Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 123

Looking at the angrily Jiufeng Ziyuan, Qiye shook his head.

And before Qiye could say a rebuttal, he was pulled by Iioka to clean up.

Just as Jiufeng Shion asked, the people she had brought Qiye tidied up.

It was not until the sun went down outside that Qiye was released by Iioka.


Qiye rubbed the reddened skin, and he felt that his body was rubbed down by this group of people.

"You are too much, right?"

Nanya shook his ponytail, Iioka wanted to cut his hair, but Nanya refused.In trouble, he plans to wait until he returns to Japan from New Zealand to cut his hair, and now he will cut his hair again when the time comes.

In Qiye's eyes, this seemed entirely unnecessary.

However, at Iioka's request, Qiya shaved off his beard.

Iioka replied blankly: "We are just letting you, Mr. Kiryu, maintain your proper etiquette."

"Are there any guests tonight?"

From Qiye's point of view, Jiufeng Ziyuan asked herself so, so this meal tonight should definitely not be as simple as dinner.

However, Iioka's answer was beyond Qiye's expectation: "No, it's just a simple dinner, but the chairman has some cleanliness."


In the confusion, Qiye was taken by Iioka to a high-end restaurant in Wellington.

When Qiye came back to his senses, he found that he was already in a box.

Outside the huge glass floor-to-ceiling windows, is the night view of the city with bright lights in the dark night sky.Although New Zealand is not particularly prosperous, Wellington, as the capital, still has colorful lights and vehicles coming and going.

Qiye cautiously sat down opposite the Jiufeng Ziyuan.

He had no other choice, there was only one table and two chairs in the entire box, and one of the chairs sat Jiufeng Ziyuan.So as long as the IQ is not the level of a monkey, you should know where you should sit.

"I heard that Miss Liangyi said that you like Chinese cuisine, so I specially prepared it. You should have been tired of eating New Zealand bird stuff all day long?"

Under the bright light, Jiufeng Shiyuan said to Qiye with a smile on his face.

"Thank you, but I remember this restaurant doesn't seem to do Chinese food..."

The smile on Shion's face remained unchanged: "Yes, so this chef was brought to New Zealand from Ginza, Tokyo. Is there any problem?"

[Very problematic!

Qiye said with a smile, "Will this restaurant agree?"

Generally speaking, taking food outside of such high-end restaurants is prohibited, let alone borrowing the kitchen with food and raw materials.

Jiufeng Shion replied naturally: "It's okay, I'll give the money."

"I only heard that money can do whatever you want, but I didn't expect it to be true..."

Qiye no longer knew where she should start complaining.

"So, what do you want to eat?" Shion passed the menu to Qiye with a smile, "You can order everything on top~"

Qiye took the menu, and after a glance, he respectfully said: "Crab noodle lion head, sweet and sour pork ribs, pickled fish and baby dishes in soup."

Jiufeng Ziyuan was slightly stunned: "These are enough? I thought you would order some very expensive dishes. This opportunity is rare~"

"No, these homemade dishes are just right."

During this time in New Zealand, Qiye has eaten enough seafood and beef. The mess of abalone and sea cucumber on the menu is not as attractive as sweet and sour pork ribs and pickled fish in Qiye's eyes.

Although there are curry cubes, there are only two flavors back and forth, so I am tired of eating early.

"so be it."

Jiufeng Shion gave a wink at Iioka, who was standing at the door of the box like a door god, and the other side immediately left the box.

Because Jiufeng Shion said that the cook was found in Ginza, Qiye didn't have much expectations for the chef's skills of Chinese cuisine.After all, in order to cater to the tastes of various places, the Chinese cuisine in each place is very different from the original place.

In fact, for the current Qiye, whether it is Chinese cuisine or Japanese food, it is really a good choice as long as you can change the taste.

But I didn't expect the chef's technique to be very good. Although it is no longer authentic compared to the original dishes in terms of taste, the taste is still impeccable.Although it caters to the tastes of the Japanese, it is not as unrecognizable as other Chinese chefs.

Especially the sweet and sour pork ribs from the other side, the sweet and sour sauce blends well with the meaty aroma of the ribs, and the crispy batter is fried.

Anyway, Qiye ate the whole plate of ribs in one go.

The other sauerkraut fish and baby vegetables are also very delicious, and I stopped after eating three bowls of rice in Qiye.

"Very delicious, Miss Jiufeng, you are interested."

When Iioka cleared the empty dishes, Qiye wiped her mouth after the meal, and thanked the woman sitting opposite to her respectfully.

"Are you full? Do you want to add more?"

Qiye kept a polite smile on her face, "No, eat less and taste more. It's not good if you really eat it."

"As long as Kiryu likes this meal, it's fine." Jiufeng Shion kept a bright smile from beginning to end, and Qiye's devouring just now was nothing to her.

Qiye put down the napkin and looked at Jiufeng Ziyuan, the smile on his face was slightly reduced.

"Miss Jiufeng, can you tell me the reason you banqueted me today?" Qiye asked the question in her heart.

"Oh, you said this."

After hearing Qiye's words, Jiufeng Ziyuan's temperament changed. Compared with the gentle and considerate big sister model, she now has a touch of merchant's marketability and cunning.

"Since Kiryu, you want to know so much, then I'll just say it straight." Jiufeng Shiyuan said, "Kiryu Nanya, I want you."


pS: Grab a man, grab a man.?(?? ??)

Chapter 98

"If I say that I'm not a performer, will you beat me?"

"You posted me the money, and I don't want to go to your bed." Shiyuan snorted coldly, "I don't think you are so stupid to understand it literally?"

The corners of Qiye's mouth twitched slightly, and of course he would not understand this young lady's words with literal ambiguity.

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