Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1425

But these films are not qualified commercial films and can only be attributed to art films.

Anyway, in the memory of Qiye, after Ridley Scott entered the new century, the only film he could get was "The Martian".

[Forget it, if the other party disagrees with low-cost production, then replace it.

Among the three planning proposals that Fox brought, the only one that Qiye was more satisfied with was "Deadpool."

Qiye can be said to be very impressed with this R-rated movie that was second only to "Death of Jesus" in the box office of the previous life.

After all, this movie was not watched at all before it was made, and it didn't even have a budget of 60 million.

After its release, the box office of this film not only surpassed the "Thor" series of trilogy, "Captain America 1&2" series, "Guardians of the Galaxy 1", these very famous Marvel movies.

It surpassed all other "X-Men" movies, and... "Superman vs. Batman" and "Justice League."

DC won’t whip corpses, but the X-Men’s side is really funny.

Even "Reverse the Future" is a movie that brings together new and old major actors and is blown to the ceiling.

In the end, he was surpassed by his own R-rated film with a total investment of 58 million US dollars.

It can only be said that film investment is really a very magical thing.

You must know that Fox has never planned to shoot the movie "Deadpool" in his previous life.

If it weren't for hackers to leak the trial production clips, let fans petition the entire network.

It is estimated that Fox will only throw this unremarkable movie into the trash can.

But even if they agreed, Fox only gave 58 million dollars in a stingy way.

Qiye didn't know if Fox had the mentality of being broken when he made this decision.

Anyway, Qiye would definitely agree to this project.

Of course, the budget of "Deadpool" will certainly not be given too much.

Although in terms of the commercial performance of Deadpool, investing hundreds of millions of dollars is not a problem at all.

But low budget was originally a feature of "Deadpool" movies.

A "Deadpool" movie that has been overinvested will only lose its flavor.

But Fox's budget of less than $60 million is really too low.

Qiye thinks that 70 million US dollars should be almost the same. While ensuring the taste of the movie, the budget of the crew is not so tight.

"Well, that's it."

Qiye put the Deadpool report at the top, planning to wait two days to discuss this project with Ryan Reynolds.

Since the failed performance in "Wolverine", this guy has been thinking about being shameful.

This time the "Deadpool" project was also submitted by him and Hugh Jackman.

This didn't surprise Qiye. Uncle Hugh was famous for his eagerness to help.

"Next, this is..."

Qiye picked up a document and scanned it carefully.

This document is a report written by an employee of the game department of [See Moon].

It is about the mobile game "Little Circle" that was just launched recently.

At the beginning of this month, Madoka’s official mobile game "Magic Record" was finally officially launched.

As a new mobile game that requires long-term operation, the game will naturally encounter various problems when it is launched.

It also takes time to operate this game well.

But these small flaws can't stop the enthusiasm of the players at all.

Because the movie has just been released, the popularity of "Magic Circle" is far from fading.

Although the game operator clearly stated that this time the story is not based on the five-member group.

But after all, the game plot is officially released, and it is the story of a magical girl that actually happened in the world of Madoka.

Therefore, after the game was promoted, it immediately aroused the enthusiasm of the fans.

After all, it is the official game of the current film history box office champion, and the audience is still very wide.

Although the Japanese-style card drawing game mechanism persuades many people, countless sows have also been born.

Although when the server was opened, the operation had already installed a five-person team.

But apart from the twisted braid version of Xiaomei Yan, only Madoka is up in the card pool.

Everyone knows the shipment rate of Japanese mobile games, although in order to ensure the interests of players, the operation has set up a guarantee mechanism.

But if you want to draw an SRR card without UP from the card pool, I believe anyone who has played this type of game understands the difficulty of this precise extraction.

Naturally, some of them retreated because they could not bear the pressure of money.

However, there are still so many people who have survived by relying on the powerful ability of money.

These people will have a unified title in the future-krypton gold sow.

In addition to these krypton gold bosses, naturally there are also those who only serve one or two roles as krypton, as well as those who play for free and only watch the plot.

With the efforts of so many players from all sides, the first month of "Magic Record" directly reached more than 80 million US dollars.

This Nima is really more money than grabbing money!

Although "Magic Record" also has various other operating costs such as channel sharing and publicity fees.

But the commercial value of this game still greatly exceeds people's expectations.

Some people even said that if this game can continue to operate and develop, wouldn't it mean that Jiufeng Entertainment will have at least hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue every month?

Of course Qiye knew that this statement was definitely too optimistic.

After all, the monthly income of the Krypton mobile game depends on whether the cards in the pool this month are popular.

Without the blessing of powerful new cards, even the awesome Krypton gold mobile game will be very ugly that month.

But the popularity of "Magic Record" also made people see many possibilities.

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