Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 108

According to Jiufeng Shiyuan’s original plan, she will use this movie as a running-in project for these newcomers and select the people in it.

The best employees will enter Jiufeng’s game department to render special effects for Jiufeng’s games; ordinary employees will set up a separate film special effects department to produce special effects for those medium-production-level films; as for those who are not at a good level Staff, Jiufeng Shiyuan said you should go back and forth from wherever you go.

After learning about this situation, Qiye had a bold idea. Anyway, he was going to burn money. Why don't you help me do something meaningful.

So after communicating with Jiufeng Shion, Qiye received these employees from Japan in advance to produce special effects for the follow-up part of Qiye’s "Magic Girl Ilia".

"Wei, after I leave, you must keep an eye on these Yankees and don't let them be lazy." Qiye said to Zhi after she glanced at the foreigners working there.

Although not all of these people are Americans, they are all bought from the United States by Jiufeng, saying that the Yankees are fine.

"Senior, is this really okay?"

Looking at the busy foreign employees around, Zhizhi felt very worried, "Isn't this a private use of public equipment?"

Qiye said with a broken jar, "What does it matter? Anyway, your seniors, I will be thrown into Tokyo Bay after finishing this "Goblin Slayer". What does it matter? The rare opportunity to direct the special effects team in Hollywood is of course deadly."

[So are you planning to break the jar?

Zhizhi held his forehead with his hand and let out a sigh: "Don't tell me, you seem to have confessed your fate... And you are asking them to complete the special effects of "Magic Girl Ilya", which is basically the same as your new movie. Isn't a dime relationship good!"

For Ori, Qiye directly put on an awe-inspiring look and said: "How can I say that, I am obviously for the studio, anyway, they are all the works of our studio, "Magic Girl Ilia" and "Gob Shouldn’t Killer Lin be treated equally? How can we not make more profit now when there are advantages to take advantage of?"

"However, the problem is that these Hollywood special effects teams were not invited by Chairman Jiufeng to make "Goblin Slayer"? Senior, if you do this, won't Chairman Jiufeng be angry?" Zhizhi felt his head was It's as painful as acupuncture.

Qiye said unconsciously: "Angry has a fart, anyway, until the "Goblin Slayer" project is a complete failure, she can't help me. Besides, I did it for "Goblin Slayer". Consider, after all, as a movie with special effects as a selling point, special effects are the most important thing. Who made the special effects team on Jiufeng's side are people who were dug from the other original special effects teams with one hammer and one hammer, you see Look at the special effects they made at the beginning?!"

"Don't make selfish words so fresh and refined!" Weaving a hand knife slashed on Qiye's head.

In fact, even if Qiye used the excuse of team running-in, he used the special effects team he invited to do the special effects of "Magic" is still an act of false publicity.

Jiufeng Shion knew this well, after all, the movie he invested in was "Goblin Slayer", and Qiye’s current production of "Magic Girl Ilia" had no interest at all with Jiufeng.

In this case, Qiye used Jiufeng's money to run the special effects team, no matter how it looked like it was taking advantage of Jiufeng.

However, this matter is not an unbearable problem for Jiufeng Shion.After all, after the shooting of "Goblin Slayer" in the future, we still need to run in the special effects team, and this overhead must exist.

If it is possible to complete the team break-in at the time of "Magic Girl Ilia" to speed up the production of "Goblin Slayer", then this sale is not a loss.

In the final analysis, this kind of fake public fortune is also very common in game production circles. Back then, Sony secretly learned from the cooperation with Jiufeng, and then came up with the PS game console series.

Therefore, as long as Qiye doesn't do too much, Jiufeng Shion will pinch his nose to recognize it.

To be honest, as the director of a movie, Qiye dared to make such an excessive request with the funders.He himself has not yet been sunk into Tokyo Bay, and weaving feels that it is already a very incredible thing.

You know that in Japan, the power of movie investors in the crew is much higher than in other places.Whether all the staff in the crew will go or stay is a matter of one word from the investor.

That is to say, Jiufeng is half a foreigner, Qiye can only bully them such a cute new one.To switch to an industry insider like Lin Bao, even if it is the second chapter of "The Realm of the Sky" led by Qiye himself, he has to be very cautious.

In fact, from Zhi's point of view, Jiufeng Shion seems to be self-hypnotizing himself.

In the beginning, Jiufeng Ziyuan made Qiye the most important film director, which was more of a helpless choice.

Zhiye didn't believe that Miss Jiufeng had not doubted Qiye's ability in private, but just to make the film go on smoothly, she could only pretend to trust Qiye unconditionally.

But judging from the situation where Shionamine Shion would use Tokyo Bay to threaten every time she meets Nanaya, this young lady's heart is definitely not as calm as she has shown.

However, with the passage of time, I don't know if this eldest lady's self-hypnosis has played a role, and she can almost be said to be responsive to Qiye's request.

Basically, as long as it wasn't for Qiye to take money into his pocket, Jiufeng Shiyuan would basically agree no matter how rude Qiye asked.

"However, senior. Even if the lady really obeys you, don't go too far."

I still hope that Qiye can pay attention to it. After all, Qiye can now have these powers because he is useful to Jiufeng.

If "Goblin Slayer" can be done well, then everyone will be happy; and if this movie fails, then there is nothing if it fails.

Qiye may not be thrown into Tokyo Bay, but his future career as a director may become very difficult.

"Don't worry, it's okay." Qiye glanced at the clock, and he reminded Zhi, "By the way, there is one more thing about the employees of Tsuburaya."

"What's the matter with the people of Tsuburaya? Since the special effects of "Magic Girl Ilia" have been taken over by the technical team on the side of Shiufeng, isn't it necessary for the people of Tsuburaya to participate?"

After receiving funding from Jiufeng's North American team, Qiye and Tsuburaya dissolved their special effects partnership.Of course, the two parties originally had a cooperative employment relationship, and Qiye did not owe Tsuburaya money, and there was no contract breaking relationship.

Therefore, Zhiye mentioned the Tsuburaya team and felt very strange.

The cooperation between Tsuburaya and [Erque Studio] should have ended.


Qiye scratched his cheek with his fingers. He said vaguely, "I want everyone to enjoy the benefits..."


Before Zhizhi could react, he saw Master Li walking into the studio with a group of employees from Tsuburaya with all smiles.

"Director Kiryu!" Li Wenwen grinned and hooked Qiye's shoulders and said, "This time I really thank you so much for being able to observe how the Hollywood team makes special effects so close. Our gains are indeed not. Small. The tuition fee is really worth it."

"Learning fees?"

Zhizhi's eyelids kept jumping wildly, and he felt as if he knew something extraordinary.

"Good talk, good talk." Qiye was completely unconscious, he grabbed Li Wenwen and said with a smile, "This time "Magic Girl Ilia" can be successful in the early stage, and we [Erque Studio] can't do without you Tsuburaya. Support. Now brothers have a chance here, of course it is to share resources."

However, Master Li is obviously not so foolish. He secretly said to Qiye in a low voice: "Stop shit, you guys must have a lot of money, right? I don't know anything about this, so be careful not to miss it."

After speaking, Master Li took the employees of Tsuburaya and the translators they prepared before to find the Americans in Jiufeng.

"Senior, can you explain what the study fee is?"

After Master Li left, Zhi gave Qiye a kind smile.

"Well... Tsuburaya and I said that I have a Hollywood special effects team here. If they want to learn their skills, they can come over and observe. But they have to give the Americans a study fee of 100,000 yen per week. ."

"So that's it..."

Zhizhi smiled and nodded, and then his face changed suddenly and he grabbed Qiye's wrist and asked fiercely: "Then what's wrong with the black money that Brother Clerk said?!"

Qiye said with a guilty conscience: "Well... the American team leader and I said that these Japanese (Zabaya employees) will give them a study fee of 70,000 yen each."

"Damn, senior, you actually set up a small treasury by yourself!"


pS: Mijiang is currently being updated, how much can be updated at night._(:з∠)_

Chapter 88 Early Training (plus more start)

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