Chapter 82 Bloodhanded Man Tu-Gomez

“Which pirate group?” Ike asked.

“Captain, it’s the bloodhand pirate group of Bloodhand Rentu-Gomez.” Kaidō, with a nervous look on the pirate who reported.

Bloodhanded people slaughter?

Moria moved in her heart, her face thoughtful, he seemed to have heard of this name in his previous life.

But it seems… I don’t remember clearly!

“It’s that guy!” Ike frowned when he heard the name.

Bloodhand Tu-Gomez was a pirate who entered the New World in the same year as Ike. The two were at the same time as the captains of their respective pirate regiments. People often compared the two.

However, unlike Ike, the bloodhanded Tu Gomez is more beautiful and famous than him.

Similarly, Gomez’s ambitions are much bigger!

In terms of strength, Gomez is naturally stronger, and it can even be said that Ike is a bit weaker than Gomez.

At the beginning, the two pirate groups once met briefly.

The result was naturally that Ike and others were defeated, but the cadres of the Crazy Stick Pirate Group were relatively even.

Therefore, even though they were defeated with more and less, they also escaped safely without much casualties.

They never met again, but Gomez’s strong Yamato is difficult to deal with, and it still impresses them.

“Unexpectedly, it was the fellow Gomez who came first!”

“That guy’s abilities are troublesome!”

Jesse, Tia and others also frowned, obviously still a little afraid of Gomez.

“You all know each other?” Hearing this, Moria put down the barbecue lightly and asked with a smile, “Is it amazing?”


Ike said solemnly: “Don’t underestimate Gomez. He has a very tricky ability. After fighting with him for a long time, his mind will be eroded by a sense of killing and become a monster that only kills.”

“When most people encounter him, they will lose control of their energy in an instant, and they will find it difficult to extricate themselves from the killing of the enemy and us.”

“So to fight with him, not only must there be a firm will to withstand the erosion of the killing intention, it is best to solve the battle in the shortest time.”

“Never exceed ten minutes. If ten minutes can’t solve the battle, then retreat first and fight later.”

The meaning of killing?

Is there such a fantasy thing?

After hearing Ike’s words, Moria looked a little stunned, and asked, “Is it Devil Fruit ability?”

This kind of weird power can only be explained by Devil Fruit in Moria’s view.

I don’t know, Ike shook his head and said solemnly: “It’s not Devil Fruit’s ability. No one knows how the killing came from.”

“But I heard that Gomez is a rare race. It is said that he is the only one left in the entire race, so everyone guesses that the meaning of killing should be his racial talent.”

What kind of racial talent is God!

Moria became even more bewildered after hearing it, how could it become more and more mysterious.

But after thinking about it, Moria was relieved again.

In the world of One Piece, there are really some special races with special abilities.

For example, Charlotte Linlin’s three-eyed daughter Bu Ling is said to be a special race.

After awakening, he can even interpret the text of history through his eyes.

Some other abilities are also more imaginary, such as the man named Chan Gao who appeared in Usopp’s hometown. His Hypnosis technique appeared to Moria a bit scary and unreasonable.

Although we are not the enemy, it is precisely because of this that it is terrifying.

“In short, boss, you must not fight him for too long!” At this time, Ike reminded Moria not to fight for a long time.

He didn’t worry that Moria would not be able to win quickly. He was afraid that Moria would delay the time and be killed by others.

“Ha ha!”

“What you said, my interest has been raised.”

Moria smiled, stood up, with a thought, directly turned on the shadow golden body mode and soared into the sky, flying to the north of Ark Island.

That side is exactly where the bloodhanded Tu Gomez came from, as the reporting pirate said.

Moria wanted to see in person, what kind of ability this so-called killing means made Ike and the others so jealous.

If the ability is really awesome, it is not the Devil Fruit ability, but the racial physical talent, then he seems to be able to swallow the shadow of Gomez!

“Did I say too much!” Looking at Moria who left suddenly, Ike was stunned and said to Tia and others.

“Hmm!” Tia and the others nodded together.

It means that you, Ike, said too much, but it aroused Moria’s interest, making the battle that could be resolved quickly become a protracted battle.

“This is not what I want!” Ike was a little bit eager to cry without tears.

“Let’s go too, Ike.” Jesse stood up and said, “You can’t let the boss fight alone!”

“That’s right!” Tia also stood up and said: “We are now members of the Actor Pirate Group. How can we let our boss fight alone.”

“That’s right!” The other cadres also stood up and said, “Come on, go to the boss, and the others to us.”

Ike smiled and said, “Then go and fight, little ones.”

After Moria left, the mad club pirates quickly rushed to the north of the island to welcome them in their first battle after joining the actor pirates.

At the top of the mountains on the north side of Ark Island, Moria fell from the sky and stepped on a reddish brown rock with some feet.

In the waters directly below him, a huge pirate ship sailed towards here quickly.

As the Pirate Ship approached, Moria could see what the ship looked like.

It’s very big, and it looks a bit like the Moby Dick of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The pirate ship came from the front, and a pirate flag was painted on the high sails above it.

Below a white skull, there are two blood-colored skulls holding two crossed knives.

“Bloodhand Pirates should be called that way because of this Pirate Banner!” Moria thought to herself when she looked at the Pirate Banner.



The ships of the Blood Hand Pirates separated the waves of the sea and quickly docked to the edge of Ark Island.

There is no sandy beach on Ark Island, and the water depth at the foot of the mountain is 100 meters, so the pirate boat can dock directly at the foot of the mountain.

People can also jump directly from the pirate ship and land on Ark Island.

“Captain, I only saw the actor, and I haven’t seen anyone from the Crazy Stick Pirate Group for the time being.”

On the bow deck, a pirate with short legs and the upper body of a large wine barrel put down the telescope in his hand and reported the situation to Gomez, who was standing at the forefront.

Gomez is a burly man with a stature of five meters, and a swordsman with a long sword on his waist.

But the most prominent place on his body is his hands, which are blood red all the way to the arms.

At this time, Gomez squinted at Moria on the top of the mountain, in the shadow golden body mode.

one person?


Gomez sneered and ordered: “Come on, Moria, hand it over to me. The Crazy Stick Pirates should be on the other side of the mountain and hand it over to you.”

“Yes, Captain!” behind Gomez, more than two hundred pirates said in unison.

“Bump bump… bump!” The pirates jumped off the boat, divided into two teams, and climbed to both sides of Moria.

From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain is a not steep slope, the distance is only more than 1,500 meters.

At this distance, even if the pirates climb the mountain, they can reach the top of the mountain very quickly.

“All killed!”

Seeing these rushing pirates, Moria was not ready to do it himself, but with a thought to summon all the Shadow Servant.

“Shoo…!” The Shadow Attendant rushed out of Moria quickly, killing the pirates of the Bloodhand Pirates who had attacked at the foot of the mountain.

“The actor Moria, I don’t know if it is really that strong!”

Gomez on the bow looked at Moria who hadn’t moved on the top of the mountain, with a cruel smile on his mouth.

“I hope you can live up to the name, otherwise…you will die miserably.”

Gomez sneered, then kicked his legs and jumped off the bow.

In the air, he drew a long knife and slashed it straight towards Moria.


In an instant, a sharp blood-red chopping wave cut through the rock and flew upwards obliquely, aiming directly at Moria.

“Blood red chopper wave! This is the first time I have seen it!”

Moria condensed his eyes, and when the chopping wave came in front of him, he quickly stretched out his left hand and directly grabbed the blood red chopping wave sent by Gomez.


It was useless. Armament Haki, Gomez’s chopping wave stopped in front of Moria like a snake pinched seven inches.


Gomez’s chopping wave was very concise. After being caught by Moria, he didn’t crash. Instead, he caused a gust of wind to spread around in the collision with Moria.


Feeling the power from his left hand, Moria looked at Gomez at the foot of the mountain and smiled.

From Moria’s point of view, Gomez’s chopping wave already had his own will, so it was very condensed, as if he had a life. Even if he was caught by Moria, he still resisted fiercely and broke free.

Unfortunately, it was just “good” for Moria.

Therefore, Moria grabbed Chopper Wave’s left hand and just gave it a hard grip.


The blood-red chopping wave was directly squeezed by Moria with one hand, turning into a gust of wind blowing around.

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