Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1444

In fact, before the shooting started, many city governments in Japan found him after learning about this project.

I hope Kiritsugi can add elements of scenic tourism from all over Japan to this movie.

After careful consideration, Kirishu agreed to their request.

After all, this movie is a rare opportunity, and a national tour of Japan is also a very good choice.

As for the real geographical problems of these scenic spots, Keishi ignored them.

The next door to HK in the world of "Transformers" is Sichuan, so why can't I move Hokkaido to the edge of Mount Fuji?

Don't ask, ask is the parallel world.

Although Kirishu's idea is a bit ridiculous, Qiye agrees very much.

Why not do this kind of win-win thing?

Although Nanya was very unhappy with Kirishu, the other party's vision was quite poisonous.

The selected scenery is not only beautiful, but also highlights the Japanese style.

Qiye felt that it was a pity that this guy didn't shoot a Japan travel promotion.

It's like the Tianshang Mountain that Kirishu chose now, the scenery is really good.

Such a beautiful place really makes people want to live forever.

But Qiye is not included.

It’s in winter now, but I’m not willing to stay in the mountains for a second after the seven nights in summer.

I don't know what the reason is, Qiye has always been very mosquito physique.

When filming "Brother Killer" in New Zealand a few years ago, Qiye used almost a box of Fengyou to prevent mosquitoes.

People smell strong in Europe and America, and you can smell perfume from far away.

Qiye can smell a scent of oily essence from a long distance away.

In fact, the Fengyoujing package sent to Murdoch before seven nights was actually processed from the excess stock that year.

Speaking of which, I don’t know if the Fengyou essence has expired after so many years.

"But does Fengyoujing have a shelf life?"

Qiye rubbed her chin and said to herself.

At this moment, he was standing on the high platform where the director was, watching the crew preparing for shooting.

Two children, one big and one small, were playing around on the set, hindering the members of the set group.

Fortunately, two people like childcare workers came out and dragged the two children away.

This scene is like a shepherd driving the lamb to the sheep pen.

"These two kids are really the biggest obstacle to filming."

Keishi pointed to the two children and complained to Qiye.

Qiye nodded and said, "Yes, children and animals are the most unstable factors on the set."

Keishi shook his head: "Coordinating the child's shooting is simply a nightmare. How did you manage New Moon Yumi?"

Nanaya glanced at Kirishu from the corner of her eye: "Why is Yumi? Where is Ilia?"

"Nonsense, Illiya is the number one child in the world, how could she make trouble on the set!"


Qiye discovers that it is very unreasonable to discuss his daughter with her daughter.

Fortunately, Kirishu didn't have much trouble with Ilia.

After all, discussing how good his daughter is to a man who might be his son-in-law, is this an rush to send his daughter off?!

But Kirishu couldn't say anything to belittle Ilia, so he simply avoided talking and discussed the filming itself with Nanya.

Keishi knows his own situation well, and this "Xia Zong Guo" is a movie he can never fail.

If this movie is successful, then Lamborghini's future is boundless.

But if it fails, Lin Bao's future will be bleak.

Therefore, Kirisu was striving for perfection when shooting this movie.

"The two children are really too difficult to communicate. Many times they can only coax them into filming. But even so, they often don't make good expressions."

"After many shots failed to work, I had to give up."

Children are indeed difficult to manage, and Qiye has a deep understanding of this.

The most troublesome thing is that you can't get angry while teaching your children to film.

This is what really drives the director crazy.

If it's a general actor who has a problem, just scold it directly.

But children can't, they don't know what the world of adults is.

If you really lose your temper at the child, it is likely to increase the child's resistance, and then it will become more troublesome.

This is also the reason why obedient child stars are very popular in the crew, because it can reduce the crew a lot of trouble.

Regarding the child's problem, Qiye did not have a good solution.

This is a problem that has plagued filmmaking for hundreds of years. If he can solve it, it is estimated that he will receive an Oscar for lifetime achievement in the next year.

However, Qiye still gave some suggestions, "If it doesn't work, try to use pure special effects to make the picture, although the facial expression will be a little stiff."

"let me try."

Keishi did not directly deny this option.

"How about the shooting of the other leading actors?" Qiye asked again.

"The others are good."

Kirishu's gloomy face finally showed a smile.

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