Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1614

It's as if other film companies are preparing their own movie publicity plans based on the release time of "Da Qin".

Jiufeng Entertainment also needs to determine the propaganda strategy of "Da Qin" through the review of the Tianchao side.

To be precise, it is the propaganda strategy of the Heavenly Dynasty.

It is different from other imported films that can only be promoted on a large scale one month before the release.

With the blessing of co-production, Jiufeng Entertainment can start various publicity activities after the trial.

For example, interviews with actors, network information announcements, etc.

These are special treatments that belong exclusively to "Da Qin".

The celestial audit department also knows Jiufeng's ideas. Not only did they not stop them, they were very cooperative.

If "Da Qin" can detonate the celestial market, it would be a very beautiful "contribution" for them to co-produce this film.

So before Christmas, Qiye received a reply from the Tianchao side who successfully passed the trial.

"That's really great, let everyone start the promotion."

When receiving a call from Liangyizhi, Qiye was in Venice, Italy.

After hanging up the phone with Zhizhi, Qiye immediately communicated with Shion briefly.

Less than an hour later, [See Moon] and the official account of Jiufeng Entertainment at Station B announced the schedule of "Da Qin".

The release time in North America is May 3, while the Celestial Time is April 28.

Obviously, "Da Qin" was aimed at the box office of the May Day holiday.

This result made Hollywood film companies breathe a sigh of relief, but it made various film companies in the empire swear.

What about the vacation protection files for domestic films?!

How come you put a Hollywood movie until the May Day holiday!!!

So all the film companies can only curse and adjust their schedules quickly.

It’s just that these people don’t know that even if there is no "Da Qin", there will still be a Hollywood movie called "Iron Man 3" released in May 1st in 2013.

If there is something in common between "Da Qin" and the historical "Iron Man 3", it should be that the "Tian Dynasty flavor" is particularly strong.

pS1: Michan has forgotten whether Warner's head was Kevin Tsujihara in 12 years.

It doesn't matter anyway, it doesn't matter.╮(╯▽╰)╭

Kevin Tsujihara resigned on March 19, 2019 due to a sex scandal.

For many DC fans, this should be a good thing.23333

pS2: The special edition "Steel 3" was released on May 1. Although it was the last day, it was squeezed into the May Day holiday that year.

It can be seen that "Chinese characteristics" is sometimes very useful.(.-Ω-)……

pS23: This chapter is the second chapter update today.After I finish writing the chapter update tomorrow morning, the update will return to normal.

See the situation tomorrow and try to increase it.

I'm really embarrassed these two days._(:з∠)_

Chapter 875: This Is My Work

Qiye didn't know how the filmmakers in the celestial court would scold herself.

Of course, even if he knew Qiye, he wouldn't care too much.

Just as an elephant doesn’t care about the ants passing by.

Although there has always been an allusion that ants often kill elephants, the prerequisite for small ants to kill elephants is to unite.

But Qiye, who spent so long in the movie circle of the celestial dynasty in his previous life, certainly knew the nature of these people.

Except for a few people, most of the people who made movies in the Celestial Dynasty belonged to the kind of bluffing, but in fact, they were useless at all.

For those guys, Qiye didn't pay attention to those people from the beginning.

For these people, Qiye is not even old Feng Gao.

Although Lao Feng has a bad mouth, he at least dares to think and do it.

And those people...


After the release schedule of "Da Qin" was published on his [See Moon] account, Qiye completely put down his work and entered the vacation mode.

"Well, I can rest completely now."

In the presidential suite, Qiye closed the notebook and let out a sigh of relief.

"So, you busy man finally have time to accompany me?"

Ryan lay on the thick soft blanket and raised his eyebrows at Qiye.

Qiye smiled, and her eyes on the ceiling turned to Ryan's white buttocks.

"Qiya what are you thinking now?"

Qiye didn't answer Ryan's question, but his very aggressive gaze moved upwards along the curve of Ryan's body.

In the end, Qiye's eyes fell on Ryan's bright red lips.

As if noticing Qiye's eyes, Ryan raised the corners of his mouth and made a provocative look at Qiye.

"Ryan, do you know you are seduce me?"

Qiye murmured.

"Yes, I know."

Ryan nodded affirmatively: "There is still a little time before dinner, we can do it again."

Ryan put his arms around Qiye's neck and lightly pecked on his lips.

The long blond hair covered Qiye's chest.


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