Shadow of the Beautiful World

Chapter 1565: 19. Moments of Thunder (Part 1)

"No! Dad, no!"

In the star dome that was torn apart and collided and annihilated by the aftermath of energy, Sister Tun turned into a horrified light and rushed to Dad's side.

She injected her cosmic energy back into Swallowing Star???s spiritual body, trying to grasp the dissipated form of Swallowing Stars. In the flying golden light, she cried and screamed:

"Don't do this! If I beat them, the stars will be reshaped and you will become real."

"Don't leave me! You have to stay by my side, you have to watch me grow up!"

"You swore it! I forbid you to do this!"

"Silly boy."

The Star-Swallowing Spiritual Body dissipates very quickly. This is his own choice. The consciousness of self-destruction is prompting the rapid accumulation of cosmic energy.

In the blink of an eye, the heavy cosmic energy was wrapped around Tunmei.

The remaining will of the swallowing star turned into a luminous human figure as tall as the swallowing sister, falling beside the weeping Ganata.

He hugged his crying daughter, he stroked the hair of Tun Sister, and he said:

"There can only be one swallowing star in the same world. This is a rule that cannot be violated."

"Your growth is beyond my expectations, my child, you have also found the way you want to go, which makes me very gratified. Maybe, maybe I am really a stubborn old man as you said."

"But no matter what, I do it for your own good."

Tunxing patted his daughter's shoulder lightly, and he said:

"Eat these energies and let your fullness reach 100%. Only in this way can you be invincible in the battle with the outer gods."

Sister Tun was sobbing. She held her father and shook her head.

Although the relationship with her dad is not good on weekdays, at the time of parting, she can no longer help her inner sadness. She and her dad live on each other in this strange universe.

Now, even my dad will leave her.

"What I want to say next is very important. You must listen carefully."

The star-swallowing humanoid entity lowered its head and said to the sobbing girl-sweeping:

"If you are determined not to go through the epoch change, then no matter what the outcome of the battle, Ganata, you must leave before the completion of the reshaping of the stars and return to the main universe."

"You are not an entity born in this group of stars, and your presence will interfere with its remodeling."

"If you resist the symbolism that this universe imposes on you, then its energy will be crushed on you, and you will be completely crushed, and I will open the way for you to leave in the main universe..."

"Remember, never stay."

The cosmic **** solemnly warned his daughter:

"As long as it is reshaped, you and your friends will finally meet again."


Sister Tun sniffed and wiped the tears from her face. She nodded vigorously to her father.

But soon, Sister Tun found another problem from her father's parting words.

She looked at her father who was about to disappear, and she asked:

"But what about Merlin? He is also an entity, and he was not born among the stars..."

"He, don't worry about him!"

The star swallowing **** looked at the battlefield and said to his daughter:

"Since he has embarked on this path, he must have made a choice. His stubborn soul cannot persuade him."

The consciousness of swallowing stars dissipated to the end, leaving only a weak luminous body.

He had never been so gentle before, leaning over his tear-stained daughter's forehead and lightly kissed, like a warm hand touching the top of Tunmei's head.

In the next second, the light and shadow dissipated in Sister Tun's hands, and Ganata looked blankly at the star points entwined in her hands, she lost Him.

His father left.

But this is not a farewell. As long as Sister Tun can escape the last moment of the reshaping of the universe, the father and daughter will finally meet in the main universe.

Sister Tun sits on her knees in this shining energy, which is the food her father left for her.

She stretched out her hand to hold a purple energy group, looked back at the battlefield in the distance, a stubborn light lit up in the beautiful eyes of Tunmei, and she had made up her mind.

So next...



Sister Tun still brought tears to her mouth, sending the energy ball in her hand into her mouth, and the fullness she had consumed before quickly picked up.

She didn't know what would happen if the fullness reached 100%.

But judging from her father's parting words, as long as she can reach that level, she will surely hold the power that can determine the battlefield... she will win!

This world will win!

Merlin will win too!

"Wait a moment, wait a moment, it will be done soon..."

Girl Tun's mouth was filled with energy balls, her cheeks were propped up, and she chewed hard, like a greedy little squirrel.

As the fullness is getting closer and closer to 100%, a group of golden light is also shining in front of Tunmei's eyes, and the light dances, wrapping her petite body little by little.

"hold onto!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming soon... Hold on!"

On the other side, Shenwei Lei Shen, who had left Tunxing and Tunmei's confrontation battlefield first, rushed into the center of the universe. At a glance, she saw the tragic scene on the compressed starry sky.

The outer gods are fighting death, and death is at an absolute disadvantage.

And behind the outer **** wearing a black robe with wings on his back stood hundreds of ice sculptures of death.

The unyielding warriors were sealed in the cold icicles. Their faces still retained the anger of violent fighting, but the color of life was no longer in their tarnished eyes.

They are dead.

They died on the battlefield, and in this way were permanently stored at the time of death.

In addition to the ice sculpture, there was Clark's collapsed body, like a sculpture that was shattered in half. Under the feet of the brave man, the goddess of war, Diana, fell in a pool of blood.

The enthusiastic and brave lady's eyes widened, and there was still fire in her eyes. She held the broken Vulcan Sword and the broken divine power lasso in her hand.

The broken ring of the supreme green light was in a pool of blood beside Diana.

Its owner has been crushed to pieces.

The Hulk and the Female Hulk were hugging and sitting outside the icicles. They were covered with white frost. Those hateful ice cubes took away the last ray of their never-ending anger and brought their last breath away. Sealed in the cold.

On the edge of the battlefield, the dying **** Dumu was placed on the spot, his visor shattered, revealing his burned face, and the Infinite Gloves had been passed to Steve's hands.

The captain was covered in blood, holding the broken shield in one hand and the Infinite Glove in the other, and was fighting the foreign **** to death.

Tony Stark, who inherited Shazam's supernatural power, is assisting him, but Tony's super-mark battle armor has also been missing a large part.

His body is covered with black dead frost.

The Scarlet Witch fell into that state of losing control again, but this time Wanda poured all his madness on the outer god.

Dumu's death dealt a terrible blow to her.

Jane's gaze swept across a messy battlefield. The heroes were dead and wounded. The fierce battle was beyond her imagination. Even in the most terrifying dream, she had never foreseen such a terrible scene.

But what about Thor?

Where is her lover?

Where is Thor?


The female Thor, holding a magic hammer, quickly rushed into the battlefield. She avoided the flurry of death sword shadows and flew into the eerie group of ice sculptures. Soon, she found Thor's figure.

His lover fell in the cold frost, and beside him was the slashed gun of eternity, blood with a beating arc was flowing from under him, and Thor's left hand was placed on the icicle in front of him. .

The blood shed on the icicle and it was completely frozen.


Jane fell next to Thor, she picked up the unconscious Thor, and she saw the person in the icicle in front of Thor.


Asgard's general Sif, Thor's confidant.

Sieff was frozen in the icicle, she maintained the posture of holding a sword and charging, her eyes clinging, her mouth slightly opened, as if at the last moment of life, she was going to make an unyielding battle cry.

"Odin is on."

Jane's eyes were filled with sadness. She hugged Thor, who was in a coma, and looked around. Among the ice sculptures were all the heroes she knew well.

Laser Eye, White Queen, Namor, Arthur, Medusa, at the forefront of the icicles, is the black bat king sealed in the frost. The silent king opened his arms as if to protect his wife behind him.

But facing the outside god, he failed to do it...

Ok? wrong!

The black bat king is still alive!


Jane's warhammer hit the black bat king's icicle fiercely.

Amidst the roar of thunder and lightning, the solid ice was completely broken, and the weak Black Bat King was like a drowning man who was suffocating. He fell to the ground out of breath and was lifted by Jane again.

This discovery brightened Jane's eyes.

She dragged two men, holding warhammers in the ice sculpture, running fast, she was looking for other heroes who were still alive.

But the result was disappointing.


The fourth icicle was broken, and the shivering raven girl Ruiwen was rescued. In front of her, the same rescued Batman in **** bat armor reached out to support her.

Beside Batman are the Black Bat and Magneto who are supporting each other.

Only a few of them are left.

"keep fighting!"

Ruiwen shook the frost on her body. She looked at the chaotic battlefield ahead, and the captain could no longer stand it.

The Death God used his sword and shadow several times to slash the shield in the captain's hand. Steve could only continue to resist with the infinite gloves in his hand.


The crimson flames churned, and Wanda galloped towards Tyrion with the flames wrapped around him. In the fight between Death and Tyrion, he slammed into Tyrion's back with any posture.

The outer **** was stunned by the chaotic energy, causing the blade he wielded to go out of shape, allowing Steve to avoid the deadly blade dangerously and dangerously.

Tony grabbed Steve by the shoulders to take him out of this danger.

But the outside **** waved and grabbed Wanda, pierced the crimson magic with dark fingers, broke Wanda's neck, and smashed the witch with a combat hammer on Tony and the captain.

His cloak was lit, and his long gray hair was burning, making him look quite embarrassed.

This foreign **** was forced to a disadvantage that he had never thought of. In the territory created by the colossal beast and God, he was already struggling, and he had to get rid of these difficult disruptors.

"Death is coming!"

Tyrion strode to the captain like a shadow, holding the ice-cold hoarfrost blade in his hand and stabbing it down. Tony tried to fit into his body and slammed into it to block the blow for the captain, but was pushed away by Steve .

"Sorry, I can only go here, and leave the rest to you!"

The **** captain stuffed the Infinite Gloves into Tony's hands, and used his last strength to lift Tony away, and he himself was penetrated by the sword of frost from behind.

That face.

The final expression on that blood-stained, unyielding face also solidified.


The sharp blade was pulled out, the captain's body was frozen from the wound, Tony was flying in the air, he held the dead Wanda in his arms, and the Infinite Gloves, and he burst into tears.

The prodigal son never thought that he would experience all this personally.

He fell awkwardly on the plane of the compressed stars, he got up, and tremblingly placed the dead Scarlet Witch in his arms next to Dumu's corpse.

He stood up, swaying to put the Infinite Gloves on his hands.

But in his current situation, with that thing, he can only attack at most once, and he will be drained of energy and die of exhaustion just like Dom.

But he didn't care anymore.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Tony gritted his teeth and walked towards the battlefield. He saw that in the rolling black raven-like flames, Ruiwen and Magneto had escaped into the battlefield again.

The raging fire formed an unrealistic scene before his eyes, as if it were another burning world.

The black bat king was led by Jane to Tony's side. The Silent King grabbed the infinite glove in Tony's hand and put it on his hand, releasing the light of the infinite gem.

The next moment, a sound wave that has never been seen before, sweeping away everything burst out.

"Exterior! Die!!!"

"Boom boom boom"

The clustered sound waves tore through the black flames and blasted them accurately on Tyrion. The King of the Dead was like being in a strong wind, his broken robe and burning hair were blown backwards.

His body leaned forward, his left hand leaned forward, trying to stop in the sound of destruction.

He looked at the black bat king. With his arms swaying, the cold hoarfrost sword was thrown out, tearing the space at the moment of the shot, bursting out from an invisible place, piercing the black bat king's heart.

The body of the Silent King was carried back by the blade. At the end of his life, he took off his blood-stained gloves and threw them to Batman in front of him.


The ice-bound Black Bat King fell on top of the stars. At the moment of confusion, he turned his head hard and looked at the icicle that was holding his wife in ice.

He stretched out his blood-stained hand with difficulty, as if he was about to touch his wife's hair for the last time.

Bruce took the glove, he didn't even have time to hesitate, think, and grieve.

He put the gloves in his hand, and his eyes fell on the body of the broken Clark in front of the ice sculpture. It was his old friend. He was dead...


Revenge yourself!

Cross that line...

This is for this world!


Under Batman's battle helmet, those eyes lit up with blue light, and the burning stars faded in his eyes.

Under the blessing of Infinite Gloves, his figure crossed the battlefield and appeared in front of the foreign **** who had lost his weapon.


Bruce dodges Tyrion???s fists with extreme agility and short stature. He is like the deadliest assassin. In the power blessing of the death spell, he rests on Tyrion???s chin with his hands with infinite gloves. .


The Hidden Blade shaped by purple power pierced Tyrion's chin and pierced out of his head. The blow that covered the power of death caused Tyrion's body to shake suddenly.

His arms fell down, as if he had truly lost his life under this fatal assassination.

Is he dead?

Is this terrifying foreign **** dead?

He deserves to die too...

has it ended?

"Get out!"

The roar of the giant fierce beast exploded in the shadow, like thunder.

At the same time, the dead king's lowered fingers moved, and a sword made of black light penetrated Batman's armor upward in a close posture.

At the same time, it penetrated his heart.

"I no longer have doubts, and no more doubts. You are all the best fighters, what great companions!"

Tyrion moved his neck with his head pierced. He stretched out his hand and placed it on Bruce's trembling shoulder. He looked at Batman in pain.

He says:

"I'm starting to be jealous of Merlin. He is so lucky to have friends like you."

"But... I guess he didn't tell you, what you used is my power."

"You shouldn't use it against me."

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