Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1433

Yakumo Midong was shocked. She opened her mouth and was speechless for a long time.

She found that the gap between herself and the director was really too big.

When making plans, Yakumo thought about how to maximize profits, and made many designs for this.

But after talking with the director, she realized that she was thinking too simple.

She only thought about how to get money from the player's pocket, but the director thought about how to keep the player and cut the meat with a dull knife.

To use the analogy of killing a pig, he stabbed the pig with a knife.

This may indeed kill the pig, but it is also likely to let the pig run away.

However, Kiryu Qiye's method is to make a hole in the pig and kill the pig by slowly bleeding.

Sure enough, a master is a master...

Yakumo Midong looked at Qiye with admiration.

Qiye wasn't too proud, after all, he played too many similar games in his previous life.

So he has a general plan for how to operate a Krypton mobile game.

But just like business operations, Qiye knows at most a general direction, and many specific operations can only be done by professional people.

"In short, we cannot operate the game with the mentality of getting a vote. How to operate the game as long as possible is what must be done."


Yakumo Midong began to write swiftly, writing down everything Qiye said.

"Your idea is very good, but the actual operation is still a bit short."

Qiye continued, "I need you to follow the "Magic Record" operation team for a while to learn the specific process of mobile game operation."

"I understand."

Yakumo Midong is very excited, this is the rhythm to be reused.

In the next period of time, Nanya and Yakumo Midong worked together to perfect these drafts.

Of course, most of Nanya is talking, Yakumo is writing.

According to the arrangement of Qiye, Yakumo Midong will fully intervene in the game operation of "Magic Record" in the next 2-3 months.

After the New Year in 2011, she will start to form FGO game operations and formally prepare for the game.

"and also."

Qiye paused for a while. He stared at Yakumo Midong for a while and said, "During this time, you have to learn how to get along with your colleagues and how to have a good relationship with them."

When calling in the morning, Qiye could clearly hear the gloating taste of Yakumo Midong's colleagues.

This shows that the relationship between Yakumo Midong and his colleagues is certainly not good.

Otherwise, how could he not even have the most basic screens.

Although it is necessary to keep a distance between leaders and employees, there must never be a complete disconnect between the two.

Otherwise, it will be annoying if the people below give you yang and yin violation.

Especially in mobile games, programmers deliberately modify a parameter to cause problems with the card-drawing shipment rate, and you have no chance to cry.

"I know."

Yakumo Midong nodded cautiously.

Although Qiye didn't say the consequences of not changing it, Yakumo Midong could guess it herself.

The two chatted for a long time, and when they were finishing the draft, Qiye found that most of the afternoon had already passed.

Qiye picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea to moisturize her dry throat.

Then he said slowly: "You can keep these things first. If you encounter any problems while operating, you can add them at any time."

"Wait until February, you submit the complete project to me."

Qiye said solemnly while propping his chin.

"I try my best."

Yakumo Midong did not give a positive answer. After a few hours of work, this newcomer in the workplace has looked very tired.

The time given by Qiye is very tense.

She will hand over her job tomorrow and enter the "Magic Record" project team.

Then she will do all the operations in just a few weeks.

This is not to make her an all-rounder, but to realize the role of each position in the project team through her own work.

Qiye has always disliked the leadership of the airborne parachute.

If it is transferred from another project team of the company, it would be nice to say that the kind of extraordinary airborne leaders often make misjudgments and blindness.operating.

Because he didn't actually experience the actual role played by each position in the company's operation, and the precautions.

The asymmetry of information can easily lead to wrong judgments when making decisions.

Therefore, Qiye has always felt that leaders must at least do every job, even the lowest-level commissioner.

It's not that the leader must do better than ordinary employees in all aspects, and that situation is not realistic.

What he needs is for leaders to be clear about what each post is for and why the company should set up such a post.

Qiye's management thinking for the team comes from her own job.

The profession of director, except for very few people.

Most directors start from the lower level of the crew, and only dare to sit in the director's chair after doing most of the roles of the crew.

Even the director who started from Ye Luzi is no exception.

Those directors have limited budgets for their first independent films, and in order to reduce costs, they often hold multiple roles.

Screenwriting, photography, acting, and director work are all to be done.

Yakumo Midong is now facing the same situation.

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