Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 103

As for the later, as long as two people get along for a long time, it is not a problem at all that novelty becomes favorable.

Four Seasons has high confidence in the charm of his brothers.

"Brother has created such a great opportunity for you, you have to take it well. You know that is [Lin Bao] Dragon Valley's daughter, marrying her is not as simple as ten years of struggle. The last one did this. People who are playing in the United States are reluctant to play in the United States. But the old man of Longgu Nengcheng will probably be very angry. His daughter and granddaughter are married to a poor boy. I really want to see his expression at that time. But what should they do? Thank you for being a matchmaker? How about letting their future children be named Luo Ya and the girl Cher?"

Looking at the four seasons with the great devil smiling, Tanaka Futaba instinctively took a step away from him.


After walking into the awards hall, Qiye and Illiya followed the path specially opened by the organizer and came to their seat of the crew of "The Realm of the Sky".

Because of the excellent box office results of "Kingjing", coupled with the close relationship between the crew and [Lin Bao], the organizers arranged a very good seat.

This back seat in the middle of the guest seats has a good view, can see the podium clearly, and can be easily captured by the camera. It can be said to be an excellent seat.

It's a pity that the crew of "Kingjing" hasn't arrived yet except Qiye and Ilia.So Qiye could only listen to the music in the seat and yawn boredly.

If it weren't for the four seasons before, Qiye might still be able to look at the beauty (měi) girl now.However, because of what happened just now, Qiye could only keep her eyes on the podium with nothing.

After all, the měi (měi) girl next to him is staring at him, and if he lends Qiyeshi courage, he dare not look at the měi (měi) girl to relieve boredom at this time.

However, Illiya didn't think so.

This cute and well-behaved eldest lady once again showed the iconic little devilish smile on her face. She laughed at Qiye with great interest: "Now, O'Neill. Why don't you look at the měi girl? Didn’t Brother Wanzhang say that you like to see beautiful (měi) women?"


pS: I once again lamented the magical and sensitive vocabulary. As for the reason, let's look at the phonetic notation in the text of Mijiang.I don't know when technology can remove this sensitive word that is mistyped._(:з∠)_

Chapter 84

Qiye didn't dare to answer any questions about Ilia. The ghost knew whether this girl was fishing law enforcement.

"Hey, that big sister is so beautiful! She looks so young."

"You can't be younger than Ilia."

"This big sister looks good~"

"Don't worry, she is not as pretty as Illia."

"Ah, this one looks so tall."


Qiye always felt like she had repeated this scene somewhere, as if it had been recently.

"Um... You're so boring, Ernie Chan." Without getting the response she wanted, Illiya pouted and started acting like Qiye.

"It will be interesting until the awards ceremony begins."

Qiye at this time was completely in the state of an old monk entering concentration. He watched his nose, his nose watched his mouth, his mouth asked his heart, and he had a clear conscience.Anyway, no matter what Yiliya said, he made up his mind to flatter Yiliya. This is the safest way.

"Ah, this one is really super beautiful, several times more beautiful than Ilia."

At this time, Ilia took Qiye's arm again, and praised a guest with a coquettish voice.

"No matter how beautiful, that kind of coquettish bitch can't compare to Ilia you..."

"Senior, what do you say I am coquettish?"

Zhiye's icy voice made Qiye's heart cold. He turned his head and saw that Zhi and several other crew members of "Kingjing" were watching him, while Ilia showed a mischievous smile.

Shonan, who was hiding behind Zhiye, gave Qiye a thumbs up.

"Kiryu-san, is yours really awesome~?"

At this moment, Qiye hated why she could understand the expression in Shonan's eyes.

"Now, senior. Can you repeat what you just said?"

Zhizhi slowly stretched out her white right hand, but in Qiye's eyes, this hand that had practiced Bajiquan with Master Li was comparable to Mei Chaofeng's nine-yin bone claw.

"I...I...please give me a happy one, thank you." Qiye, who knew he was a dead end, directly surrendered to Zhizhi.

"I fulfill you."

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

The man’s screams came out from the guest table, and the howling sounds sounded like someone was desperate for life.

"What's the situation? Why did that new director suddenly scream for no reason?"

A reporter chewed gum and asked his companions around him. He felt that this would be big news.

The predecessor took a look and sneered, "Cut, it's probably because of that actress who was caught and raped."

"It deserves it, obviously there is a Miss Zhi, and she is still eyeing other women. This kind of scum is going to die. How do we report? "The new director was caught by his girlfriend at the Oscars ceremony. "

This reporter is obviously a fan of Liangyizhi. He gritted his teeth and gloated at Qiye's encounter.

"Don't, do you know who that is?! That's the eldest lady of Longgu's family, you are killing her by writing her name!" The experienced old reporter knew very well what can and cannot be written.

"What's the matter?"

As soon as the old reporter's eyes rolled, he immediately got an idea: "In this way, it is said that "the new director and his muse have a crisis of trust, and it is suspected that a third party has stepped in." The relationship between Liang Yizhi was broken."

"Senior, just do it!"

Not only this junior, but also reporters from other media nearby also nodded.Everyone unanimously stated that they would release similar news.

The next day, of course.Qiye was so angry with the gossip in the newspaper that Qiqiao made smoke, but this is another story.


Although the impartiality of the Japanese Oscars is very problematic, the judges are only partial to the Big Five movies. Of course, these judges prefer academic movies in terms of awards.

But considering the ratings of the live broadcast, at least in terms of nominations, the prejudices of the Oscar judges are not so serious.

"The Realm of the Sky" received a lot of nominations, a total of seven.

Kiryu Qiya, nominated for best director;

"The Realm of the Sky", nominated for Best Picture;

Liangyizhi, nominated for best actress;

Junya Ota, nominated for best film score;

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