Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1473

Qiye looked elsewhere with a guilty conscience.

Ryan hugged Qiye's neck: "I just think that since you like cos clothes, you should also like cosplay."


Qiyegan laughed twice: "I like it very much, but let's forget it at this time of day. The premiere has made me lose the energy."

Ryan sneered and asked, "Because my sister's black appearance is already full?"

"No, I just don't want to play so many tricks."

Speaking, Qiye took off his shirt and threw it on the ground.

It's not a fit, but the muscular upper body appeared in front of Ryan.

Then, Qiye put his hands on the armor around Ryan's waist.

"what are you planning to do?"

Qiye's actions made Ryan let out an exclamation.

"Didn't you start a duel against me?" Qiye said with a smirk, "My Majesty, let's have a close hand-to-hand fight next."

Ryan stared at Qiye, his red cheeks seemed to drip.

She gritted her teeth and pushed Qiye back to the sofa.

"If you want to be beautiful, I must dominate the first round." Ryan said without admitting defeat.

Qiye blew a whistle.

"It is my honour, Her Majesty."


Ryan let out a nasal sound with satisfaction, she took off her cloak and straddled Qiye.

"Come on, Solomon. Let me see how powerful you are, the Magic King!"

The battle for the throne between the Lion King and the Magic King broke out.

Since it is a battle for the throne, of course it is not so easy to end.

Besides, the night is long, and Qiye didn't plan to end so early.

After completing the first round on the sofa, Qiye directly moved the battlefield to the bedroom.

This battle was really crazy, and when it finally calmed down, both of them were lying in bed and didn't want to move.

So Qiye and Ryan didn't even spread the quilt, pulled Ryan's red cloak that they had picked up before, and fell asleep.

As for Ryan's suit of battle armor for auditioning, its remains were thrown all over the room.

Because of overplaying, coupled with the very comfortable human-shaped pillow of Ryan, Qiye's night sleep was exceptionally sweet.

He didn't even wake him up when the phone rang in the morning.

It wasn't until three poles of the sun that the sun hit her buttocks, and Qiye finally opened her eyes when she was lying on the bed.

As before, Ryan is not by his side.

Qiye rubbed his eyes and sat up from the bed. The messy room that was messed up last night had long been cleaned up.

I don't know whether it was Ryan who sorted it out or the hands of the two sisters Serra.


Qiye casually found a piece of clothing to put on herself, then yawned and rubbed her hungry belly to the restaurant on the first floor.

There was no one in the restaurant, neither Sister Serra nor Lane were there.

But there was a breakfast on the table, which seemed to be specially prepared for him.

"Not here..."

Qiye took a brief wash, then sat down at the table and ate the bread.

Before eating two bites, the door opened in the corridor.

Then he saw Ryan walking in with a short sportswear and a few newspapers in his hand.

There are beads of sweat hanging on her white forehead, which should look like she had just returned from exercising outside.

When Ryan saw Qiye sitting at the table, he first showed a surprised expression, and then immediately turned into a sweet smile.

"Qiyao, you are up."


Qiye nodded and took another bite of bread.

Ryan put the newspaper next to Qiye, and then she left the restaurant directly.

Qiye knew that Ryan didn't want to talk to herself in sweat, so she rushed to take a bath. She has always paid more attention to details in this area.

When Ryan finished taking a shower, wearing a bathrobe and a white towel on his head, he returned to the dining room.

Qiye had finished his breakfast, he was drinking milk while watching the newspaper that Ryan brought back,

"You go to exercise, why don't you call me together?"

Qiye raised her head and glanced at the still wet woman, and asked.

"I called, but I can't wake up."

Ryan shrugged, "Are you tired lately?"

Qiye shook his head, he was purely overplayed last night.

After all, when it comes to recovery speed, men are far behind women in this respect.

However, what Ryan said does have some truth, and Qiye has not been so easy lately. The PR propaganda of "Prologue" alone made him want to split into two people alone.

Not to mention the planning of the FGO mobile game version and the planning of other FGO movies.

However, Ryan only said that, anyway, she rarely had a lot of free time during the seven nights during the summer period.

At this time, she is carefully wiping her hair with a towel, drying it while avoiding damage to her hair.

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