Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1386

After making all crew members on standby, Qiye sat behind the director's monitor and kept looking back at the several sets of shots just shot.

The more I look at it, the more Qiye feels there is room for improvement in this set of shots.

Simply let Lily sit like this, and then let the camera move up and disappear, Seven Night Club feels very abrupt.

Qiye put his arms around his chest, he looked at the paused monitor screen and thought.

In the prologue, it is more accurate to say that the main colors of Fuyuki City's peculiarities are mainly dark colors.

In this case, can this first official shot of Lily be darker?

"It shouldn't be enough..."

Qiye turned her head and asked Zhi, "What do you think should be added?"

"How about ending the scene with the back of Lily?" Ori said hesitantly, "How about the black light of the Holy Grail in the background, so that fans can also have a good sense of substitution."


Qiye felt that Zhizhi's proposal did make sense.

"Weave like this, Shonan... and Lily, come here too."

Qiye immediately called her two most important deputies and the leading actor.

"Finally we add another shot."

Qiye ordered: "Shonan, you think of a way to modify the shooting angle of the shooting lens, go from bottom to top."

"No problem~?"

Qiye said to Ori again: "Ori, take a look at the initial CG rendering of this scene, and discuss with Shonan how to shoot it."

Zhi nodded and thought, "Yes, I'll get it right away."

In the end, Qiye said to Lily: "Wait a while after you finish speaking the last line, make a motion of turning your head back. Bend your body to 90 degrees as much as possible."


Lily thought about the action in her mind, and immediately shook her head: "What is a joke, is that an action that humans can make?! Even if you are a brother-in-law, don't make it difficult!"

"Who said no. Dog feeder, come here!"

Qiye shouted at the other end.

"Director Kiryu, what are you looking for?"

Inujige Gui Zhang Pidian Pidian ran over.

Although this is a bit bullying, Mr. Inujii did feel like a dog after he entered the crew.

As the least experienced in the entire crew, he will basically do his best to do what the rest of the crew commands.

For this reason, Qiye also specially reminded others not to bully this child too much.

However, Qiye didn't feel too much pressure to wake up, anyway, he was the director.

After Guiji Inujiga ran over, Qiye made a gesture: "Go in a posture of bending backwards."


Inuji's obedient body leaned back and showed a standard posture of inviting barbecue.

"Look, that's it."

Qiye spreads both hands, as simple as drinking water.

Lily shook her head vigorously: "What a joke! How could I possibly do it!"

"Don't you often dance as an idol?"

Lily pouted and said, "Idol's dance is not ballet! Not even yoga! I can't even do a word of horse!"

"Obviously Ryan can reach the same level..." Qiye said regretfully.

"Sister? When did she do it?" Lily asked puzzledly.

"When riding... a horse."

Qiye looked away with a guilty conscience, he regretted that he had just said it.

"Riding? Brother-in-law, did you and sister go to play polo?"

"Ahem, it's almost." Qiye coughed slightly awkwardly.


There was a teasing smirk on Zhizhi's face on one side.

Qiye rolled her eyes: "What's wrong, do you have an opinion?"

With a funny smile: "Senior, I am not interested in your private life at all, but I have only one question."


"When are you going to make Inujiki-kun so backward?"

"Doujii, get up quickly!"

Qiye found out that she had left Inujigai Takahashi by the side until now.

"Anyway, Lily, try it first."

Lily tried to fiddle her body back a bit--


"Be careful!!"

Zhiyan Zhishou quickly supported the little girl from behind with both hands to avoid accidents.

Fortunately, Zhizhi was rescued in time, otherwise Lily would either fall to the ground or sprain her waist.

Of course, it is more likely that two things happen at the same time.


After Zhili helped Lily to sit on the side, he walked towards Qiye with a black face.

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