Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1414

"Little Circle" that has been delayed for nearly two months is even more common.

The most influential is naturally Marvel movies.

Because of the lack of influence like Monpella and Disney, "Reunion" was released several days later than North America.

Although "Yue Ji 2" is not the core project of Jiufeng Entertainment, its simultaneous release is indeed a good omen.


pS: The sweep ticket is a good thing, although it feels like a game that goes online and then goes offline is so empty...

Maybe it's because of Mijiang's salted fish that is not krypton or liver?_(:з∠)_

Chapter 775: Entering the Village Secretly, Don't Shoot GunsAdd More

There are basically no major problems with "Tsukiji 2", Qiye spent two days in the post studio of Jiufeng Entertainment.

In addition to communicating with Four Seasons about the post-production and distribution of the film, Qiye also communicated with the latter on the post-production special effects of "Prologue".

After acquiring Lucasfilm, Jiufeng's special effects team merged with Industrial Light and Magic.

The current Jiufeng special effects team not only shared technology with Weta Studio, but also annexed Industrial Light and Magic, becoming the world's number one special effects team.

Technically, I am afraid that the world can no longer find a special effects team that is technically better than the Jiufeng special effects team.

But the shortcomings of this team are also obvious. Not only is it expensive, but the production time is also very slow.

Therefore, in addition to some more important special effects, many special effects of FGO's prologue will be outsourced to other special effects companies in the world.

What Qiye discussed with the team was about the division of labor for special effects.

Don't watch the movie, it's not finished yet, but the special effects work Qiye has already started production.

The Chaldean plot is not too important in the "Prologue", and Qiye estimates that the film should be officially completed before "Tsukihime 2" is released.

Don't look at the movie's release time for several months, but the later tasks of "Prologue" are not easy at all.

The most important light and shadow special effects in the film, Qiye is all handed over to the later team of Jiufeng to handle.

Most of these people are old people of Industrial Light and Magic, and they are veterans dealing with magic cannons and other gorgeous special effects.

Finally, Qiye checked the preparations for the "Xia Zong Guo" produced by Lin Bao.

Like "Savior of the Nation", the official name of "Xia Zong Guo" was determined to be "The Hero of the Heroes and the Seven Fans".

Like "Savior of the Nation", although "The Hero of Heroes" is produced by Lin Bao, Qiye has the final review right.

Similarly, as the first three works of FGO, "The Hero of Heroes" is also being planned.

At present, the progress of this project is a little bit slower than that of "Savior of the Country", and the script has just been drafted.

Before it is really finalized, many revisions and adjustments are required.

Then there are actors. Qiye has always had higher requirements for FGO actors.

Except for the actors of Gudako and Musashi, who have long been fixed, other actors, Lin Bao, are still actively looking for them.

Regarding this issue, Lin Bao also specifically asked Qiye to discuss it.

In principle, the actors of "Sword Hero" will be selected from native Japanese actors.

Unless it is really not found, Qiye does not intend to replace the followers mentioned in the script.

The actors are fortunate to say that whether it is a handsome man or an old man with outstanding temperament, Japan has always been indispensable.

In fact, for those few male actors, Japanese actors are about to grab their heads.

The least suspenseful thing is Qianzi Village Zheng, Qiye directly throws it to Shanshan.

By the way, in addition to acting as a supporting role in the movie, Sugiyama will also serve as an assistant director and producer on the crew.

As a person who has been labelled as Jiufeng from beginning to end, Sugiyama's other role to the crew of "Heroic Swordsman" is to act as the imperial commissioner.

In addition to supervising Lin Bao, Qiye hopes that Shanshan can participate as much as possible in the creation of the film.

As for whether Sugiyama can really become a director in the future, it depends on the good luck of the other party.

Although Qiye is quite disgusted with the trend of wanting to be a director in any profession.

Acting and excellent guiding is still very common in the industry.

The most famous example is [Uncle Dongmu] Clint Eastwood, the man who made Oscar kneel and lick.

[Uncle Dongmu] I won 5 Oscars in this life, but none of them are performance awards.

In addition to a Thalberg Memorial Award, the other 4 awards came from the two films "Unforgivable" and "Million Dollar Baby".

Both films won the best director and best picture of the year.

If it weren't for the 2007 Oscars to give an explanation to Martin Scorsese, one of the four heavenly kings, Eastwood's "Letters from Iwo Jima" is estimated to be the same result.

Can only say that your uncle is your uncle.

I don’t know if Sugiyama can become the uncle Qiye, but it’s a good thing if my cheap student can really become a director.

It's just that compared to the roles that were reserved by Jiufeng a long time ago, the remaining roles are naturally the sweet buns among all Japanese actors.

However, Qiye still booked the role of Gen Raiguang for Sakura.

Since the idol graduated, Sakura's maternal glory has become heavier.

Qiye felt that it would be okay for her to play Yuan Laiguang.

As for the chest, Qiye didn't think there was a big problem.

It's a big deal, put something in your chest. When Angelina Jolie played Lara in "Tomb Raider", she also used the props to expand the Cup.

That's why there is the still poster that makes men all over the world yearn for.

If there is no reason for the monk to touch it, the Taoist priest cannot touch it.

However, in view of the beauty gap between the three-dimensional and two-dimensional, even if it is really stuffed into Sakura's chest, the shape still needs to be slightly corrected.

In addition, Qingji, Xiaoyu, Ba Yuqian, Mochizuki Chiyo female and a famous CCTV sister also need to find actors.

After finishing the first draft of the script, Qiye asked Lin Bao to start looking for related actors.

Because there are so many roles, Qiye can only ask Lin Bao to screen for herself.

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