Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1498

With the popularity of "Prologue", when the FGO crew team led by Qiye arrived at the entrance of the San Diego International Convention and Exhibition Center, it was immediately surrounded by a large number of fans and blocked in the small square in front of the entrance.

The San Diego Comic Show has been held for many years. Of course, the organizers of the exhibition have made certain preparations in advance.

But when the FGO crew arrived, the scene was still in chaos.

Fortunately, Qiye has seen this situation with the crew members a long time ago.

Of course they know how to deal with such a situation-sitting in the car quietly waiting for the convoy to pass through the crowd.

It's not that Qiye, they are unfeeling, proud of their fans and don't want to bother them.

But getting off the car or opening the window at this time will only make the situation completely out of control.

This kind of joking about the lives of fans is truly irresponsible to them.

Qiye turned her head and glanced behind her, and found that the car in which Lily and Yumi were riding was more severely blocked.

Fortunately, the organizers and the San Diego local police have always maintained order at the scene, and this has not happened to the worst thing that the car was crushed by people.

"Don't even think about getting out of the car in a short time." Qiye complained, "It's like watching a zombie movie in VR."

Zhizhi asked curiously: "VR? Is it the kind of projection device that I wear on my head?"

"Have you actually learned about it?"

"Yes." Zhizhi said helplessly, "probably because of the relationship between IMAX and 3D movies, we are regarded by the outside world as the pioneers of film technology."

"Every time we start making a movie, many film technology companies come to sell us technology."

Weaving looked ahead through the windshield, but only saw a crowd of people.

Knowing that he couldn't pass the crowd in a short time, he simply chatted with Qiye.

"VR is just one of the technologies they sell. There are also Dolby Atmos projection equipment and high frame rate shooting technology..."

"Gan! Shouldn't you, the chief producer, handle this kind of thing?! Why should I handle it!"

Zhiyue said more and more angry, and finally roared at Qiye.

Qiye ignored Zhizhi's attitude, and just said: "Dolby Atmos can be considered, and VR and high-frame shooting are fine. Those two technologies are simply deceptive."

"Is it a question of whether the technology can be used?!"

Ori really wanted to scratch Qiye's face three times and then throw this guy into the mountain to be a tiger.

The fans outside the car are really enthusiastic. They don't care if this is the hottest time of the year, or whether so many people will have heat stroke or not.

They just want to be as close to their idol as possible.

Fortunately, through the unremitting efforts of the organizers, the order of the team has finally begun to improve.

After about half an hour, the car finally came outside the venue.

Qiye got out of the car with her own actors under the escort of security guards.

Because there were so many fans at the scene, they did not dare to stay.

After waving to the fans, he hurriedly entered the San Diego International Convention and Exhibition Center.

After walking into the convention and exhibition center, Qiye wiped the dense beads of sweat on his forehead.

These sweats were not only the result of the hot weather in July, but also the pressure from the enthusiastic fans outside.

No matter how many similar scenes she has seen, Qiye can feel the pressure.

After all, with so many people, in the event of an accident, the result would be disastrous.

"I don't know if other stars will receive such a warm welcome when they arrive."

Lily whispered with lingering fears.

"I don't know, but our popularity is enough."

Qiye found many fans of CosSaber, many of whom were wearing black clothes.

It is not strange to meet Cos at the comic show, but Qiye is still very happy to see so many people starting to dress up as black Saber.

Because it depends on the situation, black Saber's clothes are the most popular dress on the scene.

This shows that everyone has begun to accept the role of Black Saber, and it also means that the first step of Altria's army has been successful.

"Director Kiryu, let's go inside."

The security guard whispered in Qiye's ear.

Because he saw that the fans outside were going to make a detour to find here, it made him very nervous.

Compared with the frowning security guard around him, Qiye's mentality is very good.

He was not eager to leave, but carefully observed the influence of "Prologue" among fans.

Don't take a glance to see that those people are all fans of Fate, but these people are fans of the three series of FSN, FZ and FGO.

Therefore, Qiye needs to distinguish carefully, the Cos costume on each fan, or the movie surroundings they hold in their hands.

Through a rough calculation of the number of people, Qiye hopes to know how popular "Prologue" is among Fate fans.

So far it seems that the results are pretty good, and "Prologue" occupies more than half.

Obviously, after more than ten weeks of screening, "Prologue" has formed its own influence.

The latest North American box office data for this film was obtained when Qiye returned to North America.

After the accumulation of time, "Prologue" has obtained eye-catching box office data.

While proving the commercial value of the IP of Fate, it also proved from the side that Qiye and Jiufeng Entertainment had tossed so many gimmicks in vain.

In order to follow up the box office and commercial income of other FGO movies, Qiye will definitely continue to toss with Jiufeng Entertainment.

As for whether this is a good thing for fans, it's hard to say.

After all, this kind of thing is more of a willingness to fight and a willingness to suffer.

I can only sigh that those poor audiences were played by Qiye.

As of yesterday, "Prologue" North America has won a box office of 358.08 million US dollars.

Although it is certainly not possible to exceed the 400 million dollar line, Qiye and Jiufeng Entertainment are already very satisfied.

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