Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1362

Even if that country is called Britain.

So in the absence of an eavesdropping scandal in North America, News Corp. finally managed to suppress the whole incident.

It is also unlucky for the Murdoch family.

This time the anti-Murdoch alliance not only has a leader, but the opponent is still the master who refuses to give up easily.

Shion has been greedy for this piece of fat from News Corporation for a long time, and now it has finally been cooked and served. How can there be any reason not to use a knife and fork?

Therefore, when Shion, who was moisturized by her own man, appeared in public with a radiant face, she took the lead in expressing her position.

"As for News Corporation's monitoring of my life, I will definitely track it down!"

Then another public figure from the Jiufeng family also stood up and expressed his opinion.

This person is Lily Waiting, the protagonist of this invasion.

First, she explained why she temporarily moved to a new apartment.

After the invasion broke out, News Corp., out of self-preservation, walked rumors that Lily Waiting would move into the new apartment for some ulterior purpose.

Otherwise, why would everyone else in the crew live in the crew dormitory, while she lives in the apartment alone.

If there is actual evidence, News Corp might really have a bite back.

Of course, it would be impossible for Qiye to finish with Lily, and at best it would make them feel disgusting to step on shit.

But now they don't have any evidence at all, at best it can only be regarded as the incompetent rage of the defeated dog.

That being said, how to say it has also had a bad influence on Lili's fan circle.

In order to ensure Lily's idol image, she still clarified this matter.

"About me moving into a new apartment, it was because of the promotion of Inception."

"Because the movie is about to be released, a large number of reporters have gathered around me. In order not to affect the rest of the rest of the crew, I deliberately moved out of the crew."

Naturally, she would not tell the public that she sacrificed her hue to help her brother-in-law fish.

No, there is no sacrifice in hue at all.

Except for occasionally showing specious intimacy in public, Qiye didn't even enter Lily's room.

[Fortunately, I still put a "wedding photo" in the living room, and my brother-in-law is really too bad.

Lily sucked her little nose uncomfortably, a faint resentment flashed in her eyes.



A director who appeared on the set gave a big sneeze.

"Wipe, won't you catch a cold?"

Qiye rubbed her sore waist and let out a complaint, "This date is a bit expensive..."


Suddenly, Zhiye with a clouded face appeared behind Qiye: "You should have had enough rest before taking time off? Do you still want to be lazy?!"

"Don't talk to my ears! I was wrong!"

Qipa Pi let out a howl like a pig


After cursing the bullying brother-in-law in her heart, Lily's tone in front of the microphone changed and became very severe.

"Of course, it's just what I thought. Now it seems that those paparazzi have come at me from the beginning!!"

"I will never let them go!!"

Finally Lily concluded with this sentence.

This is a live press conference, with many Lily fans sitting in the audience.

After hearing Lily's speech, many people shouted excitedly.

"Yes! Support Miss Wei Ting in safeguarding her legal rights!!"

"Scum Media Get Out of America!"

"This illegal invasion by News Corp is a flagrant blasphemy against the rights of citizens of this country!"

"These people are so rampant in the UK, I don't believe they will abide by the law in the US!"

"It is strongly recommended that the government immediately conduct a thorough investigation of all newspapers owned by News Corporation! Shut down this bad company!"

"Please News Corp. come out and give everyone an explanation!"

After this press conference, various condemnations against News Corp began to intensify.

The FBI originally wanted to wait for a while. News Corp. had a good relationship with them before, so someone in the FBI wanted to try to help keep things down.

But at the moment when public opinion is boiling, they have to make a decision as soon as possible.

Another reason for the FBI to step up its efforts on News Corp is pressure from above.

After all, what the Murdoch family did was crazy.

It makes the whole United States feel uncomfortable.

Especially James Murdoch, who dared to monitor the phone of the world's number one woman and the richest man, dared to plug a bug into the home of a popular star, not to mention the bad things they did in the UK.

This group of people dare to eavesdrop on the privacy of British dignitaries, don't they dare to attack the United States?

It's impossible to know with my knees.

As long as the thought of some privacy in the past may be tapped, the big men can't sleep.

Who doesn't have a little secret yet?

And the higher the status, the more concerned about this kind of thing.

Coupled with the various lobbying of the Jiufeng Group.

There is a consensus across the United States that the Murdoch family and their News Corporation must learn a profound lesson.

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