Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1481

"Then I will go to Lao Xu and Ai Lei to discuss the content of the script."

Zhi Lima guessed what the representative of Dongshan meant. He smiled empathetically, and then quickly left.

"Director Kiryu, I..."

"Go to my office." Qiye interrupted the representative of Dongshan and gestured with his hand.


The other party pondered for a moment, and then slowly nodded.


Qiye's office in the Jiufeng headquarters building was unusually large. Although the desk was large enough, it still only occupies a small space in the entire office.

Did not call the door, Qiye pushed in directly, and then sat down behind the desk.

"Sit down." Qiye greeted representative Dongshan, "What can representative Dongshan want to do?"

In terms of the generations of the two people, Qiye was a bit rude to do this, but representative Dongshan didn't care.

On the one hand, Qiye's social status is much higher than herself.

On the other hand, although Japanese people like to rank seniority, they are very tolerant of geniuses and outstanding achievements.

For the Japanese, it is strange that a genius does not have some arrogance and quirks.

This is why in Japanese works, those geniuses set all of them one by one, which is very different from normal people.

Representative Higashiyama said, "Director Kiryu, Mr. Hirai will be appointed as CEO of Sony in September this year."

"Well, congratulations to him for me."

Qiye was stunned after hearing this sentence.

Although it has long been known that his uncle will be in office for 11 years, Qiye still feels a bit unreal when he really heard the news.

[So it’s already time...]

Qiye sighed inwardly.

Seeing that Qiye hadn't spoken yet, Dongshan was a little nervous.

He cautiously tentatively said: "If Director Kiryu is worried about Mr. Hirai's background in the game department, don't worry. Mr. Hirai has said that it is not easy for our Japanese company to work hard in North America and we should cooperate with each other."

Speaking of this, the representative of Dongshan leaned slightly: "Sony Columbia will follow the pace of Jiufeng Entertainment."

Qiye almost wanted to laugh when she heard this.

But he quickly understood Sony's concerns.

The relationship between Jiufeng and Sony has long become extremely complicated under the disturbance of Qiye.

In the field of gaming, Jiufeng and Sony have already beaten their heads.

Especially in this generation, Sony PS3 opened the door to death violently, while Jiufeng's Wii was a complete victory, which can be described as the return of the king.

Despite the unremitting efforts of my uncle, PS3 has struggled to gain a firm foothold and gradually realized profitability.

But there is still a big gap with Wii.

Especially the size of Jiufeng in this life is much higher than Qiye's previous life, and there is no shortage of funds.

This allows the Jiufeng game department, which has never been known for its technical capabilities, to finally have enough energy and budget to carry out technical training.

This is a good thing for Jiufeng, but it is not a good thing for Sony.

In the past two years, Sony and Jiufeng have not dissed each other's products once or twice at their respective press conferences.

But in film and television, Sony Columbia and Jiufeng Entertainment are as good as one person.

When News Corp collapsed last year, Sony Columbia did nothing less.

Recently, Sony Columbia has even begun to take the initiative to negotiate the copyright cooperation of Spider-Man with Marvel, hoping that the spider will appear in the MCU.

Sony has such two attitudes, to a large extent should be attributed to the leader of this year, Sir Stringer.

The manager of the company that started as a film and television company emphasizes film and television, but not game management ideas that make Sony present such a contradictory position.

But ironically, Sony now hopes that this contradictory position can continue.

Kazuo Hirai is indeed from the game department, and he naturally has no good impressions of Washimine's game department.

But at the moment he becomes the leader of Sony, he must consider the overall situation.

You know, Sir Stringer's white pig left him with hundreds of billions of losses and 170,000 Sony employees for several years, as well as thousands of departments.

It can be said that Sony is in a battered state.

Therefore, Kazuo Hirai hopes to maintain any profitable department.

Apart from the lens department, the most critical department is Sony Columbia, which has developed well in recent years.

Stringer's overall strategy is indeed very problematic, but his line in the film and television department is extremely correct.

Especially the cooperation with [See Moon] has allowed Sony Columbia to generate tens of millions of dollars in net profit.

Therefore, at this time, Sony could not stop cooperating with Jiufeng Entertainment.

Qiye certainly doesn't know the specific things inside Sony, but he knows that Sony has had a very bad experience in the past few years.

Otherwise, the first thing the uncle did after he came to power was not to sell the building to raise money.

"Jiufeng has always respected its partners. As long as Sony does not make changes, Jiufeng Entertainment is willing to maintain the status quo."

Qiye's answer made Dongshan representative's whole person a lot easier, and he nodded repeatedly.

"Of course, of course. Sony has always respected the agreement." Representative Dongshan assured again and again.

Since the uncle was willing to maintain the status quo, Qiye did not intend to take the initiative to turn her face.

Although Qiye has always been Ren Dolphin, he also plays a lot of Sony games.

So it’s not a problem to protect my uncle’s smile occasionally.

Of course, in fact, Qiye was not optimistic about her uncle's efforts at all.

The strategy of [a Sony] proposed by my uncle was not wrong, but unfortunately he did not achieve it until his uncle retired.

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