Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1462

However, there is a rumor on the Internet that the combat mode of the followers in the movie is just changing the soup and not the medicine, and changing the rank will not modify their combat mode.

Even though William knew that these rumors were only malicious slanders on Fate and Kiryu Nanaya, he still couldn't help but feel a little worried.

However, when Caster Cuchurin and Lancer Medusa really met.

William heaved a sigh of relief.

Although the two people can see the shadow of their ranks in the FSN period in the battle, they don't give people the same feeling.

Although Kuchurin, who had been changed to the post of mage, swung his stick like a spear, his main attack method was Rune Magic.

In fact, when he was at UBW, Cú Chulainn used Luen Magic to find the looted Rin.

But that can only be regarded as a small show. This time, Cú Chulainn who became Caster really showed the power of Luen magic.

William originally thought that Kiryu Qiye had modified Cú Chulainn's combat mode, but in order to take care of the visual effects, he would compromise and make the opponent look more like a traditional mage.

That is, in FSN, Medea uses complicated spells and magic bullets bloom like fireworks.

This is indeed great in terms of visual effects, but it is completely inconsistent with the setting.

Fortunately, Kiryu Nanya did not disappoint. Caster Cuchurin not only used magic, but also had a close combat style.

Coupled with that fit muscles.

This version of Cú Chulainn looks a bit like magic and martial arts.

William has bought Fate's novels and related setting books, and he has also learned about the Luen magic in real myths and legends.

He also had some ideas about how to fight after he became Caster.

But now, William found that his brain supplement was not as brilliant as Kiryu Qiye's performance.

Especially in the end, when Caster Cuchurin used the trap he set up earlier to kill Medusa, he even couldn't help but yelled out.

Although William prefers Medusa a bit more-he is a sexy female character after all, but Cú Chulainn's rough and shrewd fighting style really makes him very enjoyable.

No matter how intense a battle is, it will enter a relatively smooth intermission after it stops.

After all, the heroes and heroines need to brew for a while before continuing to fight.

In the movie, this short transitional plot is for the audience to go to the bathroom.

Of course, there are audiences who have better bladders, and they can endure until the end of the movie.

From the perspective of plot development, this plot can be seen as a consolidation of the relationship between Matthew and Lixiang.

After all, the hero and heroine have just experienced a very special battle scene together. Under the influence of the suspension bridge theory, their feelings have risen rapidly.

After calming down now, both of them need to re-examine their feelings.

If it is in the real world, after calming down, the man and woman usually choose to separate.

After all, it's just the love produced by physiological stimulation. After calming down, both men and women will think more about the relationship between the two people when they get along.

But the movie is a fictional story after all, and the two sides of course will love to see each other after the suspension bridge effect.

If it is Michael Bay’s brainless popcorn movie, the hero and heroine at this time should give the audience a radical kiss.

But Qiye just asked Matthew and Lixiang to hold a small hand to consolidate the revolutionary friendship even if it was over.

Just kidding, there are so many movies to be filmed in the back, what if I kiss the back now!

Qiye also takes care of those audiences who do not like to talk about love festivals and have empty bladder.

Various scenes in the high school of Suiquyuan Academy contain various small easter eggs, and almost every scene can evoke the audience's memories of FSN.

For example, the classroom where Shi Lang went to class, the corridor where three women fought, and the causal high jump suit that would be observed as long as they jumped.


pS: The foreign media Deadline announced the annual profit and loss list of Hollywood blockbusters. The top ten most profitable movies last year were:

"Avengers 4", "Frozen 2," "The Lion King", "Joker", "Captain Marvel", "Toy Story 4", "Aladdin", "Spider-Man: Far From Home", "Star Wars" 9", "The Brave Game 2".

Among the top ten, except for the "Spider-Man" whose distributor is Sony, there are a total of 7 movies produced by Disney and distributed by Disney...

Fortunately, Disney's situation this year is rather miserable. Otherwise, Mijiang feels that it will be a matter of time for Da Dizi to get an antitrust lawsuit._

Chapter 799 Don't Pretend To Be High in Commercial Movies

In the high school of Hogunhara Academy, Kuchulin explained to the Chaldeans the reason why Fuyuki City became deserted.

At the same time, he also informed the final boss of this battle, the existence of Black Saber.

I have to say that Saber dressed in a short skirt gives people a completely different sense than before.

Even viewers who have watched HF web dramas have a glorious view of Black Saber's cool short skirt.

You know, whether it is in the movie version or the online drama version of the FSN, Lily's appearance with Altria is relatively conservative.

Not to mention the state of the armor during the battle, even the casual clothes are the style with skirts covering the knees.

If you insist on the characteristics of Saber's blue and white casual clothes, there will only be black silk.

The black Saber in the HF line is basically the color change and repaint of the normal Knight King armor shape.

If the HF version of the black Saber is a toy, in addition to the color will be different from the normal version, at most, it will be accompanied by a black eye mask.

It must be the kind of configuration that will be circulated by players.

There is Altria's light armor posture in FZ, but Lily's flat figure is really nothing to brag about.

So far, Qiye hasn't planned to open the Fate line, so Altria will always only stay in the comics wearing a bath towel.

In fact, the clothing that Altria has appeared in so far is not all of the kind that almost have no color value.

Early in the UBW movie, when Saber was caught by Medea, the white skirt was quite tempting.

Qiye, the animal, made a similar dress for Ryan.

It's just that Lily has too little playing time in that state, and all related shots have only one pose.

Although the Knight King tortured by Medea in the hearts of many movie fans is also great, but it always feels less majestic.

This time, the black Saber skirt is different. She not only retains the aura of the role of Altria, but also allows Lily to show off her proud legs on the screen for the first time.

Although Qiye always belittles Lily's flat figure.

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