Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 128

At the same time, all aspects of the process of shooting nude scenes are also in place, so that the rights and interests of both the crew and the actors will be protected.

For all actors who appear in nude scenes, Qiye will ask them to sign in advance an agreement on nude scenes. The content of the agreement includes the actors themselves voluntarily appearing in the movies, as well as the crew's exposure to possible nude scenes in the movie. The action descriptions of those "vigorous sports" scenes are even marked with approximate shot times, so that the agreement can effectively ensure that both parties to the contract are willing to participate in the filming of the film.

Of course, because the nude scenes in "Goblin Slayer" are basically related to forced content, in order to prevent the actors from repenting and appearing in the previous situation in "Kingjing", Qiye specially prepared three sets of actors to star in related scenes.

If someone regrets it, Qiye can directly use the backup lens instead of reshooting.

Of course, this is a guarantee for the crew.

At the same time, Qiye also took corresponding protective measures for the actors who appeared in front of the camera, and asked the associate director of the crew to strictly check.

After all, the special nature of nude scenes is likely to be a handle for others to use. Other than in the coercion book, such things as threatening girls with photos are basically routine operations.

Therefore, Qiye strictly requires that during the filming of nude scenes, all staff of the crew are prohibited from bringing in any tools that can be used for shooting. Mobile phones and cameras are absolutely forbidden, and no electronic devices except the camera of the crew are allowed to be brought in.

Even the director Qiye is no exception!

At the same time, Qiye also guarantees that these shots will never appear in the public except for the material used for the feature film or the director's cut version that may exist.

In the event of a leak, Qiye has assured Jiufeng that he will definitely track down the individual, and then make the person regret being born in the world.

"Our Jiufeng is indeed a serious company, but this does not mean that we have no intersection with the people on the road." At the beginning of the film crew meeting before the filming, Jiufeng Shion directly expressed his attitude towards this matter. If there is a leak, whether it’s a photo or a video, even if the pixels are so blurry that there are only mosaics, my mother will move your family to Tokyo Bay!"


pS: Commercial films, especially large-scale productions, have very strict specifications for special lenses, so strict that the staff hardly have any desires.Of course, independent films are hard to say.After all, that circle is dying of chaos, or that many people have gotten into this circle for the so-called "art".

Chapter 101

"Speaking of which, Qiye-sang, you can obviously take these shots in the studio~? Isn't outdoor shooting at this time a bad thing for girls~?"

Shonan asked a little bit incomprehensibly, "Why do you have to shoot on location~?"

"I have taken precautions as much as possible, and most of the shots I will take indoor shots. This is the only one shot outdoors in all nude scenes." Qiye stared at the center of the set and said, "I need a little bit of space To show the whole picture of the war, especially some long shots."

Shonan showed a suddenly realized expression: "No wonder Qiye-san, you will let me wait to shoot in the helicopter~?"

Although the battle between the goblins and adventurers in Seven Nights is not comparable to the battle in the Paleno Plains in the third part of the Lord of the Rings next door, it is even compared with the battle in the Valley of the Helm in the second part. There are a lot of small things, but this does not prevent Qiye from producing that epic feel.

Qiye is very clear that the epic temperament displayed by the large-scale war is what most fans expect from the costume drama film.Of course Qiye must respond to their expectations.

The two armies confront each other, then charge and fight, these are the essential elements of large-scale Western Fantasy war movies.

"Do these gentlemen goblins really don't know how to cherish the girls~?" Shonan looked at the "meat shield" formed by the goblin camp and said with a pity, "Since they want to expand the army, don't they Should the girls be well protected? Why should they be treated as siege squads? Are the children in their stomachs not a population~?"

"...Probably because goblins don't care about low-level units, right?"

Qiye was also a little stuck when asked by Shonan. In order to hide his embarrassment, he kicked Shonan’s ass directly, "Okay, hurry up and prepare for it. When you are shooting in the sky, you will take a few more shots back and forth, and the shot Move slowly."

"Got it~?"

Shonan hummed a small tune and directed several crews to mount the camera on the helicopter.

Qiye looked at the camera with a wide-angle lens in her hand and said regretfully, "If only there were any IMAX cameras."

It’s a perfect match to show this kind of big scene with IMAX screen, but unfortunately, I don’t have the conditions to use IMAX at all.

Although IMAX technology has now been developed, the primary IMAX cameras are not only cumbersome but also particularly delicate. It's okay to shoot documentaries that do not need to be processed, but it is difficult to apply such cameras to commercial films.

"Would you like to suggest to Miss I to buy IMAX?"

During the final preparations of the crew, Qiye stroked his beard and muttered to herself-he hadn't taken care of it during this period, and his beard grew again.

"about there."

Seeing that all units were basically ready before the camera, Qiye nodded in satisfaction.

But immediately when Qiye saw the two people wandering beside the crew, his face immediately became gloomy.

"Why haven't these people left?!"

Qiye's tone obviously brought a tinge of irritation. The two have been wandering around the periphery since the crew entered, staring at the crew all day like a policeman monitoring prisoners. They can't drive away or scold them.

These two people are not paparazzi, it is better to say that if they are paparazzi, it would be better to handle them.Because the paparazzi know the unspoken rules of the film crew, they only look for news and will not interfere with the film crew.

When encountering this kind of special lens, the paparazzi can only avoid far away.

Because the paparazzi know very well that if you shoot with this kind of lens, it means breaking the rules of the entire industry.If they really cross that line, they will only provoke endless revenge from the crew, and the magazines and media behind them will never show up.

But the two people who are currently wandering around the crew are not. They are staring at the crew closely, the expression on their faces is like a martyr who is rushing to the battlefield.

"Hurry up and let them go!" Qiye motioned to a few security personnel around her to rush them.

And the identities of these two people are not big figures or great agents, they are just members of animal protection organizations.

In the past life when mixing the crew, Qiye has heard people ridicule about the trouble with the crew of the western animal protection organizers.

At that time, Qiye thought that these people were just the guys who had nothing to do, but now Qiye found out that she was wrong. Not only was this group of people satiated and had nothing to do, but their brains were not so good.

From the first day Qiye brought people here to film, these guys started staring at the crew.No matter how Qiye sends people to explain to these guys that they don't use animal actors here, and even come up with relevant agreements to publicize them, the members of these animal protection organizations just refuse to leave.

In fact, Qiye really does not use animal actors. After all, "Goblin Slayer" is not "Lord of the Rings", and there is no large-scale use of horses or animals in it.

A small number of crews need to use animal shots. Qiye had already finished filming at the racecourse back then. It was just that the crew had very little action at that time and didn't alarm these annoying guys at all.

Except for the cattle shots at Mu Niu Mei’s house, the other animal shots used by Qiye Club are only two groups, one group of small animals in the environment, this is all natural scenery, there is no animal. The actor said, Qiye had already let Xiangnan take people to shoot. That's it; the other group is goblin wolf knights, but these are all made with post-cgi, and no real animals are needed.

After all, the wolf is not a husky and can be tamed casually.

However, the guys from these animal protection organizations seem to have delusions of persecution. They believe that the big crew of "Goblin Slayer" will definitely use animal actors, and their vocation is to treat these poor animals that may be abused. We protect.

So they said they want to monitor the crew to prevent any possible abuse of animals.

Qiye didn't care at first. He originally thought that these people would leave by themselves after making sure that the crew would not use animals as the shooting progressed.

But I didn't expect this group of people to really have perseverance, how long the crew stayed here, how long this group of people really stayed here, they still bring their own dry food.

Although Qiye admired the perseverance of this group of people very much, but now this group of people cannot be driven away.You should know that these people usually like to dangle around with their cameras, and they call it to record evidence of animal cruelty at any time.

However, because Qiye sent someone to stare at them at any time and prohibit them from shooting at will, the problem is not big.

But not today. Qiye is absolutely not allowed to have any accidents in this special scene of nude scenes. He must choke all possible accidents in the cradle.

However, it didn't take long for the security personnel to come back with embarrassment. Judging from the two people still staying in place, it seems that the negotiation has broken down.

"Can't these two guys go away?" Qiye asked a security guard of the crew.

The security officer was also helpless: "They said they were afraid that we were actually filming scenes with animals in the name of making nude scenes, so they wanted to monitor us."

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