Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 118

It just so happens that the "Lord of the Rings" crew is currently working hard to get the final shots of the first "Lord of the Rings", and Andy Serkins, who will officially appear as Gollum in the second, happens to be in his free time.

So less than two days after Qiye made the request, the uncrowned king of the future came to the crew of "Goblin Slayer".

Qiye recognized the motion capture performer at first glance. In Qiye's eyes, Andy Serkins looked very distinctive.

If you don't know him, this old man is just a very ordinary passerby in the eyes of others. He is neither handsome nor ugly, and he will not look at him when he passes by.

But if you know him, you will recognize him in the crowd at a glance, because you already have a deep impression of this face in your mind.

"Hello, Tong... Director Kiryu, right?" Andy Serkins's tongue was knotted, "Sorry, your Japanese names are so hard to pronounce."

Qiye didn’t care too much about it. He enthusiastically shook the other’s hand: "Mr. Serkins, thank you very much for coming over to guide us on the work of motion capture. I represent all the crew of "Goblin Slayer". Welcome."

"You are really too polite, I am a little flattered."

Andy Serkins smiled very easy-going, he had a good impression of Qiye.

In fact, currently in New Zealand, there is no one who has a bad sense of the crew of "Goblin Slayer". After all, these guys from Japan are all gods of wealth.

"Then, Director Kiryu. What problems did you encounter with motion capture."

After getting to know each other, Andy Serkins immediately turned the topic to work.

Entrusted by others, loyal to others.Now that I have accepted the invitation from the crew of "Goblin Slayer", I have to complete my own work.

"That's right. We have taken a few shots at present, but for the character that needs to be made with cgi, it always feels a bit wrong."

Qiye immediately invited Andy Serkins to the simple production room next to the studio, and showed him the footage he had taken.

A few days ago, Qiye shot several scenes with lizard monks, but when doing simple cgi production to view the effect, Qiye club felt that the modeling was a bit problematic.

It can't be said to be bad, but there is always a gap with those cgi characters in Qiye's memory.

This gap has nothing to do with the degree of modeling precision, it is simply a matter of capturing expression and movement.


Andy Serkins rubbed the beard on his chin, he watched the camera carefully, and then said.

"Two problems, one is the issue of the reflective film, the other is the issue of the actors."

Andy Serkins explained to Qiye: "The capture technology you use here is to use reflectors to capture movements and expressions. Although this technology is not old, it is compared with the latest direct fluorescent paint spots on the faces of actors. The effect is still a lot worse."

"That is to change the technology? Tyler that fellow didn't say too early..." Qiye scratched his head in a depressed manner.

Qiye felt that in order to be able to slaughter himself twice more, the spectacle guy in Taylor deliberately gave himself a low profile technology, in order to make Qiye have to increase the cost in the follow-up.

Andy Serkis is a personal spirit. He saw Nanya's idea, so he quickly explained: "Director Kiryu signed the contract in early April, right? At that time, we hadn't discussed this technology yet. "

The corners of Qiye's mouth twitched a little: "I just developed technology recently?"

"Actually... it's just an idea." Andy Serkins said embarrassedly, "We also encountered this problem in the filming of Gollum. In order to solve this problem, we made various attempts. At present, it seems that fluorescent paint spots have the best effect."

"It seems? You haven't verified it yet?"

Qiye's eyelids twitched twice.

"Um... I have tried to capture, but because of funding issues, we haven't started modeling yet..."

"In other words, are you planning to use us as guinea pigs?"

"Probably...that's what it meant." Andy Serkins didn't dare to look directly at Qiye.

Qiye didn't reply directly. He recalled his memories of the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy.

In my impression, Gulu's appearance shots were covered up in the first part, and the whole body was not revealed until the second part.Later, in an interview, Peter Jackson said that because of technical and time issues, the production of Gollum could not keep up with the progress.

It seems that there should be a reason for this now.

Obviously, the "Lord of the Rings" crew intends to use the money from the "Goblin Slayer" crew to verify and develop their capture technology.

Then apply the technology to the "Lord of the Rings" series, which naturally takes advantage of Qiye and Jiufeng.

[What is this, karma?

I thought that I originally intended to take advantage of the "Lord of the Rings" crew, but now I was taken advantage of.

Qiye couldn't help but think of a sentence-come out and mix, sooner or later, he will pay it back.

But this little white mouse, Qiye had to do it.Otherwise, he can only use the old technology that is not satisfactory; or wait until the Lord of the Rings side is busy a year later, before he can use the new technology.

Neither of these are good choices.

"ok, I get it."

Qiye's answer made Andy Serkis' heart happy, but then Qiye added his own terms.

"But I need to involve my special effects team with full rights, and for the new technology part, we need to jointly own the patent rights."

Since you can't resist the fate of being a guinea pig, at least you have to bite off a piece of fat from the Weta studio.

Your family Tong Qiye never makes a loss-making business.

As for her lion's big mouth, Qiye didn't care too much about whether the other party would agree.

Asking prices all over the sky and paying them back on the spot.

First take out the most excessive conditions, and then let the people from Jiufeng go and talk slowly with Weta Studio.Qiye believes in Jiufeng's people must be able to talk about a condition that satisfied him.

Let's play hi, you have to know that what Jiufeng has is the strongest legal department in the East. The word "chikui" does not exist in Jiufeng's dictionary.

"This... I am not in charge."

Qiye put one hand on Andy Serkins's shoulder and smiled and said: "It's okay, this is not anxious. I will let the people from Jiufeng come over and talk with Weta Studio slowly. We just have to wait for the result. "

Although there is no such thing as a "weasel smile" in the West, Andy Serkins can still feel the bad intentions in Qiye's smile.

In fact, Andy Serkins just mentioned casually about technical matters.

In fact, borrowing other people's money to develop your own technology is not a problem at all in the circle.

After all, everyone should bear the risk together.

Like James Cameron, there are only a few who do research and develop technology by himself every time.

In the eyes of Andy Serkis, the Japanese director in front of him would agree that it is best. If they disagree, the problem is not big, at most Weta Studio will study it by themselves.

However, he never expected Qiye's appetite to be much larger than he thought.

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