Chapter 247 Honey, Ganlu Temple

“Brother Zhengyi!”

“Come with me, hurry!”

In the busy streets, a little Loli with long pink hair and light green hair ends, holding a delicate boy in a blue striped knit, one after the other, quickly running deep into the street.

“Ah, it’s Xiao Mi Li and Zheng Yi-kun, the young couple are back to sweep up.”

“I don’t know which boss’s lucky day is today.”


After the two children ran past, street pedestrians smiled and joked.

Obviously, these two children are very famous in the city, especially in this food street where most of them “eat”.

After all, it’s a baby kiss that was decided because of “can eat”.

This has become the Eight Trigrams of the people in the city.

This is not!

The owners of food shops on both sides of the street sighed whenever the two children ran past their shop, regretting that the two children had not been able to come to their shop.

Otherwise, one day’s performance may be completed ahead of schedule.

“right here!”

“The squid sauce noodles here are super delicious!”

Little Loli looked excited, her little face flushed, like two tomatoes, holding the boy’s hand tightly with one hand, she came to a pasta shop.

The shop is not big, and the two walked inside, separated by a two-meter bar.

Inside is the kitchen. The boss is an old man with a white headscarf. Seeing the little Loli and the boy come in, his eyes light up, like the look of spare money on the road, afraid of being found by the owner, so he greets him quickly. Loli and the boy came in.

There are four round high stools outside the bar, a bit high, all reaching Loli’s chin.

Little Loli’s slender hands covered the stool for a support, and the whole person jumped up and sat on the stool gently, looking effortless at all.

The boy is much taller than the young Loli, about one and a half meters, without using his hands, he lifted his foot gently, and sat on his hips.

“Ten…no…twenty wrist squid sauce noodles.”

Little Loli stretched out his hands and held them apart, thinking for a moment, then retracted his hands and stretched them out, staring at the big cute light green eyes, watching the boss’s crisp voice.

Hearing that the boss laughed openly, and promised to produce the highest craftsmanship and that every noodle was the most delicious.

As long as it is delicious, twenty wrists are just the minimum standard!


If I knew it, I would prepare more pasta. The boss thought a little annoyed while making the noodles.

“Today I have a treat to wish Brother Zhengyi a happy birthday.”

Little Loli patted his hands on the table lightly, turned his head up and looked at the boy, his big light green eyes were full of sincerity.

If… don’t care about the transparent silk thread overflowing from your lips, it seems quite sincere.


The boy smiled without opening, touching Loli’s long pink hair, looking at the unique gradient of pink to light green on the front of Loli’s forehead, his thoughts fell into memories.

Kinoshita Masaichi, this is Moria’s name in the world of Demon Slayer Blade.

He is twelve years old and is also the twelfth year since Moria came to this world.

It’s amazing.

This time, unlike the world of Qin Shi, he directly occupied a body that had just died and was reborn.

Moria was in the black and white world at the time and needed to find a shadow white ball that matched him in order to be reborn.

It’s not that he can be reborn in New World by scoring a white ball at random.

There is a problem of matching. Only the shadow white ball with high matching can make Moria reborn in New World.

At that time, he found a white ball that best matched him. The white ball was very special, somewhat transparent, and gradually white.

Moria didn’t think much, and plunged in.

Then it becomes a newborn baby.

I think that the baby’s shadow is gradually formed, and when the initial consciousness is about to be born, Moria takes over the body.

This kind of birth is different from the rebirth in which the world of Qin Shi world occupies a dead body.

From the beginning, Moria’s mental consciousness and body were fused.

So from the moment he was born in this world, his purpose of coming to this world was achieved.

His current shadow formed a spiritual resonance with the world of Qin Shi and the shadow of One Piece World himself, and his mental strength was more than when there were only two shadow clones.

In order to distinguish, Moria refers to himself in other worlds as the shadow clone.

As for the main body, where is his will, it is the main body.



“Two bowls of grilled noodles with squid sauce!”

Before Moria and the others waited long, the boss first brought two large bowls of noodles and pushed them in front of them.

“Brother Zhengyi, eat, it’s delicious!”

Xiao Mi Li said that she couldn’t wait to pick up the chopsticks, and started to scream, her whole little head felt like it was in the bowl.

“No wonder I can’t find a boyfriend in the future, who can raise it so I can eat it!” Moria shook her head as she watched, picked up the chopsticks and started eating.


Both of them were serious about eating. In less than a minute, a large bowl of noodles dried up.

The two looked at each other, showing cheerful and expectant smiles.



The boss brought two more bowls of noodles, and then turned around to keep busy.

Moria and Xiao Mi Li continued to fight, and soon finished another bowl.

It didn’t take long for the two to make ten bowls by themselves, but they felt that they were not full yet, and each ordered five more bowls.

Although the shop owner was out of breath, he heard that he wanted ten more bowls, and immediately went to boil the noodles happily.

“It’s really edible!”

Moria looked at Xiao Mi Li, which I still want to eat at this time, and sighed inwardly.

Ganlu Temple Mili, now nine years old, is the love pillar of the ghost killing team in the original book.

Because the body has been different from ordinary people since childhood, the body’s muscle density is eight times that of ordinary people, and the strength is several times that of ordinary people.

Correspondingly, the appetite is several times larger than that of ordinary people.

She now has another identity, Moria’s fiancée.

It’s the baby kiss that Moria decided when she was nine years old.

The reason why the two succeeded is also very simple, because both of them were too edible, so the parents hit it off and the marriage was settled.

Originally Moria was resolutely opposed, but after seeing Ganlu Temple Mili and recognizing that it was the future ghost killing team Koenju, he was not opposed.

So since then, Moria has often followed a small Loli-Ganlu Temple Mili.

The two would often come out to raid out various delicious food shops, so when the boss on the street saw them two, his eyes were bright. After all, his business was topped by 20 or 30 people.

It’s strange to say that Moria can eat so much because his physical body has evolved to become stronger and requires a lot of energy, coupled with his control over the physical body, so it can be digested.

And Ganlu Temple Mili, a small Loli, is not tall, about 1.2 meters, but not inferior to Moria in appetite, and doesn’t know how to digest it. After eating 15 bowls of noodles, his belly is only slightly raised.


After eating the last bowl of noodles, Xiao Mi Li took a deep breath, turned to look at Moria, and said crisply: “Brother Zhengyi, are you full?”

“I’m full!” Moria nodded and asked with a smile: “What about you! Do you want to eat?”

Xiao Mi Li shook her head, and she was full, too.

I don’t know why, every time I eat with Zhengyi’s brother, it tastes delicious, and Xiao Mi Li can’t help but eat more.

“Then go!”

Moria smiled, Mi Li nodded, and after taking out the money from the bag and handing it to the smiling boss, the two walked out of the shop.

“I’ll take you back first!”

This time, Moria took Xiao Mi Li’s little hand and walked towards her house.

Along the way, Xiao Mi Li had a happy face. She was squeezed out by her friends because of her strength. She didn’t know until she met Zhengyi’s brother that she was not the only one who could struggle.

It’s great to have a brother Zhengyi eat with me. Little Loli Mili thought happily.

She still doesn’t know what the fiancee means, only knows that she has a like-minded partner, so she is very happy.

After sending Mi Li back, Moria went home. At the door of the house, his parents in this life were already waiting for him in the carriage.

Today is his birthday, and the family is going to the ups and downs of the temple ten kilometers away from the city.

“Zhengyi, come here!”

The young woman, standing next to the carriage, wearing a colorful kimono, spoke softly. Before Moria approached, she came over and took Moria’s hand and got into the carriage together.

In the carriage, there is also his father Kinoshita Jinshi in this life, a man who is always serious and can’t understand Moria very much.

When I was young, I wanted to show Moria the majesty of her father.

The result was defeated in disgrace by the six-year-old Moria.

From then on, he lost his father’s majesty, did not move his hands or mouth to Moria, only his face, a serious face.



The carriage walked around, and there were ten samurai running to follow on both sides, who were bodyguards raised by the family.

Moria in this life is lucky to be born in a noble family with thousands of acres of fertile land, a veritable landlord class.

As the eldest son in the family, and the only one, Moria does whatever he wants and eats as much as he wants.

Thanks to this, his physical strength can be increased to five times that of an ordinary person at the age of twelve.

It took an hour to come to the temple located in the middle of the mountain.

Pray for blessings, eat fast, and then bathe. After a set of procedures, the sky is already dark.

At this moment Moria and the others were about to leave.

The old monk from the temple walked out and advised Kinoshita to stay for nearly ten years, saying that it was easier to encounter cannibals on the road at night, and that it was safer in the temple, and it would not be too late to leave until tomorrow.

Moria, who was staying behind her mother in this life, suddenly jumped her eyebrows when she heard the words of the old monk.

Don’t say that the old monk is okay. That said, Moria really has a hunch that he will meet a ghost tonight.

Down the mountain.

Moria and his father and mother got into the carriage and drove to the city without staying overnight in the temple.

Kinoshita Jinshi was very disdainful. He had never seen any ghosts since he was a child. He didn’t believe the ghosts that the old monk said would eat people.

On the contrary, he felt that the old monk wanted to earn him a few more money to say something awkward, and the purpose was naturally to let them stay and pay more for the overnight stay.

His dignified family will be deceived like this.

Besides, there are ten warriors with exquisite swordsmanship around him, who will be afraid of ghosts.

“It’s really a ghost!!”

Halfway through the road, Moria in the carriage frowned. Observation Haki felt that two violent “people” were running towards them two kilometers away.

Moria guessed that the breath that was different from humans and beasts was a ghost in all likelihood.

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