Moria covered her nose and left the big tree.

This attack just now is another use of scattered power.

Not only can it be used to dissipate energy, but it can also be partially scattered and used to attack the entire body of the tree.

Similar to the power of An Jin, the entire tree was attacked by a powerful force, and thus suffered the destruction of strength from the inside out.

Of course, the reason why the big tree in front of me was beaten into a puddle of mud was mainly because Moria’s current strength was too strong.

The strength is not strong, and once it is dispersed, it will lose its strength.

Being able to disperse one’s energy, naturally also can gather one’s energy.

With a thought, Moria manipulated the shadow to form a two-meter-diameter and ten-meter-long cylinder, flying over at high speed from a distance of fifty meters and hitting him.

Facing the shadow cylinder flying at high speed, Moria first took a step backward, clenched his right hand and closed her waist, then concentrated all her strength on the fist, and then blasted out with a high speed punch.


This straight fist pierced and tore the air quickly, and hit the shadow cylinder that was hit at high speed.


There is almost no obstruction, just like inserting into tofu cubes.

Moria’s fist was inserted straight into the shadow cylinder, and the power was not dispersed, all concentrated on his fist, making his fist like a nail.

At this time, the shadow was also broken up instantly by himself, and automatically returned to him and turned into a shadow.

Moria looked at her fist, satisfied with her current power defense.

In the collision just now, he didn’t feel any pain in his fist at all, indicating that he is now very strong, whether it is his fist, his skin, or his muscles.

At least defensively, his current skin is not much weaker than the scales of the snake that is close to fifty meters long.

The attacks that generally contain the spiritual energy of heaven and earth have no effect on him.

Only the sword aura of some strong swordsmen can break his defense.

In terms of strength, a person who weighs four times the previous and can jump 25 meters in a vertical jump must have strong muscles and naturally strong strength.

He feels that he now throws a car as easily as a normal chair.

Of course, it’s not comparable to that of One Piece World, but it’s already terrifying in this world.

After that, Moria tested the reaction speed.

Let the shadow control Wugenying to launch an attack on him.

And he kept avoiding, not attacking.


For a time, in the small woods, shadow needles criss-crossed in the air like flying black lines.

Moria’s body is like willow catkins, dodging in the forest.

Without consciously manipulating the shadow armor to move the body, only relying on the physical response, Moria’s movement speed and reaction speed have increased a lot.

Can easily avoid Wugenying’s siege against him.

The reason for his ease is also related to the strengthening and promotion of his current brain cells.

In addition, these organ cells such as eyes and ears are also enhanced.

So now Moria has a good vision, not as good as an eagle’s eye, or as an ordinary bird’s eye.

Just like now, kilometers away, he can see a strand of hair on the head of the startled salamander.

Hearing is even more terrifying. Not only can he hear sounds, but even the flow of air, he can hear and perceive within ten meters.

The sense of smell is the same, not as good as a dog, but it can also smell a faint bloody smell from a kilometer away.

With such senses, without Observation Haki, Moria can have a general control over the surrounding environment, like a simple three-dimensional radar.

Therefore, avoiding the five shadow needles is easy.

Coupled with the perfect control of the flow of his own power, he can ignore some inertia and make all kinds of incredible actions to avoid.

This way, it’s easier, let alone add Observation Haki’s foresight.

There is no doubt that others dare not say that at this point of dodge, Moria believes that no one in Qin Shi’s world should be stronger than him.

Ten minutes after the reaction dodge experiment, Moria instantly punched out, hit five in a row, and dispelled five shadows to end the experiment.

After the shadow returned under her body, Moria looked at the shadow in deep thought.

He suddenly felt that the shadow was too hard!

It’s not that hard is bad, but it’s too hard, and it seems to be easily broken.

What if the shadow had the hardness of a sword and the elastic toughness of rubber?

Moria was curious, and he began to look for it in the woods.

He was looking for sap on the big trees. The world didn’t know if there was rubber, but sticky gum sap should be very common.

Generally there will be on old trees.

After searching for a few minutes, Moria really found it on a big black-skinned tree.

The sap is yellowish brown, like amber, crystal clear.

Moria directly squeezed out a sap the size of a pigeon egg and squeezed it into a ball.

Go out of the grove and come to the grass, where the light is better.

Moria pinched the sap ball with her index finger and thumb and placed it on her side.

The shadow of the ball under the sun formed on the grass.

With a thought to Moria, he manipulated the shadow and began to swallow the shadow of the sap ball.

Within a few seconds, the shadow swallowed up.

Moria immediately re-controlled the shadow into a huge shadow cylinder of the same size as before, and hit him at high speed from 20 meters away.


Moria also punched the shadow cylinder.

But this time, instead of breaking up the shadows directly, they made the shadow cylinders into circles of discus squeezed together.

Obviously, with his punch just now, most of the power was absorbed by the elastic deformation of the shadow.

That’s why it didn’t break up the shadows.

“This is how the shadow swallows the shadow of an object!!”

Moria retracted the shadow, sighing in her heart, and at the same time secretly burying her in the past, she would not use the shadow to swallow the shadow of the object.

In the past, I always thought that the shadow is hard, but in fact, it is flexible and hard to maximize the defense.


“I really look forward to the day when the shadow golden body mode can be turned on!!”

The shadow has elasticity. After turning on the shadow golden body mode, will Moria be able to use “rubber rubber” like Luffy!

He is looking forward to that day.

Next, there is nothing more to experiment.

In general, Moria is very satisfied with this promotion.

Basically, he pulled his combat power to the top of this world at once, so that he could not only hide but not fight back like when he first arrived.

However, this time I was able to improve so much, and I will not be able to think about a big improvement in the future.

The reason why I was able to improve so much this time.

It was because his spiritual consciousness was strong enough that all the sources of fluctuations were strengthened a lot at once, which led to a much stronger physical evolution.

Now that the sources of fluctuations have increased, Moria’s mental consciousness is no longer strong enough to promote the sources of fluctuations, and naturally there is no way to make the physical body stronger.

But… it doesn’t mean that Moria’s physical body can only maintain this strength in the future.

In fact, finding the three-dimensional fluctuation space of the shadow corresponding to the physical body this time, the biggest gain, is not the enhanced body now.

Instead, it verified Moria’s conjecture in the world of One Piece.

The conjecture about the physical limiter.

Finding the three-dimensional fluctuation space of the shadow corresponding to the flesh is like opening the limiter of the flesh.

This… is Moria’s biggest gain this time.

The so-called physical limiter, after finding the three-dimensional fluctuation space of the shadow corresponding to the physical body, Moria also understood what was going on.

There is an instinct in the physical body, and this instinct leads the evolution of the physical body to become stronger.

In the general human body, no matter how you smash the bones to regenerate and strengthen the bone density, to a certain extent, no matter how you smash the bones to regenerate, the bone density will not increase.

In the same way, body functions such as muscle tenacity, density, hardness, etc., are strengthened to a certain extent through various extreme exercises, no matter how you exercise or how you exercise, they will not improve and become stronger.

This is all because the instinct of the physical body feels that the strength of the human body is at this limit, so if you don’t respond to your exercise, it means your exercise is in vain, and it can no longer make the physical body stronger.

If you want to break the limit of physical strength, you have to let your physical instinct, perceive your needs, and respond to your exercise.

In this way, your physical body can continue to grow stronger through exercise.

But under normal circumstances, the instinct of the flesh is not perceivable by the human spirit at all.

I don’t even know that the flesh has instinct, this concept.

Naturally, I don’t know how to break the limit of the physical body!

However, there have been instances in nature where the physical instinct briefly responds to the owner and breaks the limits of the physical body.

For example, Moria has reported in her previous life.

A thin mother suddenly lifted a car to save the child who was under the car.

Generally speaking, a thin mother can’t lift a car no matter how much she can exercise, and can’t do it no matter how she exercises.

But at that moment, Isshin only wanted to lift the car to save the child’s will is too firm, too strong, breaking through a certain wall of restrictions, she was perceivable by her physical instinct.

So the physical instinct responded to her, causing her to break through the limit in an instant and lift the car.

Only afterwards, because the child was saved, her will was no longer pure, no longer strong and firm, and her physical instinct disappeared.

The thin mother continued to be thin.

But if she can keep that strong will to lift the car.

Then her physical instinct will always respond to her, and her physical body will gradually improve and become stronger.

Until her physical body is so strong that she can easily lift the car anytime and anywhere, her physical instinct will no longer respond to her will.

It can be seen through such examples.

There is a restriction wall between the physical instinct and the person’s subjective spiritual will. This restriction wall isolates the physical instinct from sensing and responding to people’s requests for the physical body to continue to grow stronger.

Only when the human will is purely strong to a certain level, can it be perceived by the physical instinct through the restriction wall, and thus respond to the opening of the physical restrictions, so that people can exercise and become stronger.

This is equivalent to breaking through the physical limit once.

Later, when the physical body became stronger, the restriction wall thickened accordingly.

When it is thick to a certain extent, the physical instinct will again not be able to perceive the needs of human will, and will no longer respond to the request of human beings to become stronger.

At this time, the physical body becomes stronger and reaches its limit again.

I want to continue to grow stronger and break through the limit. Only by breaking the restriction wall again, letting my desire to become stronger in the flesh be perceived by the instinct of the flesh, and then respond, so that the flesh can continue to grow stronger.

But after becoming stronger to a certain limit, the restriction wall is then strengthened to once again block the perception response of the physical instinct to the human will.

Such a reciprocating cycle, even if people break the limiter again and again, breaking the truth that the physical body becomes stronger.

And this… is also the truth of the so-called physical limiter.

Moria is different from these. After he finds the three-dimensional fluctuation space of the shadow corresponding to the physical body, it is like directly bypassing the isolation of the restriction wall, and his spiritual consciousness descends directly to the place where the physical instinct is.

Therefore, he doesn’t need to break through the restriction wall, he just needs to be distracted and keep sending out the idea of ​​”I want the flesh to continue to grow stronger” in the three-dimensional volatility, and the flesh instinct will always respond to him.

Let him become stronger through exercise, just like a bald head without that restrictive wall, ordinary exercise can make the body continue to become stronger, and it is too strong.

Moria can’t do it, although he can let his physical body instinctively respond to his request to become stronger at any time.

But that restrictive wall is still there, so his speed and quality can’t be compared with Bald Qiyu, and he will be invincible in two or three years.

His physical exercise will be much slower to get stronger.

But it doesn’t matter, Gou has five or six years, I believe it is enough to push this Qin Shi world horizontally.

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