Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 152

[Damn it, my uncle, what are you stupid saying?


Qiye was about to wave his hand to indicate that she was choking.

However, when Qiye's line of sight came into contact with Liang Yijun, she found that the other party was showing a very bad smile.And with the passage of time, Liang Yijun not only failed to converge, but intensified even more.

As if demonstrating to himself, Liang Yijun's mouth changed constantly, but Qiye read a word he was saying repeatedly.


Qiye didn't know if Liang Yijun was talking about his older sister, younger brother, or both. He only hoped that his uncle who was not in shape would be stable.

"Ahem! Ahem!"

Qiye coughed twice and signaled Liang Yijun not to go too far, but Liangyi Kiyomi was obviously wrong about what he meant.

"Qiyae, are you okay? Are you ill with such a bad cough? Do you want us to take you to the hospital now?"

Probably because of the relationship that has been hanging around in the hospital these days, Ryoki Kiyomi is particularly concerned about the physical condition of the junior.She looked at Qiye nervously and was about to call the maid over.

Feeling that her arm was being grasped tightly, Qiye waved her hand quickly and said, "It's nothing, I was just shocked by the words of your uncle."

"Are you sure there is no problem? It is dangerous if the drink reaches the lungs!"

"Really, it's okay."

Several black lines hung on Qiye's face. Although this aunt cared about herself as a good thing, could she not make it so serious?

"That's good." After seeing Qiye there was indeed no problem, Liangyi Qingmei relaxed, and she said to Qiye, "Really, you children really don't worry about it."

"Sorry, I worried you."

"Qingmei, you are too careful." Liang Yijun laughed loudly, "Qiye is just a little worried about being in the hospital."

"It sounds like you don't care." Liang Yiqing gave her husband a white look.

"I care too, but Qiye's level of care is different from ours. He cares about weaving () as much as I care about you. After all, although the two of them are not related by blood, they are considered relatives."

[Do you have to say something so ambiguous?

The corners of Qiye's mouth twitched slightly.

"What are you talking nonsense?" Liangyi Qingmei patted her husband on the shoulder, but her face was full of triumph.

"Oh, my wife. I'm telling the truth."

"You still say!"

Qiye took the dog food in front of her and silently took a big mouthful of soba noodles dipped in seasoning.

"It's sour...too much vinegar."


pS: Nourishing the stomach is a long-term process. An anonymous person with poor gastrointestinal conditions, Mi Jiang, said that an ordinary gastritis takes about one month. For patients who have been eating liquid food for a long time like this, at least half a year. Only above can eat normal food.

Chapter 119

The New Year at Liangyi's house was very good except for the uncomfortable New Year's Eve dinner.This is really a rare break for Qiye after a busy year.

During the New Year, he stayed idle in the mansion of Liangyi's family and did not go anywhere except for New Year's visits.

In the past seven nights, I felt that burning incense during the Chinese New Year was really annoying.

When he was in his hometown of Shimane, he would visit the shrine every year during the New Year.

Because at this time, there are many young ladies who wear witch uniforms in the god society who can watch from a distance. You must know that Qiye, the animal, is the least resistant to the two uniforms of witch uniforms and police uniforms.

As for the close play, anyway, until seven nights before the breakup, the ex-girlfriend could not be put on the witch costume.

Because the shrine's rented shrine maiden costumes are too expensive, Qiye is really reluctant to rent it, for fear that it will be broken.

Now I have money, but I don’t have a girlfriend.

This makes Qiye feel extremely sad, and it is not a fish and a bear paw, why can't his girlfriend and the witch costume have both!

In order to relieve the depression in her heart, Nanaya visited the shrines in Kyoto in these few days of the New Year.

As a historical city in Japan, there are many temples and shrines in Kyoto. Qiye specially selected a few shrines to visit it, which can be regarded as a good eye addiction and supplemented a lot of witch energy-in the form of photos.

I have to say that Kyoto is worthy of being a big city, and even the maiden maidens who work part-time are much higher in quality than the small rural area of ​​Qiye.After a few days, Qiye got a lot of good-quality photos of Miss Miko, and I plan to find Shijifen (show off) and enjoy (show off) next time.

As for the temples in Kyoto, Qiye didn't go to the whole family. After all, the female nun's robes were not his food, and the red and white clothes of the maiden were more suitable for him.

In the past few days and seven nights, I rarely go to the hospital to visit Zhizhi. After all, his younger brother and younger brother are not really sick, and he is not very familiar with the two ceremonies of his sister.Although I have been there twice, it was only a courtesy visit.

After all these days, Liangyi Qingmei ran to the hospital every day, Qiye was really embarrassed to disturb their family reunion.

I don't know how Liang Yijun did it. It is clear that Liangyi's sister and brother do not live in the same department, but they currently live in the same ward.

Although this is indeed convenient for Liangyi Kiyomi to visit two children at once, but...

Forget it.

Qiye felt that it would be better not to delve into the details of some things.

Until January 5th, Qiye had to leave Tokyo early due to work issues. As for Zhiye, still pretending to be sick in the ward, because so far he and his father have not yet figured out how to explain the work. Things.

In fact, Qiye didn't want to return to Tokyo so early, but he didn't have the final say about the work.

Because he must first meet a person, and then go to the United States to promote "Goblin Slayer" with the other person. As for this person...

"Onie sauce, this way! This way!"

As soon as Qiye walked out of the platform, she saw that Illiya was struggling to return to herself.

Next to Lori stood Shion, while Iioka and Serra, who were the attendants, were standing later.

"Illya, Shion!"

Qiye dragged the suitcase and walked quickly to the two of them, "Why did you come together?"

"Of course it is because of work. Don't forget who is the investor of "Goblin Slayer"."

Shion used a folding fan to cover her face when she spoke. Qiye was really afraid that she would catch a cold with the fan in the winter.

"Ouni-chan, what about the brother of Liangyi? Why didn't you see him, could it be said that he dumped Ouni-chan?" Illiya tilted her neck and looked behind Qiye, trying to find Liangyizhi.

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