Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1466

Forcing the three-shot treasure, even if [Shield Soldier] is a defender who is good at defense, he cannot bear it.

Matthew half kneeled on the ground, she had almost exhausted all her strength.

Don't look at Ma Xiu's slender figure, but she has been very stable with her weapon cross shield throughout the movie.

Even when facing Hercules, Matthew had never had a trembling hand.

But now Matthew is not like holding a big shield, more like relying on the big shield to ensure that he does not lie down on the ground.

At this time, she no longer has the ability to attack Black Saber, and can only wait for the execution of the Knight King.

"Matthew won't die?" William couldn't help asking in a low voice.

"Should not? Isn't she the heroine?"

Ed, who answered him, was not very confident either.

At this time the tragic BGM has sounded, and everything is suggesting that the bad end has arrived.

Black Saber raised his sword again, preparing to wipe out the Chaldean trio with Excalibur this time.

Just when the audience thought the endgame could not be cracked, they held Matthew's hand tightly with both hands.

The most sensational and touching scene of the prologue has arrived.


pS1: Finally 800 chapters!!

If someone told Mijiang last year, Mijiang would write a novel with more than 250w words.

Mi Jiang must be scornful, the previous book does not have 150w words, 250w is afraid it is not living in a dream.

Sure enough, the potential of human beings is endless.


pS2: Uncle B in the above picture was originally supposed to be in the previous chapter, but Michan forgot when he posted the chapter in the morning.(*/ω*)

This is the look of Uncle B in Chapter 1.52 of the comic version, so handsome.=w=

Chapter 801 The Magic King Appears [Add 5/11]

"Matthew, I don't know how much energy I have, but I swear to you! I am your master, and I will advance and retreat with you!"

This is the oath made by Lixiang before the movie.

At that time, he didn't know what kind of things he would encounter, but even so he was still willing to fulfill his vows.

Everyone needs a process to change, especially for Fujimaru Tatsuka from an ordinary person to a savior.

The director said that the end of the world and the destruction of human civilization are far less powerful and convincing than Matthew at this moment.

Lixiang hadn't the consciousness to bear the fate of mankind at this time, but he already had the consciousness to bear Matthew.

This is a gradual process, and it would be very fake if Lixiang started directly to become a saint who saved the world.

Qiye's approach is to make every movie of Lixiang change, and let him carry more and more things on his back.

Until the end, when Lixiang stood in the Temple of Time facing Getia.

Suddenly looking back, he will find that he has become a great person without knowing it.

Matthew played the role of a catalyst in it, and she kept her vow as a follower.

And her actions also inspired her master's determination and fighting spirit, and Lixiang no longer evaded her fate.

The Lingshu that disappeared for the entire movie finally came into play, and Matthew returned to the state of his heyday.

At the same time, feeling the master's determination, she finally opened her heart to him and released her treasure.

A city wall made of magic appeared in the void.

The black light cannon, which was unstoppable the previous three times, met his opponent this time.

Black Saber's attack was resisted outside the white city wall, and could not go further anyway.

"That shield is..."

Black Saber's face was surprised, she seemed to understand something.

But for such a dazed effort, Saber paid a painful price.

"The burnt out flame cage!"

The big dog who rushed to the big hole didn't know what happened, but for such a stalemate, he took the most beneficial countermeasure for him-using the treasure against the black Saber.

The wicker man is a unique way of sacrifice for the Celtics.

According to legend, the Celts would use wicker or the branches of trees and grass to bind people or dolls and burn them to pray for peace and prosperity for all beings.

As a hero's treasure, the wicker man summoned by Cuchurin is not so simple.

He summoned the wicker man, but did not give the sacrifice.

The wood giant who did not accept the sacrifices went crazy in order to get the sacrifices that should belong to him, and swallowed the enemies of his summoners as sacrifices.

This is the treasure held by Cuchulin as Caster, using his druid's ability to summon giants to defeat opponents.

Along with the flames burning on his body, a giant made up of countless willow branches was summoned by Cuchulin.

It attacked the person closest to the place where it appeared-Black Saber.

Black Saber, who was wrestling with the city wall, was caught off guard, and she became the sacrifice of the wood giant before she could react.

The moment the giant fell, it meant that this time the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City had ended.

Black Saber and Big Gouzi exited the field one after another, suggesting the restoration of singularity.

When leaving, Kuchulin was still very free and easy to say to Lixiang that the next time he summoned himself, it would be best to summon him at the rank of spearman.

Just when the audience thought that the plot of Fuyuki City was over, Leif appeared.

Like all super villains, this guy first showed his horror-killing the dead Chaldean chief once again.

But now the position of the Chaldean director has not become a stubborn one, and no one has performed "Look, the Chaldean director is in trouble again" and other complaints.

The audience was not really touched by the fact that Olga Marie Animus Fia led lunch.

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