Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1014

However, the other party's envoy was quite smooth, although not as tacitly as Shonan, but at least he could complete the tasks set by Qiye well.

Qiye told the other party about the shooting essentials, then turned around and walked to Ryan.

"Where? Have you talked to the other party? Try to keep the interview short."

"Don't worry, it has already been notified."

After speaking, Ryan followed Qiye and walked towards the periphery of the shooting location.

A Rong is also an old acquaintance of Qiye. Since establishing a good cooperative relationship with Jiufeng, her status in the company can be said to have risen all the way.

Now she has become the deputy editor in chief of the North American region of "The Secret Treasure of Movies".

The interview location was arranged in a small set room on the side of the set.

Because it happens to be a classroom setting, there are all tables and chairs inside, which is quite suitable for the interview.

In fact, this interview is also included in the film’s routine promotional activities.

The crew of "Little Circle" has maintained a proper publicity since the grand opening ceremony.

The press conference at the San Diego Comic-Con should be regarded as a staged concentrated announcement.

Before and after the press conference, the crew also kept throwing out some news and pictures.

It will also allow the main cast and crew to accept media interviews in a planned way, and continue to spread the popularity of "Little Circle".

This time, "Little Circle" is completely different from the previous Fate.

Because Fate is a series of big projects, the most important task of the first Fsn is to pave the way for subsequent movies.

But "Little Circle" is different, this movie is a big deal.

As an original non-sequel movie, "Magic Circle" must be as popular as possible before it is released.

In order to achieve this goal, Qiye, who didn't like to show up so much, even rolled up his sleeves on her own.

Qiye not only opened its own personal website, but also updated the latest pictures about the film every once in a while, attracting the attention of a large number of fans.

He even often interacts with fans at the bottom of the website to promote "Little Circle" as much as possible.

Of course, as a busy director, Qiye only pays attention to the website occasionally.

The entire website, Qiye directly handed over to the promotion team of Jiufeng Entertainment to take care of it.

This is also the method adopted by most star teams in the future. After all, you have to work, promote and manage various social accounts.

It is true that everyone can be perfect, even if this person does not have the same ability as Monkey King.

Although the management of the website is left to others, Qiye occasionally pays attention.

What do you think about the project "Little Circle" and what are your expectations for "Little Circle".

Although these feedbacks will not affect Qiye's production of "Little Circle", they will directly affect how Jiufeng Entertainment should promote the movie.

Since the first "Kingjing", Qiye has never ignored the importance of publicity to the success of the film.

This time, the interview of "The Secret of Filming" is a relatively important part of the recent film media.

Therefore, even though Qiye asked this interview to be as brief as possible, Qiye did not fool around when answering.

He earnestly answered various film-related questions raised by A Rong.

Taking out his pen and notebook, A Rong asked the first question of the day: "Qiya, why did you choose to put such an original story on the big screen? You must know that originality is now recognized as the riskiest choice in Lywood."

"This story originally came from a conversation between me and Lao Xu."

Qiye didn't even think about it, and gave the answer: "Although there was only one concept at the time, I really liked this story. So I just said to Lao Xu, "Come on, let's make this story into a movie." "

After a short pause, Qiye continued: "I think if you haven't seen this genius idea, it will be a regret in a lifetime."

A Rong asked again: "Then why did you choose to spend 200 million US dollars to shoot this story? I believe that with your ability to show in FZ, you definitely don't need so much money?"

Why did it cost so much to film "Magic Circle"?

There is only one real answer, and that is Qiye hopes to make a fortune in the next big movie 3D era.

This is not nonsense, because the layout began a few years in advance.

There are inexhaustible interest entanglements between Jiufeng's special effects team and Weta Studio.

According to what Qiye knows so far, no matter who wins or loses between "Magic Circle" and "Avatar", the big era of 3D movies will definitely begin.

The biggest winners must be Weta Studio, Jiufeng and Sony.

Sony got 3D shooting technology, such as 3D camera lens patents.

Most of the film's late-stage patents are shared equally between Weta Studio and Jiufeng.

Cameron should be able to have a sip of soup.

As for Qiye, as a major shareholder of Jiufeng, he ate a lot more than the truck driver next door.

But in the face of the media and reporters, Qiye would certainly not be so stupid that he would directly say it was for money.

Although the filming of "Maiden" is not for money, there is nothing wrong with that the additional 3Dization is for money.

But this is obviously not the result that magazine readers and movie fans hope to see.

After all, talking about money is vulgar.

So what Qiye said is of course the most beneficial answer for the film and publicity.

"If it were filmed in the usual way, the cost of this film should be around 120 million U.S. dollars. But from the beginning I didn't intend to use traditional methods to shoot."

Qiye sat up straight, and said with a look of excitement.

"What I hope is to use the most realistic shooting technique and the most shocking visual style to bring the audience into the fantasy world that I and Lao Xu have in mind. I believe that the audience will enjoy an unprecedented visual feast. ."

With Qiye's current status and prestige, these words are naturally very convincing.

This is not only the confidence of a top director, but also the blessing of the status of the runner-up in film history.

In fact, spending 200 million US dollars to make a movie that you like is actually against the tradition of Qiye Filming.

As a person who is determined to become a successful commercial director, every film of Qiye should measure investment and income.

Choose a schedule similar to "Avatar" and invest so much money.

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