Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 101

But for this kind of doubt, Qiye said that you Japanese are still Too young Too native.

You have to know that Riao’s ugly appearance has not yet reached its peak. When the results of the next few years are released, don’t you want to go directly to the sky?

Anyway, in the memory of Qiye, at the two Japanese Oscars in 2003 and 2005, NTV participated in the investment of the two films "Twilight Seihei" and "Sanchome Sunset". Both films won the Japanese Oscars of that year. All other 12 awards except the best supporting actress.

This can't be explained by eating alone, it's about eating the bowl and looking at the pot, and stretched out a hand to cover the basket.

However, when I think that the Oscars in the United States will gradually become independent film awards in the future, it is not unacceptable that the Oscars in Japan will become major film awards.

Especially Qiye now belongs to the [Lin Bao] department of the Big Four. He is a beneficiary in this situation, so why should he question it?Do you create your own anti?

"I don't know how many awards this benefit will give me?"

Qiye tidyed up her tie, then opened the door and got out of the car.He walked a half circle around the car, then opened the door on the other side of the car and bowed to salute a certain lady sitting in the car.

"Beautiful lady, please allow me to take you on the red carpet."

"Hee hee, please give me some advice today, O. Ni. Chan~"

Yiliya smiled and walked out of the car with Qiye's support. Little Lori was wearing a silver-white dress with golden ornaments today.Fortunately, Little Lolita does not have a red ribbon and a golden crown, otherwise Qiye will think that Illiya will come out as the holy grail wearing the clothes of heaven.

"Very beautiful clothes, my beautiful young lady." Qiye praised sincerely. Generally speaking, Ilia should use the word "cute" at her age, but at this time Ilia's dress made Qiye feel that Qiye has clearly exceeded "Cute" category.

"Thank you, Oni sauce~"

I don't know why, since Qiye began to call Starry Onechan, Illiya changed her former elder brother (Onixan)'s name to the current Onechan.

Although Qiye himself sounded dark and cool, the look in Longgu Nengcheng's eyes that he could not wait to eat him really made him feel guilty.

[Don't I wake up someday and find that I am forced to live on the bottom of Tokyo Bay.

With such thoughts, Qiye guiltyly took Illya and walked onto the red carpet arm in arm.

In fact, if possible, Qiye really wants to change a female partner to participate in this year's Oscars ceremony in Japan, but it is a pity that the few around him are not suitable.

The image of Mako Katsura is not suitable, and the eldest sister is already married, Qiye does not have a habit of talking about other people's family harmony.

Rin and Luvia are able to play, after all, as important actresses in their TV series, it is not a problem to take them on the red carpet.But the confrontation consciousness of these two girls is really too strong, no matter who you bring the other one will make trouble.

So I can only choose not to bring both.

As for other actresses I know, I don’t have them, but I’m not familiar enough to walk the red carpet together.Although with Qiye's current influence, those actresses will definitely be happy to post.

If it weren't for the recent preparations for "Goblin Slayer", Qiye might still be interested in catching those female stars.However, he is so busy with work now, how can he have this American time to cultivate relationships with women.

The only candidates left are Zhi Zhi, Yumi, and Illya who are not "normal" female companions.

First of all, Zhiye was immediately ruled out by Qiye. You must know that the affair with Zhiye hasn't stopped yet. At this time, he took Zhiye to the red carpet, fearing that it would not be the next day that Liangyi Qingmei would come to urge her to get married.During the time she lived in Liangyi's house, the aunt had already had a tendency to have such thoughts.

Yumi is even more inappropriate. You are an adult director with a loli actor who has nothing to do with the crew (Qiya is a ceremony attended in the name of the crew of "Kingjing"), and then I am afraid that all kinds of negative news will come out.

You know those gossip magazines dare to say anything.

So I chose to choose, and Illya was the only one who could walk the red carpet with him in the end.After all, the other party is the main funder of "The Realm of the Sky". As the director, I brought this child to see what the market is like.

Of course, more importantly, those gossip paparazzi dare not make rumors about Ilia.After all, no one will eat and have nothing to do to beat [Lin Bao], the big man in the film industry.

In all fairness, Qiye didn't have much dissatisfaction with the female companion of Ilia, whether in terms of appearance, status or other aspects, Qiye can be said to be the one who is high.It's just that the age gap between the two people is a bit big, and Qiye brought Ilia to the world with a young father and daughter.

The current time is only 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and Qiye obviously arrived early.

At this time, there are some small stars who are walking on the red carpet. They have to take advantage of the time when the big stars have not come, and try to get as much heat as possible.

However, this is in line with Qiye's mind. Recently, "Goblin Slayer" has put him under tremendous pressure. Qiye just wants to make his life easier tonight.

In the current situation, he and Ilia can walk through the red carpet with as little noticeable as possible.

So Qiye really did this. He took Yilia's arm and walked the red carpet with a very relaxed pace.

As for Ilia, the little Lolita who stepped on the Oscar red carpet for the first time seemed very excited.Although this Oscar still carries the word Japanese, it does not prevent Little Lori from enjoying the joy of achieving fame.

So little Lori can be said to be completely enjoying the process of walking on the red carpet. Not only did the spotlight and the reporter not become her psychological barrier, but it also made her more excited.

"This feeling is really great! It's a pity that Illiya is not acting as an actor this time. Next time Illiya must participate as the best actress!"

After walking into the award hall, the smile on Little Lori's face narrowed a little, but her fighting spirit seemed more vigorous.

"Come on, I am optimistic about you!"

"It can't be like this, O'Neill~" Little Lori was wrapped around Qiye directly, "Like Sister Luvia, please prepare me a movie with me as the protagonist, okay~"

Qiye hadn't answered yet, there was a voice from behind him that annoyed him.

"Oh, isn't it Qizai? Is this your daughter next to you?"


pS1: Seeing that there are readers who are not clear about Elizabeth Olsen and Josh Brolin's stalk, here is a little explanation. Elizabeth Olsen plays the Scarlet Witch in the MCU and Josh Brolin plays Thanos .

This is not the point. The point is that these two have starred in a villain from South Korea's comic film "Old Boy". This movie itself is not too good, and even most film reviews say it is not as good as the original.

However, this movie became popular after "Reunion III", because in it, Uncle Thanos and Scarlet Witch are the heroes and heroines, and they are so related to the kind of rolling in the bed that they reveal a double point.

However, it is revealed at the end of the film that Uncle Thanos is actually the old father of the Red Witch...

Anyway, when Mi-chan was watching this movie sex scene, she finished it with a smile.


pS2: Today, Japan announced today’s new swimwear. Let’s give the Chief Secretary a moment of silence, but anyway, there is a second phase. Ms. Okita, please continue to work hard.funny

In the new swimsuit, Mi-chan’s favorite is Miss Musashi, and Mi-chan herself has the least resistance to one-piece competition swimwear.Damn old Ye cheated Mi Jiang Krypton gold again!(,)

Chapter 83 "Gifts" of the Four Seasons

"Four seasons, you kid..."

Qiye could guess who was teasing herself without even looking back.

"Haha, how come your face is so ugly, is it possible that I was right?" Siji took his female companion to Qiye, with a cunning smile on his face.

This friend of Qiye rarely wore a formal suit today, but his hairstyle is still as bold as ever.

"You guy is here to make fun, right?" Qiye gave a blank look, and looked at the woman who pretended to have a happy smile beside Siji.

"This is your new girlfriend?"

"No, I knew that your kid wouldn't go to my movie." Four Seasons waved his hands and said, "This is the heroine of my movie."

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