Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1468

In a large and dim temple, Leif walked up a step slowly.

He seemed to be talking to himself, and he seemed to be talking to someone on the steps.

"Incompetent human beings are meaningless. They should be burned like waste paper."

"Right, my king."

Speaking, Leif knelt at the throne.

Only then did the audience find that the throne at the end was sitting on it.

The camera began to move from bottom to top, and the audience finally saw the face of the man on the throne-it was Leonardo DiCaprio.

"Magic King, Solomon."

Leif introduced the identity of the man to the audience in the theater.


pS1: The last egg refers to the first egg in "Reunion 1."╮(╯▽╰)╭


pS2: In the last chapter, I forgot to add the suffix [Morgan] when the saber put the treasure, the pot of Mi sauce.orz

It has been modified so far, please be aware._(:з∠)_

Chapter 802 The Wisdom of Solomon

Solomon is a well-known ancient king in Europe and the United States.

Nowadays, people in Europe and the United States praise a person's ingenuity and often use the phrase [Solomon's Wisdom] to describe it.

This shows the status of this king in the eyes of Europeans and Americans.

As for Qiye, except for the related content of FGO.

His most profound impression of Solomon was that he tricked Sheba into becoming a wife with a glass of water.

A high-quality wife in exchange for a glass of water!!

Which man does not envy and hate!!!

However, the above is only Qiye's personal impression. For most of the audience at the premiere, Solomon is a familiar hero and king.

"From this look, Leif is just a pawn? The real big boss is Solomon?"

The biggest impression of this easter egg for William is that he discovered that the villain with a bad design has become irrelevant.

The biggest villain of the FGO series is not Leif who seems to have no depth, but Solomon, who is called [Magic King].

This makes him very happy.

Because Kiryu Nanaya still played the super high director level he deserves.

"Just one easter egg brought the most hip part of the feature film back to Yuan. Director Kiryu Nanaya is indeed a master in the director world."

"Cut, superficial evaluation of a layman."

A film critic heard this statement among the audience, and he couldn't help but snorted.

This method of perfecting the movie with the additional content of the feature film is very undesirable in the opinion of this film critic.

This kind of business model that is too commercial and too pleasing to the audience seems to him to be too flattering.

Kiryu Nanya is already an Oscar winner and the new record holder of the film history box office championship.

Such a director can definitely leave a strong mark in the history of film development.

In the eyes of film critics, Kiryu Qiye, who has gained both fame and fortune, should make more far-reaching movies.

Commercial works like FGO are undoubtedly an expression of self-willingness and depravity.

But the audience doesn't care about this. They are now excitedly discussing what changes Solomon's appearance will bring to the FGO series.

You must know that the Fate series is very rigorous when it comes to nicknames for characters. The kind of ridicule that Rin took to Gilgamesh is not counted.

The nicknames of the heroes all represent the most remarkable traits of the heroes.

This is especially true for the titles of kings. The titles of [Knight King] and [Conquer King] can even directly represent these kings.

Since Solomon is called [Magic King], he must have a very special place in the history of Xingyue.

After all, the word [magic] has a very special meaning in the Moon World.

"Speaking of human beings being burned, it should be that Solomon did it? What is the purpose of this guy?"

William asked his companions.

Ed rolled his eyes and said, "Don't you know when the next movie comes out?"

"You are so boring, let me tell you-what is this?"

William discovered that after the end of the first easter egg, the movie showed more than just the cast and crew list.

A colorful picture appeared on the screen.

These paintings have a monochromatic oil painting style and look very gorgeous.

But the content presented is very vague.

For example, in the first painting, William can only see a black dragon with open wings, and a white girl with her hands praying.

William wanted to see what the girl looked like, but apart from the white clothes and blond hair, the painting did not give him more information.

The clarity of the second picture is also blurred. It can be seen that two Japanese warriors are in a duel, but the appearance of the characters is still blurred.

William naturally knew that this kind of ambiguity was the characteristic of this oil painting style, but even so, he still felt very upset!

Ed squinted his eyes and said, "One of those two people with blue hair should be Kojiro Sasaki from FSN, right?"


William wanted to confirm, but the screen had already entered the next picture.


William grinned. He decided to take all these pictures with the camera before he waited for the second scan.

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