Chapter 76: It’s Finished! !

“Give me another chance, Moria-sama!”

Ike looked at Moria with a heavy face, and begged: “I will come alone this time, sir, you can continue to use your abilities, if I can’t stand your test, then it proves that I am nothing but this, dead. Died.”

The determination is great!

The courage is also extraordinary!

So…how can a man like this willingly succumb to others? ?

I don’t understand, Moria feels like her head is in her heart.

After that, Moria stopped struggling with this question, and Ike wanted a chance, so give it to him.

“Remember my words, don’t resist, subconsciously it won’t work.”

“Once you feel the tingling, it must be your subconscious resistance, so you need to restrain your subconscious behavior. This can be done, just like when a knife is pierced into the eye, the eye will subconsciously close. This kind of subconscious action can be forcibly suppressed through one’s own control.”

“Remember!” Moria said with a cold expression, “This is the last chance.”

This time it still couldn’t succeed in shadow slavery, then Moria could only kill all of these people, and the shadow slaves of the Shadow Servant turned life energy into life energy.

“bring it on!”

Ike didn’t speak much, just two words, but his tone was firmer than ever.

He believes that he will succeed this time.


The muscular man and other nine cadres looked at his captain anxiously.

“Or…” One of them thought about the pain just now, a little afraid that Ike could not bear it, and wanted to persuade Ike to give up.

But I didn’t say anything, he was interrupted by Ike: “Shut up, this is my determination. If you don’t agree, let’s get off the boat.”

“…” The man was silent, turned his head and said nothing.

“Okay, come on, Master Moria!” Ike said in a deep voice to Moria.

“Then let’s start!”

Moria smiled and moved her heart, and took back the shadows that had been integrated into the shadows of the nine other cadres, and fully controlled the ability to transform Ike’s shadows into a shadow enslavement.


Still the same as before, at the beginning of Shadow Slaveization, Ike’s subconscious reaction made him immediately feel a strong tingling.

Sweat crawled all over his body instantly, and the unbearable pain made his whole body tremble.


The muscular man and others looked nervous.


Ike clenched his teeth and rubbed his teeth constantly. Under the severe pain, his eyes were firmer than ever. He was trying to overcome his subconscious resistance.

“I am serious!”

“I want to join Master Moria’s command.”

“I want to be Moria-sama’s companion.”

“I am sincere and will not resist!”

“Won’t resist all orders of Master Moria.”

In this way, Ike hypnosis himself over and over again, allowing himself to accept Moria’s everything, and finally he actually forcibly suppressed his subconscious resistance in the process of transforming the shadow into slavery.

“It’s done!”

Moria’s eyes lit up sharply, and the corners of her mouth gradually cocked.

The shadow slave transformation against Ike was successful. After Ike suppressed his subconscious resistance, the shadow slave transformation was successful, and Ike has become Moria’s shadow slave.

Moria was overjoyed, and almost couldn’t help laughing at the corner of her mouth.


Hold back!

Can’t laugh now!

Can’t let people see what conspiracy I have, let alone see the ability of Shadow Slave.

Moria calmed her heart over and over again.

Compared to the Shadow Servant’s ability, once the Shadow Slave’s ability is exposed, it feels like he is going to become the world’s public enemy, the kind that everyone can punish.

“Not bad!” Moria narrowed the expression on her face. At this moment, the actor was possessed and said to Ike lightly: “I have sensed your sincerity. From now on, you will be a member of the actor’s Pirate Group.”

The name of the Pirate Group, Moria, has been changed. The original owner’s Pirate Group is called the Moonlight Pirate Group, now it is called the Actor Pirate Group.

This is also related to his current title of “Actor”.

“Very good!”

Ike, who had become a shadow slave, let out a sigh of relief.

He didn’t even feel enslaved.

Looking at Moria, Ike said excitedly: “After that, please ask Captain Moria.”

“Just call me the boss!” Moria smiled.

“Yes, boss!” Ike was a little excited, and took the initiative to stand one step behind Moria to the left.

Moria looked at the muscular man and the nine cadres, and said quietly, “You…who will come first!”

The nine cadres looked at each other and secretly said: Can you pass the test after restraining your subconscious resistance?

The nine people couldn’t believe it, but then they thought that Ike had succeeded, so they believed Ike.

“I’ll come first…” Among the nine cadres, the muscular man took the initiative to step forward.

“Let’s start!” Moria said calmly, controlling the shadow to transform the muscular man into a shadow slavery.

The first time, without success, Moria stopped, but was not discouraged.

After all, not everyone can rely on him as determinedly as Ike.

For the muscular guy, he trusted Ike, so he turned to Moria.

To be more precise, his first refuge was Ike, not Moria, so it is difficult for him not to resist the transformation of shadow slavery from the bottom of his heart.


Moria is in a good mood. Ike’s success has provided a template for shadow slavery, and he doesn’t mind trying it a few more times.

“Trust me, Jesse!” Ike said solemnly to the muscular man, Jesse.

Hearing that Jessie took a deep look at Ike and saw the firmness in Ike’s eyes, just like when Ike saved him when they met for the first time, he still had the confidence to pass through ten times the enemy. .


Jesse took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly, looking at Moria.

“Come on, Lord Moria!” Jesse said heavily.

“Haha! Come on, you can, and you can become my shadow slave soon.”

Moria smiled inwardly, but calmly on her face, nodded to Jesse.

Then, with a thought, the shadow slavery transformation began again.

This time it succeeded.

Although Jesse didn’t trust Moria, he trusted Ike, so he turned that trust in Ike into motivation and successfully suppressed subconscious resistance.

Eventually it was successfully transformed by Moria.

Moria adds another shadow slave!

“Okay, I know Jesse you are sincere!”

Moria retracted the shadow, with a welcome smile on his face, and whispered softly: “From now on, you will be a member of the actor’s Pirates, just like Ike.”

Jesse, who had been enslaved by the shadows, had no change in her attitude towards Moria. She was still calm, but just nodded faintly.

Then walked to stand one step behind Ike.

Obviously, in his opinion, the person he trusts most is Ike. If he chooses between Moria and Ike, he will choose Ike.

“Ha ha!”

Moria smiled, not caring too much about Jesse’s attitude.

He found an interesting place.

A shadow slave who was successfully transformed into a shadow slave by Moria at the time of life and death will have a big difference in his attitude towards him after waking up.

To take an example, a person who was originally hostile to him will no longer be hostile to him after being successfully shadowed.

After Jesse and Ike succeeded in becoming a shadow slave, their attitude towards Moria didn’t seem to have changed much. What they were like before is still what they are now.

This is different from those who were successfully enslaved by Moria at the time of life and death.

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