Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Development Plan Chapter 1501

However, the words of weaving also remind Qiye that recently FGO peripheral products have been done a bit too much.

The pits are too big, and it is easy to drain the consumption potential of fans.

In order to ensure a sustainable operation strategy, Qiye feels that the types of peripheral products of FGO should be temporarily reduced.

Qiye remembers the scenes in "Reunion 2" in the previous life. That was probably the only setback encountered in the mid-term after the development of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Just looking at the movie box office, "Reunion 2" is undoubtedly an excellent commercial film.

But on the other hand, "Reunion 2" is also a failed movie, because Disney over-commercialized the Marvel IP during that time period.

This evil result was manifested when the word of mouth collapsed after the release of "Reunion 2".

A large number of peripheral products piled up, making Disney suffer a boring loss.

In the end, Disney admitted that the commercial operation of "Reunion 2" failed.

But of course, Disney will not admit that it is overdrafting the commercial potential of IP, so they pushed the pot on Marvel, and then cleaned up the senior management.

Qiye didn't want FGO to have a situation like "Reunion 2".

So Qiye directly called the relevant departments of Jiufeng Entertainment and asked them to collect information first.

When I return to New York, I will revisit the surrounding issues of FGO.

After Lily, Yumi and others entered the exhibition hall, the San Diego Comic Exhibition officially kicked off.

The press conference was scheduled in the afternoon, and the Jiufeng booth in the morning only arranged interaction with a few actors and fans.

Don't say nothing new.

For fans, they can meet their idols, talk to them, and then get the idol’s autograph.

A set of procedures is already very exciting for fans.

However, Qiye did not participate in the morning fan interaction.

This is not because he doesn't care about fans, but because of FGO's publicity strategy.

After all, directors, unlike stars and actors, do not need to deliberately show affinity for fans.

As a behind-the-scenes worker, the director needs to maintain his sense of mystery, which will make the audience more interested in the director.

Moreover, I have to host a press conference in the afternoon of Qiye, and it would be too tiring to receive fans in the morning.

However, Qiye still prepared his signature FGO poster as a lucky draw gift for the lucky fans present.

After dinner and lunch, Qiye came to the conference site, and found that the conference hall was already full of people.

There is no need to count, just by looking at it, you can find that the number of audiences at this conference is seriously exceeding the standard.

Although it has not yet reached the point of selling hanging tickets, Qiye has already seen fans who bought squatting tickets.

Of course this is all a joke. Fans of this press conference can come and watch as long as they have made an appointment online.

This is why the relationship is severely overcrowded.

If it weren't for this press conference will be broadcast live on the whole network, it is estimated that more people will come to the scene.

But despite the large number of spectators, the order is still neat.

Everyone is waiting for what kind of surprise Qiye can bring to everyone.

When the needle walked to 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Jiufeng Entertainment's San Diego Comic Con conference finally began.

Qiye walked onto the podium wearing a white shirt and simply greeted everyone present.

"Hello everyone." Qiye beckoned to the audience, "I know what you are here for and what you want to see. So I won't talk nonsense and bring you what you want directly."

Qiye pointed her finger behind her, and the whole report meeting hall was dimmed.

Immediately after the press conference, a promotional video of "Prologue" began to be played on the big screen.

The audience, who was still cheering, turned into chattering voices.

Watching the battle between Matthew and Saber on the screen, the entire lecture hall was filled with black question marks.

"This is it? This is it?! This is it!!!"

pS1: Mijiang's evaluation of Daoye is neutral.

If you didn't fall for it, you wouldn't be able to buy a lot of things.

Moreover, the job of the Lord is quite risky, and it would be very miserable in case of compensation.

Of course, malicious speculation of this mi sauce is absolutely disgusting.

It's better for that kind of person to die sooner.

pS2: This May Day is really lonely...

The comic show in Hangzhou was cancelled due to force majeure.

Originally, this should be the annual face-to-face moment for several friends of the platform.

After all, including Mijiang herself, several familiar authors here are all on the street, and they are not qualified to participate in the annual meeting._(:з∠)_

I hope that it will get better in the second half of the year, and Hangzhou will start the show.(?ω?.)

Chapter 819 Mustard young child Who?

Everyone should be able to imagine that when you have been thinking about a toy for a long time.

Now I finally bought this toy.

But when you open the box, you find that the contents are disappointing.

Obviously, the official photos of the toy are as handsome as Thor in "Infinite War", but the real thing is the same as Mr. Xu.

Although Teacher Xu still has a special flavor, he belongs to the type that looks more handsome.

But at the moment of opening the toy package, I believe no one will be happy.

After all, the wrong version is too much

The current Jiufeng conference gives people this feeling.

Everyone thought that Seven Nights at this conference would bring unforgettable surprises to everyone.

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