Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1488

The theater can choose to lock some seats in the theater in the APP port.

In this way, when the audience buys tickets on the APP port, these seats are displayed as sold.

Qiye himself saw a similar situation more than once, and heard more people in the circle.

When "Endgame" was released, all the imperial thrones in the zero-point scene were locked in this way.

The audience can only choose the corner seats on the APP.

Those good seats are either reserved by the internal relations staff, or the audience has to buy them on site.

The on-site price is not the price of a hundred yuan displayed on the APP.

Gui knows this kind of thing, but it doesn't mean that Qiye will swallow his breath.

So before the jet lag, Qiye asked Jiufeng's people to investigate the matter.

Qiye didn't want to make things too stiff, he would still make money in the heavens in the future.

As long as there is a reasonable explanation here, Qiye doesn't plan to pursue it anymore.

Seven nights came to the heavens to make money, and harmony to make money is the truth.

Of course, you still have to have the attitude you should have, otherwise people will treat you as a soft persimmon and you will be annoyed by staring at Jiufeng's box office.

Seriously, Qiye didn't think that the money could be recovered.

Although, if you really want to go through legal channels, it is not impossible.

But Qiye will never come to this point.

Because even if you want to get back the money from "Prologue", Jiufeng's movie will probably be blocked later.

Jiufeng is not the only film company in the world.

The other six Hollywood companies are not fools, how could they not see the potential of the heavenly market.

Jiufeng really fell out with the Tianchao Market, and they would all wake up from their dreams.

Fortunately, this year's box office has long been not the main income of the movie, especially the series of Jiufeng.

Qiye is more concerned about peripheral income than pure box office income.

In this regard, Qiye is particularly envious of Disney.

If you only look at the ticket price, Disneyland basically loses money.

Don't look at the price of tickets to the Magic City Disneyland in the past life, but only considering the ticket profit and operating cost, Magic City Disneyland is still losing money.

But the role of Disneyland is not to rely on tickets to generate profits.

Surroundings and other additional consumption in the park, such as food, are the real money-making items for Disneyland.

This is only the profit on the books. Many hidden profits are invisible but can be felt.

For example, the US$5.5 billion involved in the construction of Disneyland is a huge investment for China.

There are also countless job offers after the completion of Disneyland, as well as the promotion of the development of the magic city tourism industry, and so on.

Disney's contribution is not without return.

The most obvious thing is that Disney's movies will always receive various preferential treatments.

Qiye certainly wants to replicate Disney's success in Heaven.

In fact, Jiufeng has a natural disadvantage compared to Disney in the celestial dynasty.

After all, Jiufeng started the game, and the mainstream evaluation of the game in this country...

It can only be said that everything is difficult at the beginning. Jiufeng has a long way to go if he wants to develop in the sky.

After handing over the stealing of the box office to the staff at Jiufeng, Qiye put it down.

He couldn't change anything anyway, he just waited for the result.

It's not always necessary to mention this to the big shots during official meetings, right?

That would be too slapped in the face.

After the jet lag passed, Qiye started the vacation mode.

He took Lily to some famous places in the magic city for fun, nicknamed "Field Investigation".

After the opening of the Magic City Film Festival, Qiye took Lily to watch several movies.

Most of them are celestial films, but there is one exception, and that is "The Dark Knight".

Lily couldn't understand Qiye's move.

"Seven nights, have you watched "The Dark Knight" more than once? Why do you want to ask for movie tickets?"

When the two people walked out of the theater after watching the IMAX version of "The Dark Knight," Lily asked curiously.

In response to Lily's question, Qiye gently shook her finger.

"Lily, you won't understand." Qiye closed her eyes as if she was thinking about something.

"I just don't understand anyway."

Lily mumbled angrily.

She originally thought that Qiye attached so much importance to a movie she had seen because she had an appointment to watch it with others.

For example, the fish stealing cat in the Heavenly Dynasty.

That's why Lily leaned over sullenly, wanting to catch an action.

I don't know that Qiye is actually watching a movie.

This made Lily depressed.

She hadn't come if she knew it was the result.

Although he has appeared in Nolan's "Inception", the relationship with Nolan himself is also very good.

But she really didn't like the movie "The Dark Knight".

If it weren't for being able to watch the movie with Qiye arm in arm, I guess Lily might leave early.

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