Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1490

Mijiang saw two author questions and answers today.

1. Reader: Why are the five sisters of the five-part marriage all big breasts?

Spring Field: Before the serialization, I received an opinion to draw at least one poor breast, but I refused. I have a very important reason to draw all the breasts.

2. Reader: Why are Robin and Nami both big breasts?

Oda: You only understand if I say it several times!I drew a boy’s dream!People all over the world have turned into big breasts for me!

Now that Mr. Oda has said so, then Michan also dreams of it.(*/ω*)

Chapter 813 Excuse me, do you want a middle-aged brother Zheng, or a young brother Zheng?

In the last few days of the Magic City Film Festival, Qiye attended either a banquet or a forum.

Basically, the daily activities are fully arranged, not as leisurely as the previous few days.

Fortunately, the time is not long, otherwise Qiye feels that she will definitely get fatter when she returns to North America.

Because there are still a lot of jobs in North America, Qiye certainly cannot stay here for a long time.

After the film festival is over, according to the itinerary made before the coming to the sky, there will be the last two activities in Qiye.

One was to give a lecture at Magic University, and the other was to audition for the actors of "Great Qin Empire".

The previous one is nothing, Qiye basically just briefly introduced the situation in Hollywood, and said that he is very optimistic about the development of Tianchao film and television.

To put it bluntly, Qiye used some relatively obscure words to tell these young people a very unpretentious truth.

Don't think about going abroad all day long. Opportunities in the heavens are much greater than in the United States.

If a rich person goes to the United States, it may be very moist.

But if you are poor and white, it is better to go to the United States than to Southeast Asia.

At the very least, you can see clearly what the person who robbed you looks like, instead of just seeing two white eyes.

This way, when reporting a crime, you can tell the police more clearly.

As for whether the police will be in charge, Qiye doesn't know.

After all, for a foreigner who has little money, there is no essential difference between the police in the United States and the police in Southeast Asia.

Just Qiye didn't know if these college students could understand it.

However, I want to come to the Internet is already quite developed, and I can find out what I said by checking it up.

With the end of Qiye’s lecture at the university, Qiye’s trip to the celestial dynasty was left with the last task—that is, selecting actors.

The whole country has long known about FGO going to the stage.

After all, such good promotional materials, how could Jiufeng Tianchao Branch not make good use of it when it announced the "Prologue".

Even at the beginning of this year, a vigorous audition of actors was launched.

Anyway, all the actors in the audition have to go, why don't they take the ride of the "Prologue" promotion?

Although the celestial requirement is that imported films must be released one month before they can be promoted.

But Jiufeng Entertainment has changed the concept by stealing the chicken thief. We are not promoting the "Prologue", but doing the actor audition.

As for the people of the celestial dynasty who saw such a fanfare of the "Da Qin" actor audition, would they think of "Prologue".

Jiufeng Entertainment said that it could not manage this issue.

After all, the heads are grown on everyone, so outsiders can't limit it at all, can they?

The effect of this can be said to be quite good, because Jiufeng did not impose restrictions on actors, so most of the actors in the celestial dynasty are very interested in being able to appear in Hollywood movies.

In order to be able to show themselves in front of Jiufeng Entertainment, many actors expressed in public that they hope to join FGO.

This scene is somewhat similar to when European and American stars heard that Qiye was about to launch a new Fate series.

Through the propaganda of these actors' own dry food, the propaganda of "Prologue" in the celestial dynasty can be said to be in place.

Think about the publicity of "Transformers 4" in the future. Because of the addition of the heavenly elements, all kinds of publicity are overwhelming.

The current FGO promotion can be said to be worse than worse.

This is also one of the contributing factors for "Prologue" to achieve excellent results in the celestial dynasty.

After all, in 2011, the vast majority of movie audiences in the Celestial Dynasty had just been exposed to the charm of big screen movies.

They are still very yearning for Hollywood to add celestial elements to movies.

Of course, there are a lot of fuss.

For example, through the popularity of "Avatar", I changed the name of my home attraction to a certain scenic spot in [Hallelujah Mountain].

In the last life, the turning point when the Chinese audience was really disappointed with the addition of the Chinese celestial elements in Hollywood was in "Iron Man 3."

After all, the so-called special edition of Heavenly Dynasty not only lacked sincerity, but also disrupted the rhythm of the movie.

The original "Iron Man 3" is still a relatively qualified popcorn movie.

However, the few fragments of the special edition of Tianchao seem to be decorated with two salted duck eggs on a finished cake.

Let the people who watch the movie have no idea why.

Of course, "Iron Man 3" can only be said to be a breaking point. The operation of the special 3D version of the sky has long made the audience of the sky tired of the so-called elements of the sky.

However, in this world line, Marvel's "Iron Man 3" project is completely different from Qiye's previous life.

Not only will there be no so-called special edition of the Heavenly Dynasty, but even the movie script has been completely changed.

In this way, Qiye really wants to know which movie the turning point of the Celestial senses of Hollywood audiences will be.

Anyway, disappointment is bound to be disappointed, even if there is no "Iron Man 3", there are a series of movies such as "Transformers 4", "Pacific Rim 2", "Independence Day 2" and so on are waiting for the audience in the celestial dynasty.

Of course, Qiye believes that it will definitely not be her own "Da Qin".

After all, unlike those movies that simply add elements to cheat money, their own "Da Qin" is really blowing the sky.

After all, the Orbital Great Wall or something, it is estimated that the audiences of the Heavenly Dynasty will not be able to make up for it.

On the other hand, other Hollywood movies have not used so many celestial actors like Qiye.

With such a cosmopolitan Hollywood movie in film production, Qiye estimates that only "Mulan" in the future will be comparable to "Da Qin".

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