Shadow of the Beautiful World

Chapter 1562: 16. Going to the dead (part 1)


Gangnir and Frost Greatsword cross for the seventh time.

At the moment when the Eternal Rune King passed Tyrion, he raised his left hand and called out the thunderbolt, and with a gesture of holding a lightning bolt, he fiercely blasted the black armor of the king of the dead.

The dazzling light and shadow shone, slowing down the pursuit of the King of the Dead.

Thor was panting and got a chance to breathe.

His armor was covered with cold, dead frost.

On the other hand, the gloomy king on the opposite side, the latter had almost no trace of injury since the start of the fight.

This made Thor feel unsure.

The superposition of the rune power of the World Tree and the blood of Odin made the rune king's destructive power amazing, and now he has the eternal power blessing.

It stands to reason that Thor has settled into the single universe.

And the outer **** who entered the stars was a level of strength.

Even if there is still a gap between the two sides, the gap should never be as big as it is now!

Thor feels like a child with a sword, facing a skilled adult warrior, not only can't hurt the opponent at all, but he will also be extremely embarrassed by the opponent's counterattack.

"Are you wondering?"

Tyrion, standing with a sword, did not attack.

In the cold disappearing and reshaping of the ice skull visor covering his face, he said in a hoarse voice:

"You are wondering, why are the same single universes, but you can't hurt me at all?"


Thor leaned on Gangneil, who was entangled in lightning, and he asked:

"Is this another ghost trick belonging to an outside god?"

"No! No."

Tyrion looked at the unyielding challenger in front of him, and he calmly explained:

"It's just because you are false things, but pseudo-strong men shaped in the dream of all things. No matter how beautiful the soap bubbles in the fantasy world are, they will return to nothingness once exposed to the sun."

"Don't you realize that your strength is weakening every minute and every second when facing me?"

Thor didn't answer again.

He remembered what Merlin had told him and Batman before the war.

Merlin seemed to say the same thing.

"Where is Merlin?"

Thor raised the war spear and held it in both hands, and his thunder power was flying on the war spear, exuding arcs of light entangled like a spider web.

He asked:

"Will he be like us?"

"No, he won't."

Tyrion looked back at the direction of the melting pot of the universe. He was like a question-and-answer robot. In the swaying breath of the dead world, he said:

"He is different from you, he is real! He has one of the few truths in this illusory dream."

"He understands this himself, so he chose to face Cyber ​​Hawke alone... he made a sacrifice, which is a great dedication."

The king of the dead raised his sword, and in the cold wind, he said:

"I have answered your doubts, and now I am getting paid, thundering god."

Tyrion's voice paused, and his figure flashed into Thor's eyes like a ghost, pierced by the sharp sword in his hand, and when he tore the flesh and blood of the Rune King, his voice became more and more cold and dead.

"I need to..."

"Your soul!"

The shadow of death shrouded Thor's will in an instant, and the strong premonition that he would lose his life in the next second made Rune King's hair stand upright, and all the power in his body was boiling at this moment.

The time manipulation endowed by eternity allows him to escape into time in times of crisis.

Dangerously and dangerously evaded this mortal sword.

But the danger has not passed yet.

That sword piercing the sky did not make the king of the dead feel surprised. The boundary between truth and falsehood was not so clear when the universe collapsed.

It is true that the power of the Rune King is weakening, but it is not so easy to kill him before the power drops below a certain limit.

His wrist turned, the piercing blade returned in a strange posture, and Tyrion's eyes also lit up with blue light, just like Merlin's posture when he activated the death spell.

The power to see through life and death was originally Tyrion's interpretation of death, and this power to cut through life and death would only be easier for him to use.

He saw it.

The lines that emerged from Rune King's body, even in the protection of time, the lines of death are still clearly visible.


The blade whizzed down, and the shadow of death enveloped Thor again, but before the blade was added, the whistling wind sounded from the other side of the battlefield divided by the fog of death.

The flying black sickle rolled in a circle in the air. Under the control of Lady Death, the weapon flew past Tyrion's neck, and then changed direction in the whistling, trying to make a second surprise attack.


The long sword in the hands of the king of the dead gave up chasing Sotor, and instead resisted death's scythe.

"It's the same..."

Death grabbed his weapon, and the breath of light and darkness appeared behind her. God and the beast broke the blockade and joined the battlefield.

3 to 1!

Death said coldly:

"Death interpretation that does not belong to this world, invader! The death of these stars is pure and powerful, and does not need your presence! Get out of my world!"

"is it?"

Facing this rebuke, the king of the dead did not care about the three cosmic gods in front of him, and he replied in a cold tone:

"But you don't seem to be as strong as you claim."

"Death, you have also encountered setbacks, and I am invincible!"


The strange breath of death erupted behind Thor, and the Rune King did not participate in it. Taking advantage of the opportunity of death to strike, he quickly rushed into the broken death fog.

He must tell others what he got from Tyrion.

The outside **** is delaying time!

Since they came to the stars, the strength of the people here has been rapidly weakening, and they must concentrate all their strength to defeat the outer **** when they still have the strength to fight.


On the battlefield divided by the mist, Dumu, holding infinite gloves, appeared from the blue light.

Purple flames of power burned on his arm, and the supreme mage who came in assault slammed into the death lord who attacked Shazan with a fierce tiger attacking the rabbit.

The tyrant lady under Tyrion was caught off guard and was knocked to the ground by this punch.

She turned around and tried to fight back.

The pierced Shazam jumped up from behind and hugged the perfect eldest sister in an ambiguous posture. During the jump of supernatural lightning, Dum raised his fist again.

An icy light shone on the Infinite Gloves, tearing the death lord's body with one blow.

Under the mighty force of this universe, Tyrion's powerful death lord let out a sigh, turned into a mist, and quietly exited.

Dumu's breathing was also a little short.

His strength is also declining. He looked at Shazan who was holding his heart and his face was pale, and he said:

"Can you still fight?"


Shazan gritted his teeth and responded.

"Then come with me, you must break this divided situation!"

The Supreme Mage took Shazan and flew to the fog of death on the other side. He glanced at the infinite glove in his hand and said to Shazan:

"Our strength is weakening, and delaying time is very detrimental to us. But the power of the weapon is still there. I use it to open the mist, and you follow me. If I can't hold it anymore, you will be replaced!"

"Then give it to me now."

Shazan glanced at the thick gray mist, he opened his hands covering his chest, and Dumu immediately saw the sword marks that penetrated Shazan's body, and black power was wrapping the wound and preventing the wound from healing.

Shazan whispered:

"I was stabbed with a sword by that hoofed woman. I feel that I can't hold it for long. Give me the gloves. Don't waste any more power. I will break through the maze. You keep the power to fight."

After speaking, he reached out and took the Infinite Gloves. Under Dumu's complicated gaze, Shazam took a deep breath and mobilized all his powers, and the Infinite Gloves shined brightly.

He threw a punch and hammered the gray fog, opening a crack in the breathtaking fog of death.


Shazan yelled, and the painting rushed towards the battlefield in front of him, where Tony was being beaten by a heavy armored death lord with a warhammer in his hand.

On the other side, Rune King is also trying his best to gather the divided comrades.

He was lucky. After breaking through the fog of death, the first person he encountered was Superman.

Clark has just defeated the death lord Luminas, his strength is also weakening, but still able to support.

The two men and horses operated at the same time, and after a few minutes, they converged in the starry sky leading to the core from the periphery of the mist.

Regrettably, in the fog, more than 20 heroes died, their bones were gone, and they were swallowed by the fog of death.


Sha Zan, who was holding the Infinite Gloves, was panting. The young man's face was as pale as paper. Although he was already seriously injured, he pierced the fog one after another, making him almost exhausted.

"They are just ahead!"

Thor, holding the Gun of Eternity, shouted to the people who had been fighting hard behind him:

"We must join the battle! Even if we can only be the cannon fodder of that battle, we don't hesitate! Everyone, look back, our world has come to the brink of falling apart..."

The light of runes and lightning floated up and down Thor, and his voice became deeper and deeper. He said:

"Whether it's destruction or rebirth from the ashes is just between our thoughts!"

"Fight, brothers."

Steve, who held the shield in hand, wiped the blood stains on his face. He raised the round shield, and in the surge of energy in his body, he strode forward first.

The captain looked at the endless shining stars ahead, he said:

"Bury the bones here, use our lives, for our family and the world, in exchange for a bright future... They never want to crush us!"

The captain raised his shield and was about to attack the thick fog blocking the road, but he was stopped by the people behind him.

"I come!"

Shazam stood up straight with his last strength.

The battle clothes on his chest were full of blood, and the shocking black energy was tearing the scars, like the poison of tarsus, but the young man's eyes were extremely bright.

Just like the arc in the darkness, it is the light of the right way.

"Follow me!"

Shazam's movements staggered a bit, but no one stopped him.

Everyone here is determined to die. This is a sacrifice for the right thing. Who can deprive this young man of great power?


Shazam used the infinite gloves to tear through the fog of death, piercing the passage for the heroes behind him.

He tried his best to move forward, like thunder shining.

In the roaring roar, the young man poured his last power into the Infinite Gloves. Between the platinum-gold magical powers, he roared and smashed into the invisible mist in front of him.

The light of the Infinite Glove is like a torn war spear, opening a path of hope to the front for the heroes.


Shazam sat down in the compressed blue starry sky. He threw the Infinity Gloves to Dum, who took it in his hand and leaned over to salute Shazam, then turned around and continued to open the road without wasting a minute.

"Leave me alone."

Tony wanted to help Shazan up, but Shazan stopped him.

The pale young man looked at Iron Man. He showed a weak smile and said to Tony:

"I can't move forward anymore, go. Leave me here."

"What stupid thing to say!"

Tony gritted his teeth and picked up Shazan. He carried the young man to follow the heroes. He said to Shazan:

"We came here together, and we have to go back together! Even if it's a back, I want to back you back!"

"Don't be silly, I don't want to be your burden."

Shazam held both hands in Tony's.

He said to Iron Man:

"I have finished the battle I should fight, I have walked the way I should go, I no longer need to move forward, here is my end..."

"Fight for me, Tony."

"Call my name! Call it! You also have a warm heart, you also have a pure heart, you will be my successor, and you will be me."

"You will also be the light, Tony, the light of salvation!"

Shazam shouted to Tony:

"Quick! Do you want me to beg you?"

Iron Man looked at Shazam with a decisive look, and then at the fog of death that had reclosed behind him. He took a deep breath and placed Shazam on the compressed starry sky, half kneeling in front of Shazam.

The fingers of the two were held together. As Shazam was watching, Tony whispered:

"Then... as you wish, my friend, I will fight to the end."


The platinum divine power turned into magical lightning, jumping up from Shazan, crossing the **** along the way, covering Iron Man.

When the supernatural power was added, the super mark suit was also shaped into a more powerful posture.

Shazan, who had lost his supernatural power, quickly changed back to the appearance of a young man. He lay in the starry sky and waved to Tony and everyone. Behind him, the rolling mist roared.

"You must win!!!"

Billy Batterson’s shouts echoed among the stars, and he was swallowed by the fog of death, as if sent into the sea, no more life.


The always indifferent **** Dumu smashed the Infinite Gloves into the mist in front of him like venting his depression, and he shouted angrily:

"You all heard... brothers."

"A great soul demands that we must win! We must win! We must fight to the end!"

"The dead..."

Dum's eyes under the mask burst out with a dazzling light. He raised his right hand like a banner and shouted:

"Keep going!"

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