Chapter 79 Draw the sword and return to the sheath, secretly spying!


“Cheers, congratulations to the Crazy Stick Pirates for being the first Pirates to join the actor’s Pirates.”

The words were a bit sloppy, but the meaning was very clear. As the only boss, Moria opened the first glass of wine, so he also said a colorful sentence.


“Unexpectedly, we were the first to join the actor pirate group, great.”

“Cheers! Cheers!”

Everyone raised their glasses to respect Moria, and then they all drank.

The banquet began and lasted until late at night, when everyone was so drunk that it ended.

Do not!

Not everyone was drunk, Moria was not drunk because he didn’t drink much.

And the other person who was not drunk was Tia.

She seemed to be a non-drinking woman, and she always drank fruit drinks at the banquet.

So I am still awake now!

“Where is your room?” Moria looked at Tia with a faint gaze.

During the banquet, Ike and other cadres of the Mad Stick Pirate Group sat in a circle with Moria, and Tia was right across from Moria.

Faced with Moria’s question at this time, Tia’s brows condensed, especially Moria’s fiery gaze that seemed to burn out her clothes, which made her feel angry.

Tia turned her head away, not wanting to talk to Moria, let alone talking to Moria.

who knows……

“It’s Room Nine in the innermost cabin of the rear cabin!” Tia, who turned her head and didn’t want to answer Moria’s question, suddenly answered Moria’s question naturally.

Tia’s expression was startled and her brow furrowed, obviously wondering why she answered Moria’s question so easily.

But before Tia thought about it, she found a reason for herself: Moria is now my boss, and it’s okay to tell him. Anyway, if I don’t tell, he can ask others to know.

Thinking of this, Tia let out a sigh of relief, and the doubts in her heart disappeared.

“Take me to your room!”

At this time, Moria’s faint words came, and Tia’s body suddenly stiffened, and then she got up and left, not wanting to stay with Moria anymore.

Unexpectedly, Tia, who had just gotten up, said again, “Come with me.”

After that, she walked to Room 9 of the rear cabin in her unbelievable eyes.

“The moonlight tonight is beautiful!”

“It’s a good time to draw the sword and return to the sheath!”

Moria stood up and looked at the dark night sky with a faint sigh, and then walked behind Tia.

The pirate ship of the Crazy Stick Pirates is very big, one hundred and fifty meters long.

Tia, as a cadre, plus the only woman on board, naturally has a room of her own.

In the innermost part, there are two square windows, which are open, and the cool night breeze on the sea blows through the windows, creating a unique mood.

In the room, Moria, who came after Tia, skillfully lit the oil lamp, and then closed the door naturally.


Hearing the sound of closing the door, Tia’s body tightened and her complexion changed. At this moment, she thought of some bad picture in her heart, and she asked Moria to go out.

“Stop talking and lie down on the bed!” Moria smiled.

Tia opened her mouth, and what she said was not to let Moria out, but a word: “Okay!”

Tia had big puzzled eyes and lay obediently on her six-meter-long bed with a soft quilt.

“You will be my woman from now on!”

After speaking to Tia on the bed, Moria removed what was outside of her body, and gently…pounced on it.

By the way, Tia also removed the things outside of her body, and the two have met sincerely since then.


Moria drew her sword back into her sheath, then drew her sword, bringing out the blood-stained sword.

“If there is no film repair surgery in this world, this woman should still be a place.”

This made Moria feel a little different, just as excited as she was first in the exam when she was a child. This first time is also a different kind of first place, which makes people a little bit inexplicably excited.

“It’s just that the scabbard seems to be a little shorter!” Moria moved forward, feeling that the long sword had reached its end, but there was still a small section of the sword body exposed, and it had not been fully sheathed.

“It feels worse!” Moria moved.

“Ah…” Tia’s scabbard blushed when she first met a guest.

Fortunately, some of the movements are repetitive, and then I adapt, and after a long time I start to enjoy them.

“Why?” Tia whispered, who was already enjoying.

She didn’t understand why she was so confused and played with Moria, the game of drawing the sword, drawing the sword and returning the sheath, always returning.

And the most important thing is that she didn’t resist, but she felt very much. There was a feeling of floating deep into the cloud. The whole body seemed to release the faintness that had been squeezed for more than 20 years. It was very relaxed and happy.

As time went by, she actually felt that Moria was a little pleasing to the eye, her attitude was much better, and even kinder.

“Master Moria, please be more decisive when you return to the sheath.” Tia said to Moria, who was drawing her sword, flushed.

The voice is gentle…


Moria was surprised, looking at Tia under her body, she could feel that she was actually cooperating with him.

“Unexpectedly, a malfunction can speed up the attitude change of Shadow Slave!”

“hehe, not bad!”

After the smile, Moria naturally wanted to meet Tia’s request, and was even more decisive when she returned.


Moria seemed to hear the metal sound of the long sword rubbing against the scabbard.

Draw the sword! Go to the sheath!

Draw the sword! Go to the sheath!

Moria repeated this action at halftime tonight.

In the second half, Moria turned on the smart mode, lying still, the scabbard can automatically retract the sword and draw the sword automatically.

And when Moria and Tia were upset.

On the deck, among the drunk people falling asleep, a plain-looking man suddenly opened his eyes.

Without the blurry feeling of being drunk, the man’s eyes were composed and calm, revealing a sense of energy.

I saw this man standing up lightly and looking around.

Then he walked to a blind corner of the pirate ship and looked around again to make sure that no one noticed him.

The man took out a small telephone bug from his arms, only the size of an orange.


The man held the phone worm in his palm with his left hand, extended his index finger with his right hand, and gently pressed a button on the phone worm, and the communication was instantly connected.

“Ye Xiao, is the situation going well?” A faint voice came from the phone worm, which just happened to be heard by the focused man.

“Here, I have successfully joined Moria’s Pirates.” The man said softly.

“Really! Then go ahead, don’t worry, take your time, and strive to gain enough trust from Moria.” The voice from the phone worm was a little pleased, and at the same time he told the man to be careful.

“It’s difficult to gain Moria’s trust.” The man suddenly said softly without expression.

“Why?” The people on the phone worm were surprised. With Ye Xiao’s professional ability, it should be no problem to gradually gain Moria’s trust.

Several years ago, they used the same trick to catch “World Destroyer”.

This time, they were preparing to repeat the old tricks, but they didn’t expect that Ye Xiao, who was the performer, said it was difficult.

Ye Xiao’s so-called difficult, basically means there is no chance, otherwise it won’t be difficult.

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