Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1300

But these things have not been finalized yet, so Qiye didn't mention it to smiling Mickey Mouse.

After the two parties exchanged personal business cards, they left at an appropriate time so as not to disturb each other's lobbying and public relations.

Don't look at "Flying House" to win prizes, but normal public relations must be done.


The announcement of the nominations for the 82nd Academy Awards did not arouse any particularly huge discussions.

Because the nomination list itself does not have many unpopularities.

The level of 14 nominations for "Maiden" is impressive, but it is not surprising that this movie, which was as sensational as "Titanic", received so many nominations.

In other words, "Maiden" did not become the biggest winner on the nomination list, but it was strange.

What everyone wants to know more now is, how many awards can the special-effects magic movie "Little Circle" get?

The final result of "Madoka" is to get the prize at the awards ceremony like "Titanic".

There will still be the same fate as in "Shawshank's Redemption", with multiple nominations but no award.

However, most people don't think that "Little Circle" will have zero seals, at least the technical award "Little Circle" is definitely well-deserved.

There may be a situation of sharing awards with "Avatar", but it is definitely indispensable in the list of awards.

Compared with the technology awards, the performance awards that everyone cares more about, and the three most important awards-best film, director and original script.

Because these awards "Little Circle" have been nominated, it is also a heavyweight award that the outside world pays much attention to.

Among all the nominated awards for "Madoka", it is generally believed that Rin Tosaka's Best Actress has the lowest chance of winning.

On the one hand, Rin Tosaka's qualifications are a bit worse than those of Sandra Bullock and others.

On the other hand, Rin Tosaka's performance in Madoka is not very good.

But this has nothing to do with the actor himself, it is more about the setting on the script.

Correspondingly, Shuzue Yumi's best supporting actress is very popular.

In addition to the recent surge in popularity of Yumi, this year's Oscar competitors are weak in strength is an important reason.

However, it is not a problem at all to get the best supporting actress award for Yumi's performance in "Madoka".

Whether it is the plot set for Xiao Mi Homura in the script, or Yumi's performance, it is enough to win this award.

This is not what Qiye said, but Roger Albert, a senior film critic.

It is also his suggestion to let Jiufeng Entertainment focus on the best supporting actress in the performance award.

Compared with the most concerned best actress, the competition for best supporting actress is obviously less intense.

By the way, Roger Albert is currently the award season consultant of Jiufeng Entertainment.

All the public relations operations of "Little Circle" since entering the awards season have been directed by him.

Although Roger Albert did not bring his own rations to help "Little Circle" win awards, as a Pulitzer Prize winner and senior film critic, the compensation he asked Jiufeng for was obviously low.

The addition of Roger Albert can really be regarded as a timely rain for the lack of redemption, especially for Jiufeng Entertainment, which has experience in the Olympics.

A lot of Roger Albert’s one-sentence points, if you let Jiufeng Entertainment do it yourself, it will probably take a few years to understand.

"As we all know, the best supporting actress is called the best consolation award for middle-aged and elderly actor, so the public relations of other crews will not be too strong."

After the nomination was announced, Roger Albert suggested to the PR team of Jiufeng Entertainment.

"Therefore, the competition for this award is not as fierce as the best actress. Facing some middle-aged and elderly actors, Shuzuki Yumi, a relatively young actress, is easier to remember by the judges."

With the help of Roger Albert, Jiufeng Entertainment's PR efficiency is much higher.

At the Golden Globe Awards just presented last month, "Little Circle" won three heavyweight awards in the film category: Best Director, Best Film Score, and Best Supporting Actress.

Although the Golden Globes has always been known as the Oscar's outpost and weather vane, in fact, the two awards are still far away.

It can only be said that the Golden Globe is the most concerned award before the Oscar.

In fact, the list of union award winners of various unions is closer to the Oscars.

After all, many of the Oscar judges are union members, and these people have considerable influence on both awards.

In fact, the award season is now, especially after the Oscar nominations were announced.

Most people have discovered that they have no better choice except Kiryu Nanaya and Madoka.

Is it possible to choose "The Hurt Locker"?

In fact, Qiye didn't know that the movie "The Hurt Locker" in his last life was able to make its mark, which has little to do with the quality of the movie itself.

It's because the old academics hate "Avatar" too much.

Not only because of the excellent commercial results of "Avatar", more importantly, "Avatar" is the unrealistic movie subject they hate most.

So upset Cameron’s old men got taller from the dwarf, and abruptly promoted this movie that suits their tastes.

But this time, there is a "Little Circle" that is more in line with their senses for them to choose. Naturally, there is no need to build momentum for "The Hurt Locker".

Although "Little Circle" is also an unrealistic theme, the script focuses on human emotions.

In the eyes of the judges, "Magic Circle" is a good movie that uses the shell of magic to tell about human nature.

Although there are still many judges who don't like "Little Circle" because of the strong copper odor of Qiye's past movie, it is much better than the previous award season.

Even the voice of Tosaka Rin taking the shadow of the queen was higher than every day.

Although everyone is well aware, this is really just a simple voice.

With the announcement of the Oscar nomination list, "Magic Circle" also enjoyed unexpected benefits.

On the weekend after the nominee’s luncheon, "Maiden", which had already entered the mid-to-late screening, was once again

Expanded the number of theaters.

At the weekend box office even more than doubled the previous weekend.

At present, the film "Maiden" has accumulated a total of US$657.78 million at the North American box office.

This also means that "Magical Circle" has surpassed "Titanic" in North America and successfully won the North American and global double crowns.

It's a pity that the Oscar effect may be obvious in other movies, but it doesn't make much of a push for "Little Circle", which has been popular all over the world.

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