Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1484

After all, Qiye didn't come to China this time to promote FGO and "Prologue", but to participate in the Magic City International Film Festival.

However, Qiye will also do some things related to FGO, but it is officially based on participating in the film festival.

Therefore, in order to avoid some unnecessary troubles, Qiye didn't make a big move.

Although as his current international friend, he believes that the official side of the magic city will definitely not mind.

But in order to make a good impression on them, some things can be avoided or avoided.

As for why not take this opportunity to promote "Prologue"...

Pull it down, it's already June.

"Prologue" was released in May in the Heavenly Dynasty.

Generally speaking, if there are no accidents, the time for imported films to be released in Heaven is about one month.

It is now in the middle and late stages of the screening of "Prologue", and it has already passed the hottest period of the movie.

At this time, the cost-effectiveness of large-scale publicity is too low, so Qiye has no plans to promote the film.

Although Qiye had anticipated this situation a long time ago, she couldn't hold Lily beside her and dissed him continuously.

"Huhu, it seems you are not very famous here."

Lily, who was holding Nanya's arm, deliberately let out a mocking laugh: "Director Kiryu, it seems that you have to work harder in the future."

Qiye shrugged, and said calmly, "You don't give too much, Miss Wei Ting's family, don't you have no fans to come to you?"

Lily was anxious, she deliberately rubbed Qiye's arm.

Then he said in a vengeful tone: "It's okay, I think the two-person world of the two of us is pretty good."

Qiye didn't bother to care about her, and dragged her directly into the commercial car.

"Prologue"'s box office performance in the Celestial Dynasty really exceeded his expectations.

According to previous calculations by Fate’s other movies, Qiye originally thought that this sentimental movie could have a box office of 600 or 700 million.

The previous 1.4 billion RMB box office performance of "Little Circle" is simply a special case, and it is not enough to serve as an example.

It can only show that during this time period, the final movie box office potential of the Tian Dynasty is around 1.5 billion RMB.

After all, his rise in Hollywood was too short.

In addition, in the past few years, the development of the Internet has not developed so much, and the transmission of information has been relatively slow.

Qiye felt that compared with the great gods like Spielberg and James Cameron, he should be regarded as a second-line director in Hollywood in the common perception of the audience.

Although several of Fate's films were released in the Celestial Empire, the results can only be said to be average.

Although the box office potential of Tianchao has not been tapped, the audience's viewing habits have not been developed.

But in the final analysis, it was because Qiye and Fate's IP lacked a mass foundation in the heavenly dynasty.

Previously, Fate’s IP popularity in Tianchao was a bit similar to the situation of Marvel IP before "Fu Lian Yi" in Tianchao.

There are a number of specific audience groups, but not many.

But if there are no special effects movies in the same period when the movie is released, then the audience will also choose Fate to watch.

This is probably the case.

However, the movie market in the Celestial Dynasty is still quite elusive.

After all, anything can happen in this magical land.

This is not a joke, but Qiye's own experience.

There is a very strange phenomenon in the movie market of the celestial dynasty, that is, chasing the atmosphere.

Take the "Fast and Furious" series as an example.

The first three movies in this series were not introduced at all, and the movie fan base was zero.

Starting from the fourth part, this series has been released with a good opportunity to expand the quota of imported films.

But up to the sixth, the film's box office performance in the Celestial Dynasty was very average.

The sixth film was crushed by the same period of "* Times" and did not even have a box office of 500 million. The worst fourth film is so pitiful that most of the movie-related websites have no record of box office data.

Then in the seventh installment, this series was directly fried.

The result of RMB 2.427 billion directly crushed "Reunion II" and became the champion of imported movies and box office that year.

The most amazing thing is that at that time, many of the audience’s reasons for watching "Skick 7" were to commemorate Paul...

Especially some Paul fans who suddenly appeared, remember Paul on various social platforms.

He is almost touted as the most powerful actor in the world.

There are also men, but not as exaggerated as those fans.

Although Universal’s promotion of dead people is indeed a bit like that, as a commercial project, Qiye is somewhat acceptable.

It doesn’t mean that the movie won’t be released because people are dead, right?

But for this group of people, those shameless people, Qiye really wanted to give them a set of middle finger service.

When other people's movies were released, you just ignored them and followed the Four Girls' movies.

Now that people go to see Jehovah, you can’t love him anymore?

Where did you guys go when "Quick Attack 6" was released?

Those who chanted to commemorate Paul, even if half of them went to watch "Quick Motion 6," the box office would not even be less than 500 million.

Of course more magical things are behind.

Starting from "Speed ​​7", this IP has become a first-class IP in China.

Even "Gaiden" can get nearly 1.5 billion yuan in the box office.

From the example of "Quick Excitement", Qiye sees two characteristics of the audience in the Celestial Dynasty.

One is to follow suit, the other is nostalgic.

Although when a movie hits a big explosion, it will form a trend of watching movies by the whole people.

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