Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1394

Qiye slowly hit a?.



Suddenly Qiye and Ryan fell silent again.

Then Ryan said without warning, "Is Joan of Arc? Then Qiye do you like white or black?"

"I want it all?"

Qiye said tentatively.

"Oh, man."

Ryan gave a chuckle.

Qiye found that she was indeed a bit Meng Lang.

Just when he thought he would be very preached by Ryan.

Unexpectedly, Ryan agreed.

"I see. I will bring both sets of clothes when I come. So... you can look forward to it."

After speaking, Ryan hung up the phone without giving Qiye a chance to respond.

The car returned to a quiet state again.

"I didn't expect it."

Qiye put the phone back in his clothes.

"It seems that Qiye is really popular."

Serra chuckles from the driver's seat.

"You... drive well."

Qiye shook his head.

He rested his head on the cushion and began to close his eyes to rest up.

Interrupted, during this period Lily said a few words of sleep in a very low volume.

"...No way, no way...I said it, brother-in-law, you can't do such a thing to sister..."

In this way, the seven-night barbeque journey on a whim came to an end.

That's weird.

When Serra drove the car to the crew dormitory and stopped to die, Qiye was in trouble again.

Lily couldn't get up on her lap, and Qiye finally woke her up.

But Lily, who was half asleep and half awake, just refused to get his knees up.

"Or Qiye will take Miss Lily back." Serra explained with a smile, "Anyway, isn't your dormitory a double bed?"


Qiye has reason to think that the maid lady is doing something.

Although they all live in the dormitory, there is still a long distance between Lili's female dormitory and Qiye's male dormitory.

Although the crew does not live in a university dormitory, naturally there will be no such role as the "Queen Mother" of the dormitory aunt.

However, Qiye still hesitated to enter the girls' dormitory just like that.

How long had the scandal between him and Lily passed.

"Big brother, let me come."

When Qiye was hesitant to go out and take Lily to her room, Yumi walked over.

As a novice, Takasho Inugai drove a lot slower than Sierra, and the route was completely unfamiliar.

Qiye and Serra have stopped downstairs in the dormitory for a long time, and Yumi and the others have just arrived here.

When he got out of the car, Yumi saw Nanya in embarrassment.

So Yumi walked over without saying a word. She held Lily's arm with one hand and the other's waist with the other.

"Sister Lily, you have enough!"

Yumi complained, and then yanked Lily off Nanya.

It was the first time that Qiye noticed that Yumi was still so powerful.

"I'm really sorry, big brother. Sister Lili is causing you trouble, and I will nag her when she wakes up from alcohol."

Carrying Lily, Yumi apologized to Nanaya.

"Well, be careful when you two go upstairs."

Qiye nodded, and then left in the car.

After the two cars had gone far, Yumi directly let go of Lily.

But Lily didn't collapse directly on the ground, but stood up straight with a slight shake.

"Enough for you, Sister Lily. Didn't you see your big brother already very upset?"

Yumi expressed her dissatisfaction to Lily.


Lily said in a speechless voice: "I almost succeeded..."

"I don't think you will succeed, because the older brother is going to throw you back into the dormitory."

"Hmph, after entering my room anyway, it's not me who has the final say."

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